Last time all the English books were torn by Xu Mei. Now all the books on the desk are new. It seems that He Dong bought them for Mingyu again.

"Little aunt, you see, my father taught me all this." Mingyu opened as like as two peas of a book, which was written exactly the same as Xu did before.

In a short day, Xu Yue seems to know another Hedong. He is warm, careful and occasionally naughty. He is like a boy who hasn't grown up. It seems that time has come back to the time when they went to school. If only he didn't grow up

"Auntie? What are you thinking? " Mingyu's little milk voice brings Xu Yue back to reality.

"Ah? My aunt was thinking, "Why are we so smart? I'm going to teach you new words today." Then Xu Yue picked up her English book and began to teach new content to Mingyu.

Time always flies. After having dinner with Mingyu, Hedong still doesn't come back.

"Auntie, dad said that you would always be with me before he came back, right?" Maybe seeing that it's getting late, Mingyu is worried about Xu Yue's leaving.

"Don't worry. I won't leave until your father comes back." Xu Yue touched Mingyu's little brain and said softly.

Then Xu Yue played with Mingyu for a while. She watched the time getting late and helped the little guy take a bath. She watched his smooth little body in the bathtub. It was very lovely.

Mingyu is super good. He also cooperates with me when taking a bath. It's the first time for Xu Yuechang to help a child take a bath. He thought he would be in a mess, but he didn't expect it to go very smoothly.

After taking a bath, Xu Yue wrapped Mingyu in a bath towel and took him to the bedroom.

Help him put on the lovely pajamas, the little guy may also be tired, lying in bed soon fell asleep, did not quarrel let Xu Yue tell him a story.

As time goes by, He Dong still doesn't come back. Xu Yue worries that Mingyu doesn't fall asleep. When he wakes up, there is no one around him. He will be sad, so he stays by the bed and doesn't leave.

As Xu Yue was about to leave, she heard the sound of the key opening the door

When hearing the noise outside, Xu Yue crept out of Mingyu's bedroom and closed the door gently.

As soon as he got to the living room, he smelled the strong smell of wine. He Dong took off his shoes and suit coat and lay on the sofa in a big word.

"How can you drink like this?" Seeing him, Xu Yue felt inexplicable and distressed. She said to herself while pouring a glass of water for him.

"Hedong? Are you all right? Get up and drink some water. " Xu Yue went to the sofa and saw his face flushed.

He has always been allergic to alcohol, as long as he drinks, his whole body will be red, but as CEO, it is impossible for him to completely stop drinking.

"Well? I feel so bad... " Hedong's face was full of pain.

"Do you want to throw up? Or what? " Xu Yue asked anxiously.

"I'm so tired..." He Dong said such a sentence feebly.

Xu Yue's heart is like being stabbed by a knife. No matter how bad things she has experienced in recent years, she feels that she can survive. It's nothing. But when she sees the man she adores, she is heartbroken and uncomfortable.

They are all the same, living a life that has nothing to do with each other, and they are not happy

"If you're tired, you can have a rest early. I'll go home first." Xu Yue doesn't dare and doesn't want to look at him any more. She prefers that he will always be a proud young man.

"Don't, don't go, don't leave me, OK?" He Dong said, holding Xu Yue's hand tightly.

"You drink too much, Hedong." Xu Yue wants to break free, but her strength is too small to help.

"I didn't drink much. I know exactly what I'm doing now. Xu Yue, can you stop resisting me like this?" He Dong said, and forced her into his arms.

Xu Yue was so tightly held by him that she couldn't get rid of it.

"Hedong, let me go. Don't do that." Xu Yue knew that he just drank too much, so she said to him in a very gentle tone.

"I don't want to. I don't want to let go of your hand any more. Yueyue, why didn't you go to college with me then? Why? Do you know how long I've been waiting for you? Do you know how long I've been looking for you, but you're like the world has evaporated without any news. I really miss you... " Xu Yue sees tears fall from the corner of He Dong's eye.

"You said you had been looking for me for a long time?" Xu Yue never knew that she had such a heavy weight in his heart.

"Where on earth have you been? What have you been through these years? Why don't you come to me? " Hedong's face showed a very painful expression, still holding her tightly and refusing to let go.

All the time, Xu Yue felt that He Dong and I were just wishful thinking. She loved him sincerely and warmly. She wanted to give him everything she had. As long as he wanted and she had, he never responded to her love until they were more and more distant. He was a student of a famous university. She entered the society ahead of time and began to make a living Since then, there has been a big gap between themXu Yue didn't go to him either. After the car accident, her mother had a big operation. When she saw that her mother's health had improved, she went to the university where he was. At that time, he was still famous in the school. He was handsome, studied well and played well. He was just the prince charming in all the young girls' hearts. When the female classmates passing by mentioned He Dong, they were all ecstatic, but At that time, she was so bad, how could she be worthy of such a good him?

I waited for him for a long time under the boys' dormitory. When he came back, I found that there was a female classmate beside him. They talked for a long time in front of the dormitory, and gave each other a hug before they left. She watched the scene in the corner with tears pouring down. At that moment, she really felt how humble her love was. They looked so talented and beautiful She's just an ordinary girl who didn't go to college or have a diploma

Xu Yue was both envious and envious. It was the first time that she really said goodbye to the boy she liked in her heart. Although she knew for a long time that they would never be the same as they were at the beginning, when she saw other women around him, she was still sad to die. What could she do? Maybe it was predestined

"Yueyue, I love you, don't leave me, OK ~" I don't know whether it's drunk or He Dong's true heart, but Xu Yue is sure that what he called is not someone else's name, it's her name.