The blushing face is just in the direction of Xu Yue.

Looking at the familiar face, Xu Yue covered her mouth in shock.


How can she be with Tianyi?

At the same time, Xiao Na also found the existence of Xu Yue. She pushed song Tianyi away in a panic and covered her body in a hurry.

"Xu Xu Yue, when did you come? "

Song Tianyi, who is suddenly interrupted, is very upset and curses. He pulls the towel around him and looks down at Xu Yue.

"What are you doing here? I have nothing to do with you. "

His expression was so calm that he didn't have the slightest bit of confusion and guilt. Instead, he questioned Xu Yue first.

Xu Yue clenched her fist and looked at his strange eyebrows with dim tears, "shouldn't you give me an explanation? Why do you hang out with my colleagues? "

Pa -

Song Tianyi slapped Xu Yue impatiently, "don't look like I let you down. It's clear that you cheated me. You have no money, no house, no diploma, and there is a woman in the family. If you were not honest, do you think I would want to marry you? "

Xu Yue fell to the ground and looked at him in disbelief, "so you don't love me at all?"

Was all his love for her false before?

Song Tianyi sneered and looked at Xu Yue with his arms in his arms, "whatever you say, you believe it! So many women choose you, but the result is a rotten goods, even children are not born! What bad luck

Every time he said a word, he stabbed Xu Yue's heart like a sharp blade.

Heartbroken at the same time, also let Xu Yue see clearly the real face of this slag man. She was so blind that she took a fancy to such a scum!

"You son of a bitch!"

Xu Yue was so angry that she raised her bag and smashed it at him. This scum man not only cheated her feelings, but also betrayed her first. He even dared to insult her!

"What are you doing? Let go

Xiao Na put on her clothes in a hurry, pushed Xu Yue away, and looked at Song Tianyi's injury painfully, "what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing!" Song Tianyi rubbed the hurt face, turned around and suddenly kicked Xu Yue hard, "you bitch, you dare to beat me!"

"Well..." Xu Yue curled up and lay on the ground. She felt that her intestines were almost broken and she was sweating with pain.

Xiao Na gloated at Xu Yue, "you deserve it! It is estimated that everyone in the company will know that your fiance doesn't want you tomorrow! "

Wen Yan, Xu Yue suddenly looked up at her, "it's you! It's you who spread those rumors

It turned out that Shawna deliberately slandered her. She always thought it was Xu Mei. But she and Shawna have always had a good relationship. Why does Shawna hate her so much?

"That's right, it's me, who makes you act good in front of the director every day and make the director value you so much!"

Xu Yue sneered a few times. It turned out that the director valued her, so Xiao Na envied her and slandered her. It seems that she takes workplace relations too simply.

Enduring the pain, Xu Yue stood up and looked at the dog men and women in front of him, "well, I'm Xu Yue. This time, I'll take it as a lesson. We have nothing to do with each other in the future."

Song Tianyi suddenly grabbed Xu Yue and said with a sneer, "wait, do you want to leave so easily? First, compensate me for the mental loss in the past year! "

How many shameless people can say such words!

Xu Yue raised her hand and slapped him on the arm. "It's obviously you who betrayed me. How dare you ask me for spiritual loss? What a shame

Song Tianyi approached again, and the scoundrel said: "yes, I am shameless, but you don't want to go out if you don't pay me today!"


"What is this doing?"

Just between them, the door was suddenly opened again, and a short, fat woman came in.

As soon as he saw her, song Tianyi said: "Mom, come here to help me. Xu Yue is messing around outside. She can't even have a baby. Now she wants to rely on me."

Shameless! It's just a lot of nonsense, actually put all the shits on Xu Yue's head.

Xu Yue is so angry that her lungs are going to explode!

"OK, you're such a rubbish. I'll take care of you!" Hearing this, song's mother rolled up her sleeves in anger and began to call Xu Yue.

Her arms are almost twice as big as Xu Yue's, where Xu Yue is her opponent, her face is swollen by her fan.

"You let me go! It's not what he said! "

Song's mother is not soft hearted. She grabs Xu Yue's hair and pulls it off several strands immediately.

"What's not like that? I've seen you are a coquettish hoof for a long time. Just like your little third mother, she dares to bully my son. I scratch your face to see how you can seduce men!"

Hearing that she insulted her own mother, Xu Yue's blood rushed to her head, angrily pulled her hand and bit her hard. Almost with all her strength, she almost bit her flesh off."Ah..." Mother song gave a scream and let go.

"How are you, Ma?" Song Tianyi and Xiao Na, who are standing by to watch the play, rush forward.

Xu Yue took the opportunity to pick up the bag and rushed out of the room. She kept running until she could no longer hear song Tianyi's voice.

There were three of them, and she had only one. She couldn't beat them at all, so she had to flee.

But she won't let them go so easily.