Zhong Zhen put his hand on Wen he's shoulder, "it's OK, we are here, we will try our best to help you."

"Yes! Ah he, you have the courage of the past. It's hard to defeat you if you have nothing to do. " Fang Xinping encouraged her.

"Well!" Wen he nodded heavily.

The action of arresting Jiang Baoshan is going on all the time, and the consultation for Shen Canaan is also going on.

The "family" devoted all her members to inquire about Jiang Baoshan's whereabouts. Wen he once again remembered that on the day of the accident, she wanted to explore the old nest of Fengyin group, but when she went to the dense forest, she was ambushed. Was it there?

Wen he quickly informs the housekeeper of his family to send someone to inquire around the dense forest. At the same time, Wen he also asks the north family if they have found any valuable clues when searching for Jiang Baoshan's old objects, especially the place where Jiang Baoshan is hiding.

After receiving Wen he's call, Jiang Chengzhe went back to look at Jiang Baoshan's previous photos. When he saw the butterflies in several photos, he suddenly woke up and quickly called Wen he, "let's try to go to Butterfly Valley, maybe we will get some unexpected results."

"Butterfly Valley?" How can Wen he remember that Jiang Baoshan had turned in to shoot on his way back? Butterfly Valley is very important to him. Even if it is not the location of his old nest, it may also be the point of contact!

"Yes! Let's split up and do a carpet search there! " Wenhe made a quick decision.

"Yes, your people are in charge of the east gate entrance, and our side is in charge of the west gate entrance." Jiang Chengzhe made clear the division of labor.

Wen he's fighting spirit was completely aroused. When she summoned her staff, she repeatedly told them to be careful and follow the orders of "housekeeper".

So Wen he was in charge of the general command. On one hand, the "housekeeper" led the troops on her behalf. On the other hand, Jiang Chengzhe took them to butterfly valley.

Sure enough, they set up a contact point. After some interrogation, they learned that the old nest of Fengyin group was more than 400 kilometers away by the mountain and lake.

Wen he and Beijia jointly sent competent officers to find out in several batches, and then handed over all the clues to the police, because they had set up a special team to investigate bee seals.

A big net was quietly cast down. Naturally, Jiang Baoshan couldn't get away with it, so he gave up.

Villains always come to no good end. Jiang Baoshan was later sentenced to life imprisonment. These are the afterwords.

Good people are happy to get rid of bad people.

It's just that there are a few episodes that need to be sorted out.

For example, Yintong is struggling to tell beichengzhe who has changed his surname about his life experience.

All members of the "family" came to dissuade Yintong.

"Housekeeper," the old God asked, "Yintong, how much do you love beichengzhe?"

"I just found out now that I love him very much." Yintong said, poking the desk in distress.

"Housekeeper means, how much love?" The first trainer asked her deeply.

"Love to I'm afraid I'll lose him if I tell you where I came from, and then I don't want to live Yintong sincerely analyzes his heart.

"Don't tell him until you die. He can't accept you as soon as you say it. Sooner or later, you will die too. It's better to keep your mouth shut. You can spend the rest of your life happily." Second, the trainer gave a solid warning.

"But paper can't hold fire." Yintong seriously refuted.

"Why do you have to wrap fire in paper? Can't you be a cowhide lantern? Don't tell me you don't know how to be. You're just a cowhide lantern. You can't wake up all the time! " Third, the trainer poked her in the head.

"That's right!" Yintong suddenly realized.

Wenhe came in and asked them, "what are you doing? How about an organizational meeting? "

"Boss, we are educating Yintong. She must not tell beichengzhe about the killer's experience." Said the housekeeper gravely.

"But I guess beichengzhe noticed something." Wen he told it frankly.

"Ah?" The crowd screamed.

"Living with a killer's wife, I think brother Cheng zhe will find life very exciting." Wen he cocked his legs when he sat down.

"How did he know?" Yintong yelled.

"He came to me quietly that day and said that he would sponsor his wife's" home ". I was also frightened by him, although I didn't say anything, I just accepted his money in silence." Wen he laughed very hard.

"Then, shall I confess to him?" Yin Tongtan asks you with both hands.

"You like it." The housekeeper shrugged at her.

"I don't think it matters." The first trainer said so.

"See through not say through!" The second trainer nodded to her.

"You are responsible for your own life." The third trainer gives her a cheer, sister's eyes.

"Hello! What you have said is in vain! " He protested.

"Not at all!" The big guys are talking in unison.

"But he already knows!" Yin Tong's disapproving eyes."Then say it!" As a result, it's just like a chorus.

"You people! No eating! No drinking! Eat mine and drink mine, and don't help me at all! " Yintong snatched back their drinks and fruits one by one.

"Ha ha ha! Yintong is really the happy fruit of our family Wen he points to Yin Tong and smiles.

"Head! You are taking the lead in making fun of me! I turn back to North City zhe strong blow pillow wind, let him cut off sponsorship! Hum India is threatening with breath.

Wen he just wants to coax her, and her mobile phone vibrates. Look at the call, it's Shen Canaan.

Quickly pick up, voice inexplicably become soft, "you wake up? I'm going back. "

After hanging up the line, Wen he stood up and said, "beichengzhe is coming back from work soon. You should pack up and go."

"By the way, Yintong, I want to ask you, if you don't choose so many islands for your honeymoon, why do you go to Iceland, which is so cold?" First, the trainer should seize the gap and interview Yintong.

"I'll answer her." Wenhe stopped, "because it's cold enough for her and brother Chengzhe to hold together for warmth!"

"Bingo! Standard answer No effort was spared to make fun of Yintong.

"Go away! hurry up! Today, beichengzhe will go home from work in advance. Tomorrow morning, we will take a flight to Iceland to start our ten day honeymoon Yintong raised his chin like a Phoenix.

"Come on, be wise. Don't be bumped by Beicheng Zhe. We're here." Everyone greets each other and clears the site quickly.

Yintong also had to rush back to the old house of Beijia to report. Her happy life was waving to her.

Wenhe drives back to the hospital. She finally persuades Shen Canaan not to leave the hospital. She continues to live and take care of herself and undergo various detailed examinations.

A senior psychiatrist, who had refused to be treated before, would have reluctantly accepted the continuous hospitalization examination if she hadn't been so hard on him all day.