Big guy continued to look. The van soon drove into the large underground parking lot on the same road. Wen he stamped his foot and said, "it's over. It seems that Jiang Baoshan has seen through our stalking. You see, his escape plan is well planned. Once a person enters such a parking lot, he is looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Yes, if there is a shelter, he will naturally escape without a trace!

"We just watched him escape!" She said loudly, pointing to her portable screen.

"Of course not. We will do our best to find out this disaster!" The old man of the North responded with a loud voice.

"Yes! You can't let him go! " Jiang Chengzhe agreed.

"Everyone should pay attention to personal safety while hunting down Jiang Baoshan. He is extremely dangerous. My husband and I met a sniper in the office. Maybe he did a good job!" Yintong reminds everyone.

"Yes, from now on, each of you can't act alone or go out, especially Mr. Jiang and Mr. Bei, Mrs. Jiang and miss Bei. You are all people who have deep contact with Jiang Baoshan. He won't let you go easily. If anything happens to you, he will probably get the most benefit!" Wen he told everyone to pay attention to safety.

Now that Jiang Baoshan's plot has been thoroughly exposed, Wen he's task has been completed.

The north old man said, "Miss Wen, you should be careful yourself. I'll send someone to take you back."

"Don't worry, old man. I've already let my subordinates protect me secretly." She said goodbye and left.

As soon as Wenhe left, the northern master told beijuanxiu, "Juanxiu, don't go back to that house. Come back to the old house with me."

"Yes, mom, please don't go back there. Maybe Jiang Baoshan laid some traps for you to step in before he left!" Jiang Chengzhe warned.

"Well, I'll listen to you all." North Juanxiu has long been at sixes and sevens, nodding and agreeing.

"I think it's better to move back to the old house from now on. In an extraordinary period, we have to get warm together." The northern master is a decisive man.

For the sake of safety and family, this is the best way. This time, even Yintong didn't have to hesitate to actively respond to beilaozi's call and quickly pack up and move into the old house

Wen he drove back to the company. What she thought most was where Jiang Baoshan would hide and where the bee printing group's home was. She didn't know yet. Could it be where Jiang Baoshan would often hide?

An aura flashed by, and she caught it in time. From which highway did Jiang Baoshan get caught? She might as well start from there!

Immediately the car stopped at the side of the road, she picked up her mobile phone to check the record, locked the target location, and then drove to find it.

Passing by the company gate, Wen he habitually glanced at the door, but swept to the side of the road and stopped a car. The man in the driver's seat was recognized by her!

Good dead or not, the man as if aware of her eyes, turned to look at her back and forth!

Wen he stepped on the accelerator and drove away. Shen Canaan started the car without hesitation and turned around to chase after him!

Wen hepin looks in the back mirror. Why does this dead man come to her company? Now you want to catch up with her?

The two cars chased each other through the city road, and gradually drove to the outskirts of the city. Wen he stepped up the accelerator and drove the car into the path of dense forest, which successfully got rid of Shen Canaan's pursuit.

Now I have to drive to the main road, then turn to the highway, and I should get to the destination soon!

After making up her mind, Wen he turned on the mobile phone navigation. Just at this moment, a sound of car engine came from behind. She looked warily into the inverted mirror. It's not good! An off-road vehicle hit me like an arrow!

Want to turn the steering wheel to avoid, but it's too late, bang! The powerful SUV made a loud noise at the rear of her car, and the whole car was spinning out of control!

Wen he felt the glass break, then instinctively raised his hand to cover his face, a dizziness hit!

And the SUV is the second time to crash, and push her car forward!

Wen he tried to open his eyes and looked up. She was stunned by the scene in front of her. There was a large long compartment car in front of her. The door was opened and the approach deck was lowered automatically!

I watched the SUV push her car close to the van, and I watched the van jump down two men and fasten the steel rope on her bar!

They even want to drag her into the car, and then plot against her!

For the first time in her life, Wen he felt that death was approaching, but she couldn't help herself!

All of a sudden, another sound of car engine came from far and near. Soon, the off-road vehicle behind the car was hit by another car, and even Wenhe's car was hit!

Wen he looked at the rear mirror, and it was Shen Canaan's car that hit the SUV? He came to save her?

Several men came down from the SUV and the van respectively. They formed a siege to Shen Canaan. Shen Canaan was pulled out of the car by them and beat him. But he tried to shout, "I've called the police! Ah Ho, don't be afraid! "Er! I hope someone comes to save them in time! When it was dark, Wen he murmured a prayer

There were many people beating and kicking her. Wen he felt pain all over, "help me Help him... " She reached out helplessly for help.

A hand in time to hold her hand, "ah Ho, don't be afraid! I'm here, we're all here! "

This is not the voice of Shen Canaan, but the voice of her dearest Zhong Zhen! They came to save her and Shen Canaan?

"Wake up, ah Ho, wake up!" Zhong Zhen's anxious voice continued to break into her eardrum.

Wenhe exhausted all his strength to open his eyes, staring blankly at the white ceiling, she subconsciously asked, "where is this?"

Zhong Zhen's face gradually enlarged in front of her, "ah he, you are in the hospital! It's all right, you're safe! "

It's safe! These three words made Wen he blink, "where's Shen Canaan?"

Zhong Zhen closed his mouth and frowned.

"What about Shen Canaan?" Wen he saw the clue from her friend's expression and couldn't help asking.

Feng Beichen, who is beside Zhong Zhen, responds to her on behalf of his wife, "Shen Canaan is seriously injured and is undergoing an operation."

"Ah? Where did he get hurt? " Wen he propped up half of his body, "no! I have to go and see him

"You're hurt, too! The doctor told you to lie still Zhong Zhen quickly pressed her back to lie down.

"He was hurt to save me! Xiao Zhen, I'm going to see him! " Wen he squeezed Zhong Zhen's hand and shook it hard. "I beg you to take me to have a look, even if Cough Just stay at the door of the operating room! "