"But we're not worth it for you. He shouldn't have come back. Since he has the cheek to come back, let him pay the price!" Su Jin always wanted to get justice for Wen he.

"Xiaojin is right. It's generous of you not to quarrel with him, but as your friends, we can't swallow the bad breath!" Fang Xinping calls Su Jin.

"Not bad!" He Yiyi followed suit.

"I also think that Shen Canaan will pay the same price for his actions." GUI Yuchan also chose to stand on the side of Sujin.

"Have I become a passer-by? I said that the revenge is not enough, is it not enough? Well, I'll go outside and get some air and come back. You can do whatever you like. " Wen he dropped his words, turned around and walked away, no matter how they called.

"What to do? Ah he, it seems that she really doesn't want to argue with Shen. " He Yiyi asked blankly.

"Ah he is so heartless, so Shen is sure to eat her. If we don't stand for her, she will be stepped on her shoulders! You see, we are suppressing Shen Canaan. The Zhou language is trying to expand Shen Canaan's contacts everywhere. " Fang Xinping said, stirring up half of her mouth.

"It's obviously against us. At the same time, let Shen Canaan know that she is the only one who can save Shen Canaan's life." GUI Yuchan carefully analyzed the situation for them.

"Sure enough, what should we do? Do you want to make more efforts to suppress Shen Canaan? " Su Jin, please ask.

"Yes, I can't relax!" He Yiyi said.

"We can't relax. It's just a week's language. Even if the Zhou family is willing to do their best to help Shen Canaan, our families will join hands, and we're afraid we won't win her?" Fang Xinping will not pay attention to the small Zhou language.

"We have to have a strategy against them." Guiyuchan Old God said.

GUI Yuchan is their eldest sister. She has a lot of experience in love and work. What's more, she comes from a rich family. She is more than enough to deal with the so-called celebrities who are beautiful and vain.

"Sister Yuchan, we'd like to hear about it." Fang Xinping immediately asked for advice.

GUI Yuchan waved to them with confidence, and everyone gathered to listen

Wenhe came to the quiet corner of the corridor, where there was a big window, just let her breathe.

Neon full of eyes, want to look up at the starry sky, people are eating the bowl, looking out of the bowl, Wenhe self mockery smile, cold not self-defense, sounded Shen Canaan low voice, "sorry, ah he."

Wen he immediately tightened his brows and looked around. Shen Canaan turned out from the corner and walked straight towards her.

"Don't come here. I don't want to see you." Wen he raised his hand to stop him from approaching.

But this time, Shen Canaan was determined to get close to her, and he forced her step by step, "I sincerely apologize to you, so you can put down your heart, and don't be angry with me, OK?"

"Mr. Shen, if you apologize for the world, it will work. Will there be so many disputes?" Wen he simply stares at him.

"I know you don't care about my apology, but I owe you what I say. It's up to you whether you listen or not." Shen said firmly.

"Well, are you finished? If you don't go, I'll go. " Wenhe leaned over him.

Shen Canaan quickly held her back and said, "ah Ho, are you reasonable?"

"Let go!" Wen he struggled hard.

Shen Jianan covered her mouth with one hand and pressed her to the wall with the other. He approached and looked at her closely. "You say, how do you want to forgive me?"

"You Wenhe was so angry that he raised his knee to support him.

Shen Canaan had been on guard for a long time. She didn't succeed in the attack. His forehead almost touched her forehead, and his breath was about to be connected. "I have my troubles, I have to. Ah he, let's stop pestering."

Wen he's eyes were wide open in an instant. What he said was, is his amnesia false?

Shen Canaan's nerve at the tip of his ear moved, vaguely heard something, so he balked at her eyes and continued to say, "I'm sorry for you, but I've forgotten you. The past can't be traced back, and we can't go back any more. Now I only have Zhou Yumu in my heart. It's a perfect combination for me to be with her. You'd better not bother for me."

Wenhe's eye nerves suddenly burst out. She suddenly opened her mouth and bit Shen Canaan's big palm. When Shen Canaan retracted his hand in pain, she stepped on his foot, "Shen Canaan, I tell you! Who cares about you? Take it! You and I are going back from this road, and the bridge is going back to the bridge

"Canaan!" Zhou Yu rushes out from the corner at the right time.

"Bah!" Wen he spat at them and left.

"Are you all right?" Zhou Yumu took Shen Canaan's palm and looked at his wound. "Does this Wenhe belong to a dog? How dare you bite

"It's not suitable to stay here long. Let's go back." Shen Kanan took back his hand and put his arms around her to the elevator.

Zhou Yumu leans obediently in his arms. In fact, his heart is wandering. Shen Canaan is always reluctant to be touched by her. Every time she wants to hold his hand, he tries to avoid it.But she loved him so much that she would tolerate his indecision

The hundred day banquet didn't leave until nearly ten o'clock. Wen he half drunk himself in the second half of the way, so as she saw her best friends leave one by one to go home, she yelled that she would continue to go hi PI.

They are all married and have children. They can't leave their husband and children behind and run around her.

Finally, he threw the hot potato to half of his apprentice Su Jin to pick it up.

"Let's go and sing K. We'll never stop until we're exhausted." Wen he takes Su Jin's shoulder and shakes it hard.

"OK, I'll sing with you." Su Jin said that Gong Junchen and her son Haohao had gone home, and she had no worries.

Wen he helped into the car, Su Jin told the driver to drive to the nearby karaoke field.

"Still apprentice, you have me in your heart most!" Wen he said, burping wine, a drop of tears from the corner of his eyes.

Su Jin saw a flash of light in the corner of her eyes and knew that she was in tears. But Su Jin pretended not to see it. He turned his face to look out of the car window and murmured, "wait for the first song. What do you want to sing?"

Wen he quietly sucked his nose and said, "we must be happy."

Alas! How bitter is master's heart? He would like to sing this kind of bitter love song to vent his emotion for the first time!

"Well, this song sounds good. I want to sing little apple most, because my family Haohao is learning to sing this song. I want to practice it well and sing it to him." Su Jin said softly.

"Do you mean to annoy me? Is that right? " Wen he takes advantage of the strength of the wine and spreads all his Qi!