At this time, the opposite side gave a bitter smile, "your little problem, I always remember, so many years, you How are you doing? "

Listening to the voice on the phone, He Yiyi suddenly has an impulse to cry, but it has been so many years, hasn't it?

"I'm fine. What can I do for you? It's OK. I'll hang up. "

Then she hung up, but what she didn't know was that Gu Qinglang's car was parking downstairs. He kept staring at the location of her room until the light went out.

The next morning, He Yiyi sent the child to the nursery as usual. She took the printed divorce agreement to Zuo Yuhao's office.

"Zuo Yuhao, I've done what I promised you. It's time to honor what you promised me. This is the divorce agreement. Sign it."

Looking at her cold as ice expression, Zuo Yuhao has no origin of irritability, divorce? That's not a cover he gave her.

He picked up the divorce agreement on the table, tore it up and threw it into the garbage can.

He Yiyi's face suddenly becomes angry. She picks up the book on the table and turns it to Zuo Yuhao's face.

"What are you doing? Isn't that right? What's going on now? "

She waited until this day, did she wait until he tore up the divorce agreement?

"Divorce? Yiyi, did you hear me wrong? When did I say I would divorce you? Don't be short tempered and be obedient. "

Zuo Yuhao smiles, as if they have never quarreled. He Yiyi just feels sick.

"Zuo Yuhao, it's all here. What else do you pretend? I think a person should have a reputation. I hope you can keep your promise. Besides, you should give Song Wen a place. "

He Yiyi sneered, and his eyes had already lost their original feelings.

Zuo Yuhao suddenly gets angry. He grabs He Yiyi's hand and presses her onto the sofa.

"He Yiyi, do you think this marriage can be divorced? I tell you, it's impossible. I can't let you divorce me in my life. If you insist, you'll wait for your family to go bankrupt, and that Ono "seed, I'll make you never see her in your life."

Zuo Yuhao eyes with bloodthirsty light, as if the next second, he will eat the same.

He Yiyi's face also changed at this time. She pushed Zuo Yuhao away, and his face turned pale. He threatened her with the company again. But he was right. He could destroy he, because he had hollowed out he year after year. For so many years, he had been injecting a small amount of money into it to prevent he from going bankrupt.

She glared bitterly at him, "Zuo Yuhao, are you human or not? This is between us. Why do you have to involve my family? Do you have any conscience? Zuo Yuhao, we've been torturing each other for so long. It's time to end. After signing, we can all be free. There has been no love between us for a long time. Why bother so much? "

He Yiyi roared. Her eyes were full of tears. She didn't understand why God wanted to do this to her. What did she do wrong!!

After listening to her words, Zuo Yuhao only felt inexplicable pain in his chest. Yes, there was no emotion between them for a long time, but he couldn't let go.

Let go, he will never see her again, let go, he will never have a chance to torture her again.

"He Yiyi, you should die. If you are asking for divorce, I will certainly ruin your parents' reputation. Do you think they can bear it? You know what it's going to be like. "

Zuo Yuhao has a ferocious expression and a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

He Yiyi clenched his fists and walked towards him step by step, "Zuo Yuhao, sometimes, I really want to open your heart and see if your heart is made of stone. OK, it's just torture each other. I accompany you and I always accompany you."

With that, she ran out of the door with tears on her face. Zuo Yuhao looked at her back and squatted helplessly on the ground.

When did she hate him so much? What kind of ending should there be between them?

Divorce, he can't let it go. He really can't let it go.

He put his head on his knee and a tear came down from the corner of his eye.

After He Yiyi ran out of the company, he has been walking in the street.

At this time, a car stopped beside her, doodle.

Hearing the sound of the horn, He Yiyi turned his head and immediately lowered his head.

"You Why are you here? "

Gu Qinglang got out of the car, crossed her body, and made her look at herself. When he saw her red eyes with tears, he felt distressed instantly.

"Yiyi, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying? "

He Yiyi shakes off his hand and goes forward.

But Gu Qinglang didn't give up. He grabbed He Yiyi's arm. He Yiyi, who was in a bad mood, was angry.

"What are you doing? Is it over? Do you have nothing to do? Can you leave me aloneShe stares at Gu Qinglang, then squats on the ground and cries.

Gu Qinglang quickly comforted her and took her to the car.

In the cafe.

Two people face to face sitting, speechless, He Yiyi dry tears, a face helplessly looking at him.

"Why do you bring me here?"

They used to come to this cafe.

Gu Qinglang a face distressed of grasped her hand, in the eye is regret.

"Yiyi, come back, I know you are not happy. Come back, I will take good care of you."

He Yiyi at first Leng for a while, return to God, directly cold shake off his hand.

"Gu Qinglang, don't pretend to be here. When you left, you didn't make up your mind. Now what are you pretending to me? Forget it, you men are all liars. I won't believe you any more."

Just as she was about to get up, Gu Qinglang held her hand.

"Yiyi, it's not like this. Listen to me. I left for a reason. At the beginning, it was my mother who forced me to leave. If I didn't leave, she would deal with your family. I had no choice. I went to America, but now it's different. I have my own company in America. My mother can't manage me any more. We can be together, Yiyi Divorce. Don't let yourself suffer any more. "

Gu Qinglang looks at He Yiyi with pleading eyes. He really loves He Yiyi. For so many years, he has never thought of her one day abroad. He has never blamed her for marrying others, because he broke the oath first.

He Yiyi smile, a wrong, can erase the harm he had brought her? No, it's impossible. She's been hurt so many times by men that she can't be fooled any more.