Although there are steel and cement everywhere, the rooms separated by large glass have been lined up with glass products that she can't name, and all kinds of laboratory equipment are neatly placed in each glass house.

It looks spectacular.

"Here It was built according to the previous research laboratory... " Lu Peng looked at the equipment and decoration, feeling a little excited and ups and downs.

To tell you the truth, those days are not good memories at this time. However, after all, it is half of his life. Seeing the same room at this time, he still feels uneasy.

"Yes, that sudden storm buried the whole research laboratory in the sand. Later, although I found the research laboratory, there were not many things that could be used in it! Moreover, there are still many important documents and materials are missing! Although that place is a crime, if it is used well, it can be changed into a different place! "

Avery sighed, and then said with a smile, "anyway, this is not the place where it used to be. It's going to be a place for the welfare of human beings. If you don't dislike it, old Lu, when your body recovers, you can stay and do research with us! I believe that with your participation, our base will be more powerful! "

Facing avery's sincere invitation, Lu Peng sighed, looked around and said, "this I can think about it. After all, I'm too old to live a life of running around. To tell you the truth, such a life is more suitable for me! "

When he was young, he tried his best to escape from the research room, but now he wants to stay here.

He's old and really can't stand it.

This time, he not only had brain problems, but also had heart problems, which made him realize that he could no longer be so willful as before.

The disease is so sudden, his situation is really worrying.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu!" Avery said happily.

Lu's attainments in traditional Chinese medicine were very famous at that time.

Now he is willing to help her, which is the best result.

She has another cadre under her command.

"Don't mention it, Miss Avery. If it wasn't for you, I would have gone to see the king of hell long ago!" Lu Peng said with a smile.

"This is the difference between western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Western medicine has quick effect, but the side effects are too great. While traditional Chinese medicine has slow effect, it can cure many diseases. In the future, we will develop a medicine combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, so that we can save more people, don't you think, Mr. Lu! " Avery asked with a smile.

Lu Peng also nodded.

They want to see everyone healthy.

"Sister Avery, can I be cured soon? I really want to be a normal girl, so that I can be worthy of Qin Yang. When I am with him, will anyone speak ill of me? " Lu Xiao'er asked with a smile.

"Xiao'er, you are so cute. Qin Yang really likes you. No matter what you look like, Qin Yang likes you! You don't need to feel inferior at all. "

"Xiao'er, grandfather's view is the same as before. Grandfather doesn't want you to be with Qin Yang. You are not suitable. Qin Yang's life circle, the people he contacts, and his life habits are all out of tune with you. There will be many contradictions when you are together, and the person who gets hurt in the end must be you! Xiao'er, be obedient. Don't think about Qin Yang any more. Let's take this opportunity to make it clear with Qin Yang. " Lu Peng suddenly cut in and said that what he said was very authentic, and his expression was very serious. He didn't seem to be joking with Lu Xiao'er.

"Grandfather! But I want to be with Qin Yang. " Lu Xiaoer said wrongly.

"No, I can't do it if my grandfather says no. don't think about the impossible. At the right time, my grandfather will ask Miss avery to help you find a suitable person. Don't worry, my grandfather won't hurt you!" Lu Peng said again.

Lu Xiao'er's tears all fell.

"Well, Mr. Lu and Xiao'er, I've arranged a room for you. I'll show you around and have a good rest. You must be tired too. It's not too late to talk about other things later." Seeing that the grandparents and grandchildren are fighting again for this problem, avery quickly persuades them.

Avery takes Lu Xiaoer to her room, and Su Yuanfeng is in charge of taking Lu to his room.

"Elder sister Avery, do you think my grandfather is a little too much? Why don't you always like me and Qin Yang together? I have a good relationship with him. Can't my grandfather see it?" Lu Xiao'er complains wrongly.

"Xiao'er, you have to be considerate of Lu Lao's mood. He is so worried because of Qin Yang's career! You know how colorful life in the entertainment industry is. There are too many temptations. Around Qin Yang, all the women who play with him eat by their faces. One by one, they are more attractive. Lu is not worried that one day Qin Yang will not be able to withstand those temptations. You will be the one who will be hurt the most Avery advised."But Qin Yang is not that kind of person. I don't think he will hurt me. I can see whether he is sincere or insincere to me!" Lu Xiao'er explains to Qin Yang.

Avery nodded and said with a smile, "yes, I believe you, Qin Yang is not the kind of boy who will change his heart, but Xiao'er, have you ever thought that when you are with Qin Yang, it will also have a great impact on his life, do you know?"

"Me? What is the impact? " Lu Xiao'er stares at avery with wide eyes and asks suspiciously.

Avery laughs. "Nothing. Well, you'll know all these things later! Let's talk about your illness. I've already talked to Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu has also said that. Let me ask your opinion. "

"What's the matter, sister avery? You look so serious. I suddenly feel nervous."

Lu Xiao'er looks at avery and asks.

Avery considered the words and said, "Xiao'er, your brain test has been done completely, and I already know the basic information! I'm going to give you this medicine at risk. There's only a 50 percent chance. If you succeed, then you will be a normal person in the future, and you may also be able to improve your intelligence and become that kind of genius with superior intelligence. "