Feng Beichen replied, "there are so many plans. For example, take your wife and children for a holiday first, and then..." He deliberately pauses, the back row reporter can't wait to rush to ask, "isn't it retirement?"

Feng Beichen pointed at him with a smile, "I'm just 30 years old. Even if I become the chairman, I can't just think about retirement. I still think about how to make a lot of light and heat, such as going back to the countryside to reclaim land, going home to take over the family business, as you always say!"

The reporter asked, "how can Feng Dong go back to the countryside to reclaim land? Is he going home to take over the family business?"

This time, Feng Beichen pondered and laughed.

The reporter saw the clue from his half hearted smile, and immediately asked, "is Feng Dong going to take over Shengding group?"

As we all know, there is a famous Shengding group in Fengjia!

"Well, I can't give you an answer for the moment. You'll know later." Feng didn't give an actual explanation.

The host came out again and said with a smile, "our group has set up a buffet area in the conference room on the second floor. You can move forward to dinner."

"Mr. Feng, let me ask you another question. If your wife is pregnant again, would you like to have a son or a daughter?" Asked the man in charge of the video.

Feng Beichen raised his eyes and replied with a smile, "it certainly doesn't matter if you give birth to boys or girls, but I don't like the answer of this road. I prefer to have another daughter. Then our husband and wife will make up two good words!"

"Well, listen to me. If any media wants to interview Feng Dong or Xiang Zong, they can come to me and contact me." The host then announced, "thank you again for being here and making the conference a complete success."

The video is here, and it's done.

Since Wen he inquired about Feng Beichen that he preferred to have another daughter, he always looked at Zhong Zhen's face.

Zhong Zhen didn't want to show her emotion in front of her friends, so she tried to keep calm on her face. Until Wen he withdrew the video, she moved her stiff posture and turned off the projector.

"Feng Beichen held a news conference like this, isn't she afraid to push Feng Zhangdong to the brink? What should Feng Zhangdong do at that time if he disclosed to the reporter the news of his mother's association with GUI Lijiang? " Fang Xinping asked.

"I think that Feng Beichen's spreading news in such a big battle is to kill two birds with one stone. One is to break Feng Zhangdong's hope, and the other is to knock Feng Zhangdong. If Feng Zhangdong makes a move, he will just show up!" Qin Zhiming made a deep analysis.

"Brother Zhiming is right." Zhong Zhen nodded frequently.

"One more!" Wen he's hands are high.

"Well, I see." Fang Xinping said so.

"Next, the three of you will be ready to change, and it's time for me to rub my hands and toner on the stage!" Wen he waved his hands in exaggeration.

"You're the most important. We're counting on you!" Zhong Zhen looked at Wen he deeply and said.

"Good! If the employer has life, he will go through fire and water! " Wenhe winked at her mischievously.

Zhong Zhen was amused by her to smile, at this time, buzz! Wen he's mobile phone on his desk vibrates.

Copy over a look, caller ID is big three words, "Feng Beichen"!

Wen he saw that Zhong Zhen had seen it, so he made a gesture and went to the French window to pick it up, "Feng Dong!"

Zhong Zhen asks Qin Zhiming in a low voice about the director level meeting to be held next time. She wants to avoid paying attention to Feng Beichen's conversation with Wen he. But she has her own opinions and will automatically stand up to listen.

"You call me that, have you seen my press conference?" Feng Beichen asked calmly.

"You know that!" Wen he did not hide, "what can I do for you?"

"How is she?" Feng Beichen asked, that she is self-evident, of course, refers to Zhong Zhen.

"She?" Wenhe pretended not to know, "who?"

"You are naughty!" Feng Beichen said, "she is my wife, Zhong Zhen!"

"Oh, she!" As Wen he raised his voice, he turned his head and looked at Zhong Zhen Deliberately pull Qin Zhiming to punish Feng Beichen's heart!

"Ah ho! Don't step on my heart at this time, will you? " Feng Beichen didn't feel angry and said, "my head is big. You know what she said to me last night. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, she will bring all her papers to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the divorce procedure with me! I was really blinded at that time! "

"Feng Dong, you should not come to me if you want to vomit bitterness?" Wen he said in a strange voice, "I'm Xiaozhen's best friend. I'm definitely on her side. You have to find out!"

"Don't I have no choice? Can't you have pity on me? " Feng Beichen pretends to be pitiful and compassionate.

Eh? When did he change from iceberg boss to poor Feng Beichen? Wen he never knew that Feng Beichen was so good at talking. No, he was so good at coaxing people around the garden?!"Oh, Hello, Feng Dongda, I pity you, and you will be kicked out of the house by Xiaozhen! Don't hurt me Wenhe also tried his best to circle with him.

Feng Beichen sighed and youyou said, "well, in this case, I'll talk about business directly. I opened a press conference just for --"

"in order to let Feng Zhangdong know that you are determined to take over Shengding, break his hope, and then force him to do it. You can catch him again, right?" Wenhe snapped his words away.

"Yes! Then it's up to you to perform. Our success depends on you! " Feng Beichen asked the way.

"Yes, I understand!" Wen he is full of promises.

"Then I'm going to hang up, because my grandfather, my father and my mother are all eager to find me, and then I don't want to see anyone but my wife and children, but I can't!" Feng Beichen vomits bitterness with Wen he again, "ah he, tell me, why do you want to become like this?"

This time Wen he really felt Feng Beichen's real feelings. She couldn't help but put away all her smiles and answered him seriously, "you are a smart man. You just need to calm down and think about it, and then you know how to do it. Take care of yourself and keep in touch."

After the end of the call, Wen he went back to Zhong Zhen thoughtfully and set his best friend.

Zhong Zhen turned around and looked back at her, "what's the matter? This expression? "

Wen he blinked. He lifted his hair down from his forehead. "It's nothing. I'm just feeling."

"What do you feel?" Zhong Zhen asked again.

Gabble! Wen he's stomach rang. She rubbed it with a bitter smile. "I'm sorry that I didn't eat breakfast well. Now I'm hungry. I would have gone to the press conference to eat a buffet if I knew earlier."