"Take a screenshot of the receiving page, add my wechat, I'll send you my email number, you can send a screenshot to me, and forward the email!" Wenhe doesn't command Anrui to do as she says.

Hum! Who is she bossing at! An Rui wants to have a fit of temper, but he Yang Cheng stares at him. He counsels him again, so he has to swallow his anger and do it.

Wen he looks at an Rui. Does the man think that he can get away with it slowly? When she gets the evidence, he and Enron will have no good fruit to eat!

Received the email, also got the screenshot, Wen he just want to say hello to he Yangcheng, went upstairs to operate, when the mobile phone rang, the call is Zhong Zhen!

Wenhe said to Heyang City, "it's Zhong Zhen who has come back!"

"Oh! You pick up quickly He Yangcheng is afraid that Zhong Zhen has something to do, so he orders Wen he anxiously.

Wenhe then said, "where are you, Xiaozhen?" Asked, she quickly walked to Heyang City side, let him also listen to Zhong Zhen's voice, good ease down.

"I came to their mansion." Zhong Zhen calm response, "you let grandfather rest assured, I'm ok, and then go back, hang up first."

Wenhe has not yet time to speak, there has been a line, she helplessly removed the mobile phone to see Heyang city.

He Yangcheng anxiously tightened his brows, "Xiao Zhen goes to them, I don't know what will happen."

Wen he comforted him, "they won't do anything to Xiao Zhen. The person who did wrong was Feng Beichen!"

"Yes! My son-in-law, daughter and Xiaozhen are all victims! They are the ones who are in the wrong! " He Yangcheng said with gnashing teeth.

"So, don't worry, grandfather. We'll follow up according to the situation!" Wen he patted him, "I'll go up and do something first. If you need to come to my room, please come to me!"

He Yangcheng certainly understood what Wen he said to do. He nodded busily, "then go ahead. I'll ask the housekeeper to bring you dinner."

"Thank you, grandfather!" Wen he waved to him and trotted upstairs with his mobile phone in his hand.

Anrui and Enron watch their grandfather and Wenhe interact, and they completely regard their two brothers and sisters as nothing. They are worried and angry!

In grandfather's eyes, only Zhong Zhen, together with her best friend Wen he, is a guest of honor. What are the brothers and sisters? Throw it away as soon as you recognize it?!

He Yangcheng calls the male nurse to help him up the stairs.

Enron saw that an Rui pestle didn't move there, so he quickly touched him with his elbow to remind him to let him go to help Heyang city.

An Rui wakes up like a dream, a face of gallant past, "grandfather, I help you upstairs."

"No He Yangcheng's tone is not heavy, but he gently swings his arm to prevent an Rui from touching him.

This little action is enough to show that my grandfather dislikes and alienates him. With breath in his mouth, an Rui still follows behind Heyang city.

He Yangcheng said as he walked, "go back to your room, both of you." This is to the brothers and sisters.

Immediately, he told the housekeeper, "no need to put food in the dining room. Anyone who wants to eat will be sent to their room. In addition, when Xiao Zhen comes back, you will come and tell me immediately. I'll have a rest first."

"Yes, He Dong." Housekeeper should go to help Heyang city.

This time Heyang city didn't refuse the housekeeper's help, which made Anrui and Enron stare

It's even more restless over the Fengjia mansion.

No, since Lu Jing brought the children into the car, there was no peace.

Although the three children all got into the car obediently, when the car started, they asked one after another, "grandma, where are we going?"

"We made an appointment with our parents to have dinner with our great grandparents and then sleep at home tonight."

"Mom and dad should be back soon. Where are we still going?"

Lu Jing black face, just don't respond to them, because she don't know how to tell them the reason!

Take out the mobile phone to call Zhong Zhen, after the phone, she immediately scolded in the past, "Zhong Zhen! You're really good at acting! In front of me and Beichen, pretend to be virtuous and virtuous. In fact, you are secretly plotting against the law! Thinking about how to divorce Beichen, and then snatch three children from us! "

Ah?! Is what grandma said true?! The babies were shocked, even the accompanying two nannies were at a loss!

"Zhong Zhen! Get the hell out of here! I want to ask you face to face where you are from After Lu Jing roars, she pokes the hang up button and gasps.

Roar hoarse throat, blood pressure soars, the face burns like fire! Lu Jing wiped her face with indignation. Only when she was relieved did she know that the children were around!

Looking at Feng Weiyue shocked, Lu Jing blinks her eyes, thinking about what to say to ease the atmosphere. Feng Weiyue first flattens her mouth, reaches for her hand, drags her tears and says, "grandma, did you just say mom wants to divorce dad?"

Lu Jing wants to say no, but she wants to say nothing.

When Feng juezhou and Feng Tianyou saw that she seemed to acquiesce, they were not calm at all.

"Grandma, our parents don't really want a divorce, do they?" Fengjuzun's whole body was bent over. If it wasn't for the restraint of the safety chair, he would have turned over.Feng Tianyou, sitting on the other side of Lu Jing, looks at the street view outside the window and finds that the car is heading back to the mansion. He is in a hurry and shouts, "grandma, I don't want to go back to the mansion. I want to go to my parents!"

"Wow! I'm looking for mom and Dad, too! " Feng Weiyue cried out.

"Grandma, please take us to see mom and dad." Feng Jue Zun pleaded with a crying face.

The crying of her three grandchildren made her brain explode. Lu Jing rubbed her painful forehead and said in a high voice, "OK! Don't talk. Listen to me

The three babies shut up immediately.

Feng Weiyue looked at her sobbing. Feng Jue Zun still twisted his body to keep an eye on her. Feng Tianyou clenched his fist tightly and looked at her!

"Didn't you hear that I asked your mother to go back to the mansion?" Lu Jing takes the strategy of delaying war, "she must be with your father, and two people will arrive there later."

"But, they, they still want a divorce?" Feng Weiyue weeps and tears fall down like broken pearls.

Lu Jing was so sad to see her. She drew a paper towel to wipe her tears and said in a deep voice, "it's because your parents are not obedient that I want them to go to the mansion to lecture. Don't cry first. It's useless to cry!"

"Grandma, I don't want my parents to divorce! I want them both together Feng Weiyue shouts and holds Lu Jing's clothes.

"Oh, my dear, don't cry. You make Grandma cry soon!" Lu Jing says, oneself also can't hold back, the canthus of the eye moistens.

Fortunately, the children are clever and sensible after all. After Lu Jing's coaxing and persuading, they are all obedient for the time being.