"Did you take a picture of them walking into the hotel?" GUI Yuchan asked from her teeth.

"Yes, I'll send it back to your designated mailbox." Said the paparazzi.

"Good! You keep on crouching for me, take the photos of the two people coming out and pass them to me! " Guiyuchan resolutely ordered finished, just hang up the line.

Seeing that she was still staring at the quilt after the call, the assistant went forward, reached for her mobile phone and asked tentatively, "Ma'am, who went to the hotel

Kui Yu Chan's eyelids lifted up and glanced at her.

Scared by her knife like eyes, the assistant felt her liver sharp suddenly tremble, the God of the forehead! The outstretched hand immediately drew back!

GUI Yuchan asked the baby sitter to temporarily push her daughter to the walk with the bed. Don't come into the room without calling!

After listening, the assistant knew that something was wrong, and his feet were almost too soft to stand! You know, traitors don't come to a good end!

GUI Yuchan waited for the door to close, and then asked, "you! Is he bribed by fengzhangdong? "

"Ma'am, how can you say that?" The assistant tried to struggle in vain.

The corner of GUI Yuchan's mouth twitched, showing a grimace, a little distorted, "admit it as soon as possible, I can spare you! Say it! Did he bribe you? "

This shout scolds, drink the last defense line of assistant to collapse!

Although GUI Yuchan doesn't like to talk very much, she is such a quiet person. She is really cruel when she talks!

The so-called biting dog does not bark, refers to her this!

“…… Yes, he made me stare at you. " The assistant finally succumbed to her poisoned eyes.

"I don't ask if you have promised him to stare at me. I only order you to respond to Feng Zhangdong according to my words! Otherwise, you know the consequences! " GUI Yuchan gritted her teeth.

"I will, ma'am, I dare not disobey any more of your orders!" The assistant said in a cold sweat, then plopped down and knelt down in front of the bed to beg for mercy, "madam, I'll listen to you. Please don't touch my family, please! I'll never dare again

GUI Yuchan raised her eyes from her body with disdain. Some people didn't know how to repent even when they were dying. Thanks to her trusting this person for so many years, she dared to betray her?!

Take a deep breath back and forth, "get up, now you go out to help the baby sitter take care of the children, I'll call you in after I call!"

Assistant only here should be finished, turned out to take the ward door, only to find that he did not take back the phone, but she did not dare to go in again!

Where is GUI Yuchan to make a phone call? She just loads a 24-hour online monitoring program into her assistant's mobile phone, so that she can monitor its dynamic at any time in the future!

After that, she checked the mailbox with her mobile phone. The paparazzi had already sent photos, so she opened it to see.

Feng Zhangdong and Zhong Zhen each have more than a dozen. They drive to the parking lot of the hotel. The paparazzi have a good shooting angle, the license plate number is very clear, and the dynamic capture of the characters is very good. The only regret is that Zhong Zhen didn't take a picture of his face. He either walked with his head down and long hair down, or looked around! But even so, guiyuchan still recognized her!

Hate! Hate to the marrow!

Sour! Mixed with a trace of blood, straight to the tip of the tongue!

GUI Yuchan was so angry that she threw her cell phone on the opposite wall!

"Ah She can't bear to scream hysterically!

The roar mixed with fury and indignation startled the assistant and nanny outside!

Almost immediately, the neighbors and the hospitalized patients or nurses who heard the voice either went out to see what had happened or came out to ask what had happened.

Assistant with nanny hurried back to the ward, see guiyuchan cover face, shoulders twitching in crying, lying on the ground that throw not broken custom mobile phone!

"Ma'am!" The assistant walked up carefully and called for her.

"To die Sobbing Feng Zhangdong and Zhong Zhen, you have to die! " GUI Yuchan cried and cursed.

"Ma'am, don't keep your voice down. This is the hospital. People living in the front and back of the hospital can hear you just now." The assistant reminded her.

"Hear it, hear it! I am not afraid! I'm not afraid GUI Yuchan's eyes were yelling with faint light.

The voice was so frightened that Xiao Weixi, who was already asleep, woke up and began to cry.

The baby sitter picked her up and coaxed her around. She was so flustered that she had no idea with her assistant

In the deluxe suite of Fankai Hotel on the other side, Jiang yingyou, who had gone through the rain and clouds with Feng Zhangdong for several rounds, copied his mobile phone after he fell asleep to see the message from the paparazzi: he talked to the other side according to your instructions, but she didn't expect that the principal came to answer me personally. She asked me a few questions and asked me to continue squatting and take pictures of Feng Zhangdong and Zhong Zhen leaving the hotel. I'll talk to you later The recording will be sent to you.

The second message is: I've taken the photo of Zhong Zhen leaving the hotel, waiting for Feng Zhangdong to come out.Jiang yingyou laughs after watching it. How happy he is! She locked the key, put the mobile phone under the pillow, and stuck it like an octopus in fengzhangdong's arms. She wanted to lock the man firmly and tell the paparazzi that he left the hotel in the morning

Feng Beichen learns from Zhong Zhen that Wen he doesn't want to give up his search for Shen Jiaxing, so he pays the most respect to Wen he's infatuation. At the same time, in order to reassure Zhong Zhen, he calls Xiang Ming, who is about to return home from his business, and asks him not to come back first. He immediately turns to New York to help and take care of Wen he and Fang Xinping.

Xiang Ming agreed without saying a word. He boarded the plane in a hurry and didn't have time to call Zhang Junyan in advance.

When Zhang Junyan learned about the situation from Feng Beichen, she was so angry! It's just a bad temper in front of the president!

Holding his anger back to his secretary general's office, they met Enron on the way. They walked in front of and behind the door. Zhang Junyan grabbed the pen holder on his desk and fell to the ground to vent his anger. Enron, who followed him, was startled!

Enron hurriedly closed the door and repeatedly asked, "sister Yan, what's the matter with you?"

"Feng Beichen tells Xiang Ming to go to New York to help Wen he find Shen Jiaxing! Are you angry? " Zhang Junyan said, stamping her feet.

Enron bited his lips, straightened out the relationship between several people, and then added more oil and vinegar, "no wonder you are angry. If I am angry, I want to hit someone. Beichen really knows that Wen he and Xiang assistant are --" she deliberately kept the second half of her words, and only looked at Zhang Junyan with her eyes, trying to stop talking.