"Oh, I see." Zhong Zhen answered immediately. In fact, it's no problem to stay here for more than one day, but she was a little worried when she thought of Zhong Tianyou!

Zhong Tianyou is too young. He hasn't seen Zhong Zhen for a whole week. If he can't accompany him at the weekend, it will have a bad effect on his psychological growth.

She had to find time to talk with Wen he and let her take charge of Zhong Tianyou. Otherwise, someone would talk to him all week, for fear of causing a shadow in his heart.

Although she promised happily, it was obvious that she still had something on her mind. Feng Beichen said coldly, "are you worried about that child?"

"No, it's not." Zhong Zhen was a little flustered. She was afraid that he would worry too much about Zhong Tianyou. That's not a good thing. If she found out that the child was her own, it might cause endless trouble. "My friend will pick him up. Don't worry."

The more eager Zhong Zhen was to express himself, the more busy he was trying to explain something, the more he explained. In fact, he was really worried. Feng Beichen couldn't understand the psychology of heaven and man.

He stares at her strangely. Does she care so much about the adopted child because she lost her child? Is she really just good enough? Could it be that simple?

But apart from this reason, he could not think of any other reason. The child was about the same size as his twins, and it was absolutely impossible that she was born by herself. Besides, he had investigated her, and there was no other man around her except the less severe child!

"Sure?" Feng Beichen's tone and staring at her eyes are full of doubt and incomprehension.

His eyes are so deep and sharp, like penetrating her heart, she no longer dare to look at him in the eyes, deeply buried his head, whispered but firmly said, "sure."

If she can't arrange her life well, how can she do her job well? She must let Feng Beichen believe that her life is well arranged, and her mother or the child will not become her fetter.

Since Feng Beichen is such a guarantee, he certainly won't be too tangled with anything. If he is such a small hearted person and has to figure out all kinds of little things, he can't have today's success.

After all, people's energy is limited. If you use too much in this aspect, it's impossible to have so much time to think about other aspects. If you use your time and energy in that aspect, it's doomed that you will get something in which aspect!

"Well, when you get back to the hotel later, you can sort out the itinerary and the key points of some things in these days, and make a memo for me. I have something to go out." Feng Beichen coldly orders.

What he means is that he's going to be alone tonight and let her do the work by herself, right? Why act alone? Is it dissatisfaction with her, or is it inconvenient to take her with someone who wants to meet here?

No matter how self abased Zhong Zhen was in her heart, she felt that she was not worthy of Feng Beichen, but deep down in her heart, she still hoped that he would only belong to her, no matter when and where, put her in her heart.

No matter how sad and painful she was, Zhong Zhen didn't dare to show any performance on the surface. She said softly, "OK, I know."

See her low brow agreeable appearance, let seal North Chen in the mind some can't bear, light way, "you yourself dine in the restaurant of the hotel, the account records to the room card directly." If he wants to go out, he has to arrange her life.

Zhong Zhen nodded. Well, she didn't know what to say, and how to say it? Anyway, the huge sense of loss in her heart makes her very sad, but whose life can only be happy and sweet? When we shouldn't care too much, we must not.

Feng Beichen didn't speak any more. Even if she saw her sadness, she didn't want to do anything more. No matter who she was, she had to learn to adjust herself. Otherwise, how could her future life go on?

After returning to the hotel, Feng Beichen changed his clothes, arranged Yirong, and then went out.

Zhong Zhen first sent the clothes he had changed to the laundry. Now it's not the place where people collect clothes. She wants to send them earlier, so that if she can go back tomorrow or wear them, she will have to change them.

Of course, it's only because I'm busy talking that I want to distract my attention and vent my unhappy emotions before I start to sort out my work.

However, she only thought that all the work Feng Beichen arranged for her to do well, but she didn't think about it. Originally, she was just a secretary in charge of his private affairs, but now how could she help him sort out the short memos on his work?

Is this beyond the scope of his work? It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's a good thing for her to be busy with her real work. That is to say, she can enrich herself, make her heart stop thinking, and lay a good foundation for her future work and life.

In the best years, hard work and life, enrich themselves, in the future on the road of life, go more steady!After leisure, she went to the restaurant and ordered Dongdong. While eating, she cooked porridge on the phone for Wenhe. "It's time to trouble Aifei again. Feng Beichen doesn't know what's wrong with him, so he decided to add one more day. Now he left me to go out and have fun!" Zhong Zhen some coquetry and some sad said.

In recent years, Wen he has been around her. Otherwise, I really don't know how to live this life. Now without her, she still can't fully cope with life.

Wen he laughs, "don't worry, xiaobaozi is also my son, but you really have to come back early. I want to start our story with the one I like earlier."

How can a woman in her bloom not think carefully? How can we not be emotional with a young and sunny man? If there is no love in this world, how boring life will be?

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to arrange it as soon as I get back." Zhong Zhen said seriously, "you are a woman like a leopard. It depends on whether you can take the one in your heart."

What the world says, women chasing men is just separated by a layer of yarn.

Well, we can't say that it's wrong, because it's judged against ordinary men.

How can Xiang Ming be an ordinary man? Will the people who have been with Feng Beichen for so many years be ordinary?