Feng Beichen kept silent and continued to preside over the work. When Zhong Zhen came in again to add tea, he ordered her in a low voice, "give me another cup of tea!"

Zhong Zhen saw that his teacup was placed in Jiang yingyou's place. He didn't think much about it. He answered directly and went to pour another cup of tea and brought it in.

It's just a cup of tea. No one can embarrass anyone for this, right? Although Zhang Junyan repeatedly stressed that guests should not drink the same tea as Feng Beichen, what taboo would this have? It shouldn't be a big deal. No matter how much, we should provide them with good service first.

Zhong Zhen just went out to see if there was nothing wrong, so she went back to the office and took her mobile phone to have a look. Anyway, in such a meeting, she was only responsible for pouring tea every other time.

Only when I got my cell phone, it rang. I saw that it was Fang Xinping. Although she really couldn't help me with what she mentioned last time, she still had to answer the phone.

"Hello, Xinping After all, Zhong Zhen felt sorry for him, so he spoke politely. However, when people talk too politely, they feel alienated.

Sure enough, Fang Xinping said, "Xiao Zhen, why are you and I so polite? How is your work now? I see the news of Feng Beichen and Jiang yingyou from my circle of friends. Is it true? "

It turns out that the love affair between them downstairs has begun to spread in the circle of friends.

In today's society, as long as it's the information that everyone is concerned about, the speed of dissemination is really frightening. It's just over here, and it's already very popular on the Internet.

Zhong Zhen told the truth, "it's true, and Jiang yingyou is now in the company with Feng Zong." It's a good opportunity to explain why she can't help, so she gave a little pause and continued, "you see, they are like this. It's impossible for a little secretary like me to know his exact whereabouts and thoughts."

Of course, this should be understandable to most people. She really has no way to know too much about Feng Beichen. It's impossible for her to disclose information.

But Fang Xinping's way of thinking is different from others. After hearing this, she said coldly, "what do you think? I didn't ask you to do anything. I just told you what you know about his daily life. You know, I seldom fall in love with someone! He's so glittering again

She said something pathetic, it seems that Zhong Zhen does not help her, it is really not enough meaning.

Zhong Zhen's heart is really uncomfortable up, quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, but I really can't do it."

Although she didn't know how to explain it, she knew it clearly in her heart. She couldn't explain it or say anything.

Who is in what kind of environment can really know what is going on, while others are impossible to know.

Fang Xinping, however, was generous with a smile. "It doesn't matter. I'm sure I won't embarrass you. I'm willing to help you, but I never thought of asking you to repay me."

She naturally has her own small long time in her heart. No matter whether she is willing to help or not, when she asks her what she knows, she will always say. In addition, if she has time and opportunity, she can have more dinner with her, go shopping or something, and give her a little favor. Some small benefits can always be obtained.

In addition, the more she said that, the more uncomfortable Zhong Zhen felt, and felt that she owed her a lot. If there was anything she knew or could help her, it would be a bit of a shame if she didn't say it.

"Thank you!" Zhong Zhen's mouth said, but her heart is very bad, she is not a person who loves to owe people, now like this, really feel like a lot of debt.

Fortunately, Fang Xinping didn't say anything more. She just said, "you're welcome. I'll hang up first. When you're free, I'll treat you to dinner."

Zhong Zhen seems to get to know off like, immediately said, "OK, later contact."

Take the phone to relax for a few seconds, this just restore calm, think next still want to see feng Beichen they need to add some tea or not.

Since she is to be responsible for the service work of this meeting, we must do our best.

Only when she came to the door of the office, Xiang Ming just came out of the meeting room, so she quickly stepped forward and said, "is there anything I can do for you?"

Xiang Ming shook his head and said faintly, "it's none of your business. You don't have to do this kind of service work. Go to the office. If someone calls or something, just keep a record. I'll let others do the work here!" This affirmation is the meaning of sealing North Chen, otherwise, he certainly also won't come out specially so to order.

Zhong Zhen hesitated. It was Zhang Junyan who asked her to do something just now, but she was her direct leader. If she blamed her, it would be really hard to say.

Seeing her hesitation, Xiang Ming immediately explained, "I will talk to Zhang Junyan. This is the general meaning of Feng."

Now that she's clear, there's nothing to do. Anyway, if she finds fault at that time, she can say it directly, "OK." Zhong Zhen promised, and then turned back to the office.Xiang Ming comes to the Secretary's office, tells Zhang Junyan something, and turns to leave.

There is no way, for the work, Zhang Junyan has always been afraid of carelessness, and is not willing to perfunctory, she promised, told the following staff to do.

Anyway, to deal with that woman, she will take other measures.

But she also saw the messages of Feng Beichen and Jiang yingyou from the wechat circle of friends on her mobile phone, and even from the headlines, so she reminded Xiang Ming, "look, do you need someone to deal with these messages?"

Of course, if it's news with links on the Internet, it's easier to deal with, but the kind of circle of friends sent by each person is particularly difficult to deal with. After all, they are all separate sites, without mutual connection and parent site. If you want to deal with them, you need to do actions one by one.

Xiang Ming shook his head, "don't deal with it. Let them be there."

Of course, we don't need to do any processing. Since such information can satisfy Jiang yingyou and make Jiang's family see clearly, which will be beneficial to future cooperation, why do we have to spend energy on processing it?

"Oh." Zhang Junyan has a sense of loss. It's like a slap on her face.