Chapter 892

Zhou Xingyun had finished eating the apple. He threw away the apple heart, wiped the dagger on his trousers and said, "you want to know, go find it yourself, don't ask me."

"You don't know?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Well, you know, as I said just now, it's OK for you to tell me who is going to die?"

Zhou Xingyun approached Huang Ziping for two steps. He stood in front of Huang Ziping. His eyes were staring at Huang Ziping. He said in an incomprehensible voice: "you are a dying man. You don't care about your business, your relatives, especially your daughter-in-law. You care about a woman who doesn't really have much to do with you. Are you short of that tendon?"

Huang Ziping is alert to Zhou Xingyun. He is ready to get out of the wheelchair. As long as Zhou Xingyun dares to stab him with a dagger, he will kick him. Anyway, Zhou Xingyun will not be able to fight. This fight has long wanted to fight, which is the most direct. It doesn't matter if there are his people around. Control him with the fastest speed to threaten. There is no other way. In order to relax Zhou Xingyun's guard, Huang Ziping, with a smile on his face, said: "I wonder why I am like this, or you tell me?"

"Good! I said you are cheap, want to care about everything, do not know that you are God. Indeed, you are really powerful. Look at your current status. What you have is the dream of many people, including me. Originally those also belong to me, not to you, a lowlife from the countryside. It's a pity that the sky is blind and you get a big advantage. "

"Old classmate, do you really still don't want to understand or do you already want to understand, but because you are unwilling to do so in your heart?"

"Am I wrong?"

"Maybe not, but you must be wrong. Your fate has nothing to do with me, or do you think I have the initiative to provoke you? It's your jealousy that hurt you. Think about what happened in the college. You are excellent. Only I can catch up with you in the whole college. What happens when you come out to work? Is the gap widening? Are you worthy of what you have learned? Have you made any contribution to the medical cause? Really? You feel your conscience and say, "do you?"

Zhou Xingyun roared: "it's not because of you? If you didn't get in the way, if you didn't destroy my life plan, I would be on top at this moment. "

"Does it make sense to be high?"

"You're a lowlife. You're a great contributor. Yes, I'm a complete loser. But if I kill you tonight, you'll destroy everything you've built. If you don't have life to enjoy, you'll lose."

"No, you can't change anything by killing me."

"Why not?"

"Can you erase my contribution? Can the Central Hospital remember me? Can the medical world forget me? I do those big surgery to save people can forget me? And my students, they will continue what I will stay. And then there are the drugstores named after me, the national chain stores. Do you know how many drugstores there are after the joint efforts of the three major pharmaceutical enterprises? I'll tell you, eight thousand in the country. If you kill me, the result will change? No, it will only make me more glorious and you dirtier. "

Zhou Xingyun was stunned and didn't seem to think of this.

Huang Ziping continued to stimulate him and said, "old classmate, I don't know if you believe it or not. You may be able to run away if you kill me, but it's definitely against thousands of people. Do you ignore your family? How many people will avenge my death? What do you think they will suffer? It's miserable, it's miserable, and they won't if I live, because you know I don't care to do that. "

"You didn't deal with my family? My father's company collapsed, my mother was fired by the University, my uncle Even inside. "

"I have to say that I have done something in your father's company. It has nothing to do with me that your mother was fired from university."

"You think I'll believe it?"

"Believe it or not, that's the truth. Your uncle's accident is really because of me, I admit, but you didn't help me? Since he's dealing with me, why can't I deal with him? Your psychology is really strange. Logic has its own set. You can only take advantage of the cheap. If others take advantage of you, they will rob you of your things and get in your way. Poor you, I think you should die, commit suicide, or I kill you... "

"Ha ha, you killed me?" Zhou Xingyun kicked a wheelchair, "how did you kill me, a dead cripple? You can't convince me that tonight's result won't change. That's your death. "

"Then you come."

"OK, I'll stab you first, and then push you down with a chair. Where do you like to stab? I'll choose for you. "

"You think about it. Your family won't want it?"

"Don't worry, they are out of the border at this moment."

"There was a plan. No wonder." Huang Ziping was on the alert of Zhou Xingyun. He looked around and felt that something was wrong. Zhou Xingyun didn't kill himself. He seemed to be waiting for something. What is he waiting for? Look around, but nothing! After thinking about it, Huang Ziping decided to ask, "heart, come on, don't delay, unless you are waiting for something."

"What do you think I'm waiting for?"

"You say it."

"Aren't you very clever? Guess what Zhou Xingyun took out a cigarette and lit one for himself. "If you can guess right, I can tell you the whereabouts of he Ziwei.""Don't go back."

"No regrets."

Huang Ziping and he looked at each other, looked at his dagger, looked around again, recalled what he had just said, and said slowly, "are you waiting to leave? Helicopter

Zhou Xingyun squeezed out a word: "wrong."

Huang Ziping's brain turned quickly and changed his thinking direction, saying: "ouch, I'll go. Aren't you planning to live broadcast? No, no, no, just use your mobile phone to take videos and send them to the Internet, unless your mobile phone has a problem and the video function fails? Not enough power? "

Zhou Xingyun was stunned: "it's really smart, right, the power is not enough, there is no light in the video."

"If the power is less than 10%, it will be turned off. My cell phone is the same, but I can still make a call. You told someone to send the cell phone, right?" In other words, there's no one around now, otherwise you don't have to wait so long, just ask for one. Huang Ziping was so happy in his heart that he continued to say, "it's strange, since I had made a plan early, killing me, taking videos and putting them on the Internet, which made my relatives and friends sad and desperate, why don't you be ready? Why such a low-level mistake? "

"It's none of your business."

"OK, you can tell me where he Ziwei is."

"Why did I tell you?"

"You don't mean what you say, do you?"

Zhou Xingyun threw away his cigarette and said with a dagger: "how can you drop it if you don't count? Do you bite me? "

"Bite you dirty my mouth, fist I can treat you to eat." After saying this, Huang Ziping stood up, grabbed Zhou Xingyun's dagger arm in one hand, and punched him on the chin.

Zhou Xingyun was shocked. God, how can you get up from the wheelchair? In a hurry, he turned his shoulder to the top.

With a thump, Huang Ziping's fist fell on Zhou Xingyun's shoulder. Zhou Xingyun retreated a few steps and did not stand firm. He fell to the ground. Huang Ziping is about to run over and kick his head. Suddenly, the light of a flashlight comes from behind him, and a cry goes out: "don't move."

Emma, is the cell phone man just back? Is heaven going to kill itself? Huang Ziping didn't know whether to move or not. After all, he couldn't see the back. He didn't know whether the other party just yelled or pointed at himself with a gun.

Zhou Xingyun is laughing. He stands up and walks to Huang Ziping. He takes out his flashlight, turns it on and knocks on the top of Huang Ziping's head. It hurt so much. Huang Ziping wanted to roar out and touched it. It was bleeding. Even the corners of his eyes were full of blood. Seeing that he was so miserable, Zhou Xingyun kicked him on the shoulder again: "I almost fell into your trap again. Fortunately, my people came in time. It seems that the sky is going to kill you." After Huang Ziping finished, Zhou Xingyun said to himself, "take the mobile phone, he moves, you shoot."

"You think you're the only ones with guns?" It's a distant voice. It's just falling. It's pounding. There's something falling behind Huang Ziping. It's a man, Zhou Bufang's man. Huang Ziping's right hand was empty, and the dagger was shot away.

This scene came so suddenly that Huang Ziping, who originally felt that he was doomed, suddenly had a boundless future. On the contrary, Zhou Bufang, who originally felt that he wanted to win, had a gloomy future. Zhou Bufang didn't dare to move and couldn't believe it. Yao Yao came to his eyes. The pistol on the muffler pointed to his forehead and grabbed his flashlight. He seemed to wake up. Lost, lost again, not reconciled, this in the end is why? Why can Yaoyao find it?

Huang Ziping is still strange, just want to ask, Yao Yao first opened the mouth: "boss, are you ok?"

Shaking his head and wiping the bloodstain, Huang Ziping grabbed the pistol and pressed it down. He made a backward gesture to Yaoyao, and then said to Zhou Xingyun, "we owe you a fight. I wanted to beat you personally for a tutor. Don't say you won't be given a chance. I'll leave you dead. It's over. If you lose, I will let you die miserably. Learn from you, take photos and send them to your relatives. "

Zhou Xingyun gritted his teeth and said, "do you pretend to be lame?"


"You are so mean."

"I'm not pretending to you."

"You kill me. I don't want to fight you."

"Why, do you know you can't win? Cowards. "

"You're the coward."

"If you're not a coward, you'll come, or you'll jump off the cliff yourself."

It's better to have a chance than not. Zhou Bufang rushes over and kicks Huang Ziping's ancestral temple. It's very insidious. Huang Ziping's hands sank to block his feet. He grasped them and jumped behind him. In an instant, Zhou Bufang was pulled forward by Huang Ziping and fell to the ground. Huang Ziping jumped on him, crossed his upper limbs with his legs, grasped his right hand with his left hand, and beat him in the face with his right hand.

At the beginning, Zhou Xingyun was able to block with his spare hand and fight back, even nearly toppling Huang Ziping. However, he was not Huang Ziping's opponent in the fight, and soon he could not use his strength, especially after Huang Ziping punched in the eye, he was so dizzy that he could only seize Huang Ziping's left hand and try to break his fingers.

At the moment when Zhou Bufang broke Huang Ziping's finger, Huang Ziping's fist also fell down, hitting the left chin side with a heavy fist. Zhou Bufang's front teeth were blown away and his head tilted to one side. Because of the pain, he let go, people have no strength, let Huang Ziping pull the skirt of his shirt, pull up his whole head."Tell me where he Ziwei is."

"At your mother's house."

Huang Ziping hit Zhou Bufang's left face with another fist: "say it or not?"

"Talk about your mother."

Huang Ziping once again hit Zhou Bufang with one punch, and the corners of his mouth were full of blood: "I'll ask you again, where is he Ziwei?"

"At your mother's house."

Huang Ziping stood up, dragged Zhou Bufang to the edge of the cliff, and let Zhou Bufang basically hang in the air: "last time, where is he Ziwei?"

Zhou Xingyun smile: "in your mother's home."

Huang Ziping let go.

Yao Yao came to the edge early, Zhou Xingyun fell down, she shot three times, Huang Ziping looked at her blankly, she said: "make sure to die, otherwise, I'm afraid there's something hanging on his body to let him escape from death."

Zhou Bufang finally died. Huang Ziping was exhausted and sat down on the ground: "how did you find it?"

Yao Yao put away his pistol and squatted down to deal with Huang Ziping's wound. While dealing with the wound, he said: "we caught up with the police car. You have been transferred. Several fake police told Zhou Bufang that you might have been brought to this area. We came to look for it. I happened to see the guy behind me in the lane. I thought it was suspicious, so I followed him

At the end of the distant words, the sound of footsteps behind them is Xiaojiang.