Chapter 871

Black Rose slowed down. At that time, the car passed under the viaduct. The viaduct had eight lanes, so the area was very large, and there was a dark place. On the opposite side is a roundabout. When you enter the viaduct, it is a seven character slope. On the top of the slope is a ceramic city. In front of it is the main road with many cars and people. Black rose has a good eye. This ghost place is really suitable for ambush, but will situ Nan come from here?

Huang Ziping asked Xiaoji, "is this the only way?"

Xiaoji didn't answer immediately. Instead, he opened the map of his mobile phone and studied it. Then he said, "there are three roads out of the city. This one is faster, and the other two have to go around for a long time, but the road condition is much better than here. They are all new roads."

"It's urgent. Situ Nan should not take a detour. Miss Black Rose, you stop to see how to arrange people, how to intercept their vehicles, and how to beat them the fastest. Xiaoji, you also go

With a creak, the car pulled to the side of the road and stopped. Two women in the front seat got out of the car. Huang Ziping and Sha Lang stayed in the car.

After five minutes of discussion outside, Xiaoji and black rose go back to the car and tell Huang Ziping that the terrain is OK. It's not difficult to arrange. As long as there are 20 people, and there's a large truck and four sniper guns, Stuart will have to hang up. Huang Ziping was very happy when he heard that. At that time, scorpion and Korean had arrived, and nine cars were parked at the bottom of the overpass.

Because of the time, there were not many cars running on the road, so they didn't plan to change places to discuss, so they discussed in situ. All the leaders got on the business car where Huang Ziping was, and expressed their opinions. After 20 minutes, they worked out a simple, direct, but very effective way, that is, let the Korean, Lao Meizi, Xiaoji, Haigou, Huang Chong quietly enter the village, Ning Haoran's house, and do everything possible to let Ning Haoran's people call situ Nan, saying that Ning Haoran is dying of an emergency, so they need to find situ nan to explain what happened. This change is more stable than Miss Bai's call to cheat situ Nan. Miss Bai has another magical effect.

Ning Haoran is an old man in his seventies. Situ Nan must believe that he will come here himself.

In charge of ambush or scorpion and new recruits, as well as Mina's people, Ding Ding, Yao Yao, plus a KK as a sniper. As soon as they get angry, the little guitars will clear away the traces and leave. Miss Bai comes into the village from another direction to take care of Ning Haoran and hide what happened in Dawang village. After situ Nan's death, Ning Haoran can only compromise with Miss Bai and help her deal with other members to deal with Zhou Xingyun. Huang Ziping has called Miss Bai to verify this. Miss Bai has no objection to the whole new plan, but thinks it is more reliable.

Since it's reliable, it's not too late to enter the arrangement state immediately.

Nine cars left in an instant, and only one returned to the city, which was Huang Ziping's car.

In the car, Huang Ziping calls Duan Mengying. They discuss the next thing, how to hide the truth so that situ Nan's death can not be traced, and how to get out, and transfer all the people out to deal with Zhou Bufang. The final result of their discussion was to make a play and go missing again. As for how to disappear, it's better to be assassinated. In this way, if situ Nan is assassinated, no one will guess that it's a bitter trick.

The biggest advantage of missing is that you don't have to be watched. Black Rose goes away and is monitored by another person. If the person is too strong, it's certainly not good for them to make any plans. If they don't contact, they don't need to take care of it and can go their own way. Moreover, Miss Bai can be saved temporarily by missing. As a sophomore, I don't know whether his disappearance is related to the Eighth Night Party, so I don't dare to deal with it rashly.

Of course, situ Nan's death will certainly make the eight night club fight for power and profit. Obviously, some people want to seek the throne of the ruler. I don't know if Miss Bai can stand it. If she can't, it will be very bad for Huang Ziping. Huang Ziping and Duan Mengying have different ideas on how to deal with this issue, at least at the beginning. Duan Mengying thinks that there is no need to deal with it. At the eight night meeting, there are only two people, situ Nan and Miss Bai, and situ Nan is dead. Before the situation becomes clear, they will not be robbed to a great extent. No one wants to die, will they? Huang Ziping thinks that it's not a big fight, but she will certainly fight. Miss Bai is too weak. Unless Ning Haoran tries his best to help her, she won't know what's going on when she is killed. They will suffer at the end of the day.

In the end, Duan Mengying listened to Huang Ziping's advice, let Miss Bai do nothing and imprison Ning Haoran. She would not ignore Ning Haoran's life and death.

Does Miss Bai agree? Of course, she refuses. This is cheating her teacher and destroying her ancestors. Huang Ziping has finished Zhou Bufang's work. It's OK for her to come back. If she fails, she has no way back. However, she did not persuade Huang Ziping to change her mind, so she could only reluctantly agree to do as much as possible and protect herself. She offered to give Huang Ziping only ten days, and Huang Ziping agreed to give him ten days. If he didn't succeed, he would be benevolent. He may not need ten days.

At 4:45 a.m., Huang Ziping swaggered from the villa to see the fifth. The time and route were carefully designed. It was only on the way to No. 5 that the problem occurred. It was to cooperate with Duan Mengying, who stayed in Hong Kong and Haicheng to cope with the situation. She pretended to be a sophomore and questioned the sophomore to gain psychological advantage and convenience.

Now the scorpion side is ready, and each of them is waiting for Xiaoji's success. The little guitars use communication tools. Kong Lingyan is monitoring and telling Huang Ziping all the details. So Huang Ziping knows how the little guitars arrange, how they enter the house, what kind of resistance they encounter in the house, and what the final result is. Generally speaking, the process is relatively smooth. I don't know if Ning Haoran is not so afraid of death because he is old. There are not many people around him and the guard is very casual.Little guitars are successful, Kong Lingyan also informed Miss Bai, let her start her task. Gahake is still near situ Nan's villa. He secretly connects with the monitoring in the villa, so Huang Ziping can also grasp the movement of situ Nan. He is really in the trap. But the old man was very careful. He didn't just take a few people out. He took sixteen and divided them into five cars.

At 5:20, at dawn, Huang Ziping's car came to the street opposite the No. 5 hospital. The speed is very slow, slowly approaching. Huang Ziping in the car is picking up his things, including his mobile phone, wallet and so on, and putting them on the seat. A minute before that, he had received a report from Kong Lingyan that scorpion and Stuart had already contacted each other and were exchanging fire.

Huang Ziping's side is also to act. Huang Ziping himself sent a signal, opened the window and threw out a lighted cigarette.

Cigarette butts fell on the road, sparks splashed, originally stopped in the opposite lane of a huge mud car turned, suddenly accelerated into Huang Ziping's car.

With a thump, the business car was hit, but the damage was not particularly serious. It could still run. Black Rose called the accelerator and let the car directly hit the green belt.

Huang Ziping didn't feel dizzy because the car had been treated and there were soft bags inside.

The screech of the brakes sounded, the mud car stopped, and six men in dark clothes, hoods and hand stockings jumped from the body of the car. They pried open the door of the business car, pulled Huang Ziping out, and grabbed a newly arrived gray van. Black rose and Sha Lang were not caught. Two of them poured gasoline into the car and ignited it. This move is very risky, but in order to be realistic, and in order to eliminate the soft bag, it must be done. According to the plan, Shalang and black rose will climb out in time.

There was a big fire. Some people in the hospital ran out to see, but they didn't dare to get close to them. They just called the police and waited for the mud truck and the van to escape before they went to help rose and Shalang escape.

After driving two blocks, the mud truck was thrown away, and the van drove into the parking lot and replaced with two cars. The parking lot monitoring has been tampered with, so everything is very safe. After changing the car, I met a police car outside. As I imagined, the police car didn't notice anything wrong. The two cars went out of the city without fear and danger and went straight to liumen county.

On the ring expressway, the people in the car took off the dark clothes and removed the headgear. Most of these people are under Zhang Dashan's command. Xiaojiang is inside, sitting next to Huang Ziping. In addition to Zhang Dashan's subordinates, another car, as well as Sima, who came to participate in the performance after finishing his task, left home. At that time, she was the co driver of the mud cart, which was driven from the construction site opposite to the villa where situ Nan lived.

Taking a tablet computer from Xiaojiang, Huang Ziping used it to contact Kong Lingyan and ask about her progress. After about two minutes of communication, he showed a happy smile on his face, which also told everyone that the plan was successful, Stuart had been solved, and scorpion had already withdrawn. Kitty is also retreating. They are on their way to the hospital on the fifth. When Miss Bai arrived at Dawang village, the woman took more than 30 people with her.

Fifty minutes later, Huang Ziping went to a very remote beach in liumen county and got on two boats with Xiaojiang, Gama and eight Zhang Dashan's men.

The boat is in the middle of the river. Where is a big fishing boat waiting.

The first time he got on the ship, Huang Ziping picked up his tablet computer to contact Kong Lingyan. Kong Lingyan was not online, which made Huang Ziping a little worried. He directly called the mobile phone that Gama wanted, but Kong Lingyan didn't answer. He called Duan Mengying, who was on the phone. Want to play for Xiaoji, Xiaoji himself called over, Huang Ziping immediately asked: "Xiaoji, why is Kong Lingyan not online?"

"Xiao Ji said:" fainted, too tired, these days she did not sleep

"How is she now?"

"Just got to the hospital. It's OK."

"Where are you?"

"Outside the ward on the fifth, the boss's wife was also there, and the sophomore called her."

"Does the black rose match?"

"Yes, as soon as I got out of the car, I already called my sophomore, and my sophomore contacted the Public Security Bureau. Now the whole city is looking for your van."

"Has Kong Lingyan finished monitoring?"

"Well, she fainted after everything was done..."

"Tell Mengying, according to the original plan, my mobile phone attention, I think that damned man will call to put Huang Xiaoshu."

"I know. Oh, the landlady has hung up. Do you want to say?"

"Listen to her."