Chapter 863

After making up the help post, Kong Lingyan sent the post to many large animal websites, as well as websites that she thought might get answers. After finishing the post, she said to Huang Ziping, "boss, it's evening now, so there should be no news so soon. I wonder if we should go to find an animal expert and ask the expert to help us with the research?"

Huang Ziping said, "where can I find it?"

"Hong Kong Sea zoo, Institute of zoology and so on, foreign animal experts can also contact us."

"No problem."

"It costs money."

"That's bullshit."

"Well, I'll concentrate on this first, and the Arctic organization will let it go."

Liang Jingxiang suddenly said, "what organization do you mean? Arctic Ocean Organization

Kong Lingyan said, "yes, an organization in South America."

"South..." Liang Jingxiang looked at Huang Ziping and said, "I've heard of this organization. They specialize in drugs. They have a huge organization. Do you have anything to do with this organization?"

"No Huang Ziping shook his head, "but Zhou Bufang has it. Now he comes back to deal with me with the help of this organization."

"No? This organization has been very chaotic recently. "

"How do you know?"

"I..." Liang Jingxiang suddenly stopped and thought for a few seconds before he said, "I'm in South America. Of course I know."

Is that so? In Liang Jingxiang's eyes, what Huang Ziping saw was evasion. She didn't tell the truth. As for why she didn't say it, she knew it herself. Now Huang Ziping has no time to take these into consideration. He has to think about how to save Huang Xiaoshu. Anyway, Zhou Bufang himself is in trouble now. He can let go of his problems and deal with urgent matters first. In fact, it's easier to deal with Zhou Bufang when Huang Xiaoshu comes back. He denies that he won't say anything else first, but no one can beat Zhou Bufang except Sha Lang.

Sha Lang is just able to win. Zhou Bufang and Huang Xiaoshu are at the same level. Since Huang Xiaoshu has the ability to kill Sha Lang, doesn't Zhou Bufang?

Ignoring Liang Jingxiang, Huang Ziping said to Xiaoji, "you send Kong Lingyan back, you are on her side, Korean guy is here, don't go..."

Xiao Ji gets up and goes outside. Kong Lingyan cleans up and goes out. After a while, he can hear the sound of the car leaving.

Look at the time. It's already eleven o'clock in the evening. Huang Ziping said to Liang Jingxiang and the Korean: "go to have a rest. There shouldn't be anything wrong tonight."

The Korean guy got up first, took a few steps, but suddenly stopped and said, "boss, I want to ask a question, why don't black rose know?"

"Do you think sophomore wants Huang Xiaoshu to live or die?"

"Huang xiaoshuhuo, we have a better grasp of eight night club. Doesn't he understand?"

"What if they don't want to rely on you to deal with the eight night party?"

Korean guy no problem, leave, followed by Liang Jingxiang, left Huang Ziping and Sha Lang.

Huang Ziping calls Ouyang Xue and asks her to raise money to go back to her room, then waits for Duan Mengying to call.

At 12 o'clock, almost on time, Duan Mengying called: "Ziping, how about Huang Xiaoshu? What do they think? Did Aunt Xue raise money? "

Huang Ziping said: "like us, Aunt Xue has been working hard and there should be no problem."

"Let's put this matter into practice like this. The loss will be 10 million, plus some troubles. I don't think it will be fatal."

"Well, who will Yang Wei take you to see?"

"Two leaders in the pharmaceutical industry lobbied them to join Guoan pharmaceutical."

"Lobbying? Are they Tianhong people? Pry into the corner Huang Ziping wiped a sweat, "does the contract support?"

"There's not much to pay for and take away. It doesn't matter. If you lose money, you can earn it again. You can't take things away. You can recreate them. The key is talent. "

"They still have a team, don't they?"

"Well, in fact, it's a test. Yang Zhi gave us a test. If we can dig it successfully, Yang Zhi will agree to our proposal."

"So it is. No wonder you didn't tell me Yang Zhi's reply immediately after seeing him. That guy is also an old fox. He must have tried and failed, so he let you go

"Yang Wei said the same thing. She even said this to me. Isn't it incredible? I'm starting to like her... "

This topic is not easy to talk about, Duan Mengying began to like Yang Wei, why so strange? Huang Ziping changed the topic and said, "how about the two leaders? Did you persuade them? "

"It can only be said that those who have not been rejected are very serious. I'll treat them to morning tea tomorrow, which is my unique skill."

"What's the trick?"

"It's very hurtful to let them be suspected by Tianhong and suspected of their loyalty. It's a bit mean to do so, but in the extraordinary period, we can only use the extraordinary method, dig it up first, and then find an opportunity to apologize to them. " Duan Mengying, a kind person, doesn't like to use such despicable means. However, as she said, this period is very special. It may be a failure to do less, so she can only relax her principles for the time being, "I'm going to bed, or you'll have no spirit tomorrow, so you can go to bed earlier!"

Huang Ziping said yes, followed by a good night.After tossing and turning in bed to more than one point, Huang Ziping went to sleep in a daze, and was woken up by the mobile phone ring at more than two points. Pick up the phone and have a look. It's a blank number. It's connected. The voice is familiar, Mr. Phil. The hypocrite finally called: "Huang, it should be late at night over there. I'm sorry to disturb your dream. Don't you blame me?"

Huang Ziping said: "strange, but I have to admit that I was thinking about when you would call me."

"I want to fight when I come out, but there are too many urgent things to deal with. Huang, it's all you've brought me. You've got me in a lot of trouble. "

"You don't offend me, I don't offend you, who's fooling me and who's fooling me, Mr. Phil. I've said these words to you more than once. You've said it to me. Don't you think you're shameless?"

"Indeed, I am very shameless, but, Huang, you really know too much, you make me afraid, I don't want to do that, don't want to deal with you, sometimes just have no choice."

"Then don't say it. You can't persuade me, and I can't persuade you." Huang Ziping was a little angry, he thought he would not, "you call now, what do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything, just call you politely."

"You think I want to believe it? God, what did you do? Even if you deal with me, do you still have other people? No. 5, don't deny it. You just want to kill all my people. You are responsible for the death of my mother-in-law, and my daughter-in-law is missing. Although I have come back now, I have paid a great price. I really want to ask you, is it really necessary for you to do so? "

"Aren't they all alive now?"

"And I want to thank you, don't I?"

"No, it's my fault. I'm sorry."

"Come on, say what you want."

"Now I'm fighting against you, and I'm sure you have a better chance of winning. So what I want to do with you is to first deal with the family affairs, and then get my wife and children back. Of course, you won't give it to me. You will try every means to obstruct it. So, Huang, I'm not going to deal with you any more. "

Huang Ziping, a hypocrite, no longer believed him, but he did not raise any doubt: "Mr. Phil, you let me down, so I have no hope for you. I will take good care of your wife and children."

"I believe that they are safer with you than with me. Frankly speaking, when I first knew that they were in your hands, I hated you very much because I knew what it meant. You used this move to make me stop being an enemy. Later, I figured out that you used this move. It's right that you couldn't have used it, but if it wasn't, they might have been killed by Habia, so you still have credit. "

"Credit? Forget it, I always have. I've helped you so much. What's the result? "

"Huang, tiger poison does not eat, you may not believe me, but please believe this sentence."

"Go away, when you used to deal with Gibbs, you used your wife and children. Even without me, you could deal with Gibbs, but you were more risky. I didn't want to expose you, but you still treat me as a fool. I don't want to say anything to you. It's reasonable for us to kill you, but I don't want to kill you. I hope you can respect your life. Finally, let me ask you a question. Did you hire vicas to arrest me? "


"My legs are lost because of you. Don't come into China. Don't do even one thing I don't like. I'm the premise that I won't kill you."

"I just said, it's over, it's all over..."

"I wish you can take back what belongs to you."

"Thank you

Huang Ziping hung up and went to sleep.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Huang Ziping got out of bed, washed, dressed and went downstairs.

There is a Korean sitting on the sofa in the living room. He is watching the TV news. There is breakfast on the table. Shalang is eating.

Huang Ziping rolled over in his wheelchair, grabbed a bottle of milk, drank a few mouthfuls, ate steamed stuffed buns, and asked the Korean: "Liang Jingxiang hasn't got up yet?"

Korean shook his head: "she got up very early, she bought breakfast..."

"Is her bodyguard still out there?"

"Yes, they have a lot of equipment. The tent they slept in last night."

"What style do they have? It's boring to score so much. " Huang Ziping puts his eyes on the TV screen and eats while watching. After eating, he lights a cigarette and smokes to call Mina. He tells her that Mr. Phil called last night. Generally speaking, he also tells Mina what he said. He asks Mina to tell linda what kind of mentality Linda is and whether she wants to go back.

When Huang Ziping hung up, the Korean immediately asked, "boss, you won't let Mrs. Linda go back, will you?"

Huang Ziping stares at him: "Korean guy, you are very idiotic from last night to today. You ask some idiotic questions. Do you think I will believe Mr. Phil?"

Korean guy speechless, plus at that time black rose has got up from upstairs down, this topic is no longer suitable to talk about, shut up.

At eight o'clock, Huang Ziping called Xiaoji and asked if she and Kong Lingyan had any information? Unfortunately, not yet. It will take some time for experts to reply. After a night's hard work, it's not that an expert didn't reply, but they couldn't confirm what animal was in the recording. In fact, Huang Ziping did not dare to say that checking the animal's cry worked, so he was not disappointed that he did not get the answer.When Huang Ziping got on the bus at 8:30, he called Ouyang Xue and asked about her progress in raising money. Ouyang Xue said that she was already in the bank and could take the money out of the door before 9:30. Huang Ziping asked the address of the bank and asked the Korean to drive by. He stopped at the side of the road. He didn't get off the car, but just stayed in the car. Instead, let the Korean get out of the car and ask shanglaomeizi and Haigou to step on the spot. First, let's see the top floor of the commercial building where the money is scattered, and what's the situation around it.