Chapter 812

After smoking and chatting, it took Huang Ziping and Sha Lang almost an hour to take a bath and change their clothes. Huang Ziping returned to his wheelchair, and Sha Lang pushed him back to the Buddhist hall and into the room. It was almost three o'clock in the morning. Katie said that she was outside before dawn. If she had something to do, she could ask her to close the door and go out. Huang Ziping observed the room. The windows were very high, at least five meters high, and the walls were very smooth. There was no way to walk through the windows when something happened.

It seems that we really need to settle the internal affairs of Neha peacefully.

For Huang Ziping, the best news is that as far as the progress of the plan is concerned, NIHA will try her best to maintain cooperation.

The bad news is that I don't know if NIHA is completely honest with herself, and whether the situation is worse than she thought. If this meeting is a Hongmen banquet, he will follow her to the end.

Of course, the end is tomorrow morning, there are still a few hours, you can sleep first.

After lying down, Huang Ziping said to Sha Lang that he had gone to sleep. Then he closed his eyes and emptied his brain

At eight o'clock on time, Katie knocked outside to bring breakfast to Huang Ziping and Sha Lang, as well as a tablet computer and two earphones. Surveillance connected to the outside of the 12 secret cameras, look at the angle, nine of which will be aimed at the face, of course, if there are people sitting on the seat. The other three, one is panoramic view, one is in front of the Buddhist hall, the other is in front of the utility room.

After wiping his face with a wet tissue and chewing two pieces of gum, Huang Ziping began to eat breakfast, bread, bacon and milk.

After breakfast, it's half an hour before the meeting. However, NIHA has come first. Huang Ziping can see her coming from the outside with her bodyguard in the surveillance, but she is alone when she enters the Buddhist hall. Katie saw her come in, knocked on the door of the utility room, said that miss Neha was coming, and then stood aside.

In less than ten seconds, Huang Ziping met the real person of NIHA, with a shallow smile on her face: "Mr. Huang, I've wronged you..."

Huang Ziping motioned around and said, "it's better than the tent environment. At least it doesn't have a bad smell. How can we be aggrieved?"

"Don't you feel like a cell?"

"So you need to get this done earlier and let me out."

"I'll try my best. I'm in good shape today. I'm confident. How about you?"

"Not bad."

"I'll sit down, be quiet, think about it, wait for those old things to come, you're here."

"Please, miss Neha."

Neha left without even entering. Katie came in, closed the door and stood aside.

From the surveillance, Huang Ziping sees NIHA sitting on the main seat and looks at her for a while. Huang Ziping lights a cigarette for himself and asks Sha Lang, "is your mobile phone muted?"

"Not yet." Sha Lang quickly took out his mobile phone to mute it.

Huang Ziping handed over the tablet computer: "the window is relatively small. Don't be distracted when you stare. Tell me when someone comes."

Shalang takes it and stares at it.

Huang Ziping takes out his tablet computer, brushes news while smoking, understands Mr. Phil's family credit, and contacts Kong Lingyan and Xiaoji.

It's two minutes to nine o'clock, Sha Lang said that people are coming! Huang Ziping quickly leaned over and quickly dragged out the monitoring window at the door with his fingers, filling the screen. It's true that eight of them are all wearing Indian clothes and hats. They are not very old. They all look like they are almost 50 years old. They are full of physical strength. Many of them are practicing at home.

Eight of them didn't smile, especially the guy with a big mole in the left corner of his eye. Huang Ziping quickly asked Katie who this is? Katie has introduced Huang Ziping. His name is Baku. Among the eight elders, he is the most powerful. Usually, he is the most unhappy with Miss NIHA. The other seven katies also had introductions. When they sat down, they all gave a detailed introduction.

Seeing that they began to speak, Huang Ziping put on the earphone. When Katie also put on the earphone, Huang Ziping asked her to translate quickly.

At the beginning, what the elders and NIHA said was nothing serious. It was some ha ha words. The weather was good, the breakfast was rich, who looked good and so on. There were also some compliments. Huang Ziping is a little suspicious, Katie is not to his translation error? Translate like this on purpose? But look at Katie's face. She's serious.

After five minutes of bullshit, Baku, who has been speaking less, finally cut the topic to the main point. His expression was ferocious: "NIHA, don't talk nonsense without nutrition. Why do you transfer so many people? You said last night that you would give us a perfect answer today. You don't just want to delay, do you

NIHA said: "Uncle Baku, how can it be? I dare not perfunctory you. How can I make you understand when I transfer people out? Let me see... " NIHA made a thoughtful expression. In fact, she had been thinking well for a long time. She just wanted to bring Baku into her own rhythm through these behaviors. "It's not very convenient for me to tell you what I'm going to do now. I'm afraid there will be an accident if I say it now..."

Baku snorted, "excuse? You don't want to do this. We're all people who've seen big waves, and it's clear that if you still want our support. "This is a threat, not to say that it means not to support. NIHA's eyes swept to other elders. From their looks, it seemed that more than half of them agreed with Baku's proposal. Although this situation is expected, I'm still very upset and blame myself. If it wasn't for the poor protection of Huang Ziping in the villa at the beginning, there would not have been anything later. Phil would not have done two big businesses and two businesses. These elders would not have any opinions about themselves.

Hate, it's all the evil consequences brought by Phil. I really want to kill this asshole

There was a burst of anger in her heart. NIHA didn't show the slightest expression on her face. She still faced Baku with a smile. She was confident: "Uncle Baku, you have made a blood oath to support my clan leader's status, unless I harm the people, I don't have it?"

Baku forced humanity: "since there is no, why hide it?"

Another elder named Zhuolin said at this time: "yes, little NIHA, you should make it clear and speak quickly, instead of pulling so many blank things. You pulled like this last night. Are you challenging our patience?"

"Uncle Zhuolin, I didn't. In fact, I have explained about the last two businesses. It's really my fault. I will fill in the lost money. I've been a patriarch for three years, haven't I? I haven't lost any business. This is the first time. Can't you believe me? "

Baku sneered: "two orders have been lost in three years. It's still a big one. You really give your father a long face. He's been in charge for 30 years and never lost one."

"I'll make it back."

"Who knows? Who guarantees? "

"Uncle Baku, I think you're here to fight with me today..."

"I'll find out. You lost two big businesses because of your personal feud. At that time, we advised you not to do that. You didn't listen. You had to get involved in Phil's business. Phil was not easy to provoke."

"You don't know about Phil's environment now? Well, uncle Baku, since you mentioned it on your own initiative, I'll tell you that the person I sent out is to deal with Phil. "

Baku continued to sneer, but this time the sneer was not for Neha, but for the other seven elders: "do you hear me? I said that I had not guessed wrong, and as expected, I continued to do it, trying to find a bargain. Little NIHA, cheap is never easy to pick up. Do you know why your father has been in charge of the good weather for 30 years? That's because he knows not to pick up the cheap and not to participate in wars unrelated to himself. Our own business is enough to make money. It's heaven to do our own business well. Don't you harm the people by doing other things? If you harm the people, don't tell me about the blood oath. You're not worthy. "

Neha Mingming was very angry. She wanted to slap Baku in the face. In fact, she could only endure: "Uncle Baku, what you said is too much."

"Too much? What I said about your father is not right? "

"It's wrong for you to say that I harm the people. I've never had such a heart."

"Yes, many people don't want to die, but they die. What's your explanation for that, little NIHA?"

"The two things are not the same at all. You said that I harmed the people. What's the loss of the people now? I said I would fill in the money and earn it back. Uncle Baku, if you are short of money, I can give it to you first and write a check right away, don't you? "

Huang Ziping was listening to Katie's translation in the utility room. His heart was burning. He said to Katie, "Miss Katie, is this Baku trying to win a place? You didn't be honest with me last night. You didn't make it clear

"I didn't lie," Katie said. "He's so sharp today, and I'm surprised."

"It's very sharp today..." Huang Ziping scratched his head. "Has miss NIHA's confidants and those who can be transferred basically been transferred out?"

"You can say that."

"That is to say, if Baku wins the position today, miss Neha will have nothing to do?"

"You mean..." Katie's face turned black. "Baku is so sharp because of the arrangement? Oh, my God, isn't it? "

"Ha ha, you'd better find a way to transfer some people. Also, as soon as possible to see what kind of situation around, outside is not a lot of people and so on

Katie accepted Huang Ziping's advice, quickly took out her mobile phone, made two calls in succession, and then continued to translate for Huang Ziping. At that time, the nine people outside had already talked a lot, but Katie paid attention and chose the key points to add to Huang Ziping. In general, Baku is still stimulating NIHA, and NIHA is trying to give way, which is more powerful than the original. It seems that she also found that Baku is not right today. This attitude may be a plot, so she wants to delay for some time.

Huang Ziping was worried and prayed that there was no pit in his heart. It was really a pit that NIHA had never thought of.

If Baku really does it, isn't he going to bury Neha?