Chapter 789

Yang Wei woke up and Huang Ziping went to sleep. He only slept for a few hours and was awakened by Yang Wei. At that time, it was less than an hour before he went out for activities at two o'clock.

Yang Wei asked Huang Ziping, "has Mr. Huang considered the result?"

Huang Ziping said, "I can't do it."

"You will be killed by Lennon. Your situation is different from ours. Look at the food you eat, your treatment, and even give you cigarettes. They do good deeds for no reason? "

"I know, I understand."

"If you understand, why not do it?"

"I can't hurt you."

"Failure is the harm to me. What if I succeed? Since it's hard work, there's no way to be fully insured. I'm willing to gamble. I've been here for a year

"You told me that you can wait patiently."

"It's the original, now it's the present. After you come, I'll chat with you. I admit that I've been affected and my peace has been broken. I had thought about this way of escape, but I couldn't do it alone. I was patient because I didn't have a chance. Now there are two of us, and opportunities appear, so I have no patience. It's my choice. There's nothing you can do for me. " Yang Wei said this in a very angry tone, and seemed a little disappointed with Huang Ziping.

Huang Ziping himself is also disappointed. Damn it, he was arrested for nothing. After waiting for two weeks, none of his own people found him. Don't you fight? I don't know how to be tortured if I don't fight. But fight, oneself a person can't fight, pull up Yang Wei, do not want to kill her. He did not dare and Yang Wei that firm eyes, eyes away.

See Huang Ziping so, Yang Wei ah a: "very disappointed with you, I thought you have courage."

Huang Ziping opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"Nothing to say?"

"I don't know how to say it."

"Say it directly."

"If I fail, I'll be caught and beaten to death at most. You are a woman. What will they do to you with a large group of men?"

"I won't give them a chance."

"Yes, so if they don't kill you, you will kill yourself. Didn't I hurt you? In the end, I'm not dead. You're dead. I can't do it. "

"What does it have to do with you?" If it's not for the unsuitable environment, Yang Wei has almost used his roaring skill to Huang Ziping. She gritted her teeth and said, "I'll tell you seriously again that this is my own choice. Whether you agree to cooperate or not, I will do it. I hope you agree."

"Don't you force me?"

"I'm forcing myself to wait. I don't know what will happen. Is it lucky to escape or unfortunate to be buried here? Do you know? "

"Well, let's do it."

"You'd better grab a gun. Don't you have any skill?"

"Sort of."

"I have, too."

"You..." Huang Ziping had a strange look on his face

"Judo black belt, you catch Eric, I can grab the gun, and then catch the black man."

"Let's talk about it after going out. I don't know what the environment will be like. Now it's useless to say that. You might as well give me a weapon to be more practical. Do you have any?"

"I have a comb to sharpen..."

"Hurry up."

Yang Wei takes out his comb and grinds it on the stone wall. Huang Ziping stands behind the iron fence and pays attention to the situation outside. If anyone comes, he can inform Yang Wei in time.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, it's time for everyone to be excited.

Just like last week, Lennon was still in charge. He asked his thugs to open the door, put on the hood, walk, get on the cart, and then walk.

When the hood left the head, we could see the green and secluded lake, and everyone went to the lake, except Huang Ziping and Yang Wei.

Huang Ziping looked around.

Like Yang Wei.

The two of them are far away.

Look at the guards. The number is about the same as last week. They also have guns. The one closest to Huang Ziping is 10 meters, and the one closest to Yang Wei is 78 meters.

Look at the lake. Eric is taking off his coat and washing it in the water. He uses his coat as a towel to wipe his body.

Is it from now on? Huang Ziping and Yang Wei make eye contact. Yang Wei seems to think that Huang Ziping doesn't think it's the right time, so he shakes his head and goes to the lake. Yang Wei followed him. As he passed behind him, he said his own opinion: when we gather, we can do it. When we gather, we can rely on the nearest distance. It's the easiest.

After going down to the lake, Huang Ziping washed himself casually. Then he looked around and found something that could hold water. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the big one. I only saw a kettle hanging on one of the beaters. It's not big enough. It can hold a liter of water in the sky.

How many people drink a liter of water? Is it possible to walk out more than 200 kilometers? It's impossible to think about it!

It's better to get a car. They should have a car.

Huang Ziping was thinking, but he heard the sound of the car engine. He was trying to look in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, Eric came to his side and said, "Mr. Huang, a week has passed. Are you ok?"Huang Ziping laughed: "it's OK for the moment. I don't know tonight. Vicas asked me to give him an answer tonight."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. And you? "

"He asked me to reply tomorrow morning, or I'll be handed over to Lennon."

"It seems to be the same way."

"It's said that Lennon is cruel. Ah, I hate him. Technology is unreliable." Eric patted himself on the back of his hand. "What's a locator in the blood, I think it's shit."

At this time, the sound of the car was very close. Huang Ziping ignored Eric and looked at the car. It's a jeep. There are three people on it, one driver, one thug, and the other seems to be Vicas.

Huang Ziping was very happy to have a car. He thought it was God's help. Damn it, vicas was in the car and came to the lake. Can the plan go ahead?

What made Huang Ziping want to cry more was still behind him. When vicas got off the bus, he said in English: "Mr. Eric, are you by the lake? You come up

Eric looked at Huang Ziping in panic. He obviously didn't want to go up.

Vicas waited and didn't see anyone. He said, "Mr. Eric, are you hiding from me? You can't hide. Come out if you don't want me to let you go down and catch you. "

"What does Mr. vicas want to do?" he said

"Show you something."

"I'm in the sun."

"I'll make it up to you. You come up first."

This is to take Eric. If Eric is taken away, obviously the plan will fail before it starts.

Eric hesitates to leave. Huang Ziping looks at Yang Wei and asks her for her opinion. Yang Wei is also at a loss of expression, after all, did not expect this situation, how to do? In the few seconds when neither of them knew how to deal with it, Eric had moved, stepped up and walked to the car.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Huang Ziping approached Yang Wei and said, "Miss Yang, now we have two choices: to give up, or to change people to coerce."

Yang Wei said: "can we wait?"

"When vicas gets Eric back? What if he doesn't? "

"Now they haven't gone either. They don't have to."

Huang Ziping turned away with the rest of his eyes. He didn't go, but who knows if he would go the next second?

Hateful, what's in his mind? Vicas made a gesture to Eric to ask him to get on the bus. Eric looked back with fear in his eyes. He didn't want to go up, but he couldn't.

After vicas got in the car, the car started.

Huang Ziping said to Yang Wei: "Heaven's will, it seems that it can only be like this. We don't know who has this value."

Yang Wei is also very disappointed, picked up a stone, vent like to the lake.

Plop, splash, less than two seconds to restore the quiet, then the car has run dozens of meters. But just at this time, suddenly the sound of a plane came from the sky in the distance, and a helicopter came. We could see that the two black spots were getting closer and closer. Obviously, the driver also found out, or vicas found out, the car stopped, and vicas got out of the car nervously.

The thugs near the lake were also very nervous. Everyone raised their guns. Judging from these behaviors, the plane had nothing to do with them.

It has nothing to do with them. Are you here to beat them? Huang Ziping had this idea in his heart, and then asked Yang Wei: "Miss Yang, have you ever seen a helicopter before?"

Yang Wei said no, looking up at the sky, her eyes did not blink, she looked very nervous, but also eager for the plane to fight the enemy of vicas. She even grasped Huang Ziping's hand nervously. Huang Ziping didn't feel any problem, because he himself was very nervous and praying. God bless you, this must be the helicopter to fight vicas, so that you can take advantage of the chaos. Even if they can't take advantage of it, they will save their own life by destroying vicas.

As the helicopter continued to approach, suddenly a fire broke out in front of the nose of the previous plane. A shell came, and with the sound of whooshing, it fell directly on the thugs and exploded.

Because he was relatively close, Huang Ziping only felt a wave of air coming towards him when the explosion happened. He grabbed Yang Wei's hand and both of them were washed down the lake by the wave of air. The same is true of other prisoners, who were rushed down almost at the same time. They were all too close, and the shells were powerful. But none of them was hurt. The poor beaters lay about ten or twenty.

The rest of the hitters will have responded. Bang bang, shoot back.

Vicas got back in the car and quickly went around the woods.

Two helicopters made a bend in the air, one against the hitters, one to chase the car.

With a cry, the water rippled violently, and the helicopter flew over the top of the brain. It turned around in the center of the lake and flew back to continue the attack. The bullets whizzed to the positions of the hitters on the shore. They were all large caliber bullets with great power. When the helicopter was separated, Huang Ziping raised his head and saw that the shooter was not a small bullet hole, but a big hole. There was blood all around and there was a mess everywhere.