Chapter 662

Four hours later, the two boats joined. Huang Xiaoshu was put on the freighter, and all the people got on the freighter together. The boat they used to take followed.

A little look at Huang Xiaoshu, Huang Ziping said: "Xiaoji, Yaoyao, Dingding stay, the rest go outside."

Xiaoji, Dingding and Yaoyao immediately drove the others out and closed the cabin door. Huang Ziping takes out a pair of surgical scissors, cuts off the clothes near Huang Xiaoshu's knee wound, looks at the wound, presses it again, and then gives Huang Xiaoshu an injection. At the same time, he instructs Xiaoji, Dingding and Yaoyao to assist in giving Huang Xiaoshu a blood transfusion

It took about an hour for Huang Ziping to fix his knee.

Four people work together to gently turn Huang Xiaoshu over and begin to deal with the gunshot wound. Maybe it seems that there is something wrong with the procedure. It is clear that internal injury is more fatal. Why not treat the injury first, but the knee first? This is because, this is Huang Xiaoshu, if the knee is not treated as soon as possible, even if the life is saved back, she is also dead, so she takes the risk to deal with the knee first.

With enough tools and Huang Ziping's skillful craftsmanship, it's not very troublesome to deal with gunshot wounds. After he cut the wound big, he asked Xiao Ji to take out his laptop and connect it to the lens. After Xiaoji finished, Huang Ziping asked ding ding to take charge of the mirror. He opened the wound and photographed downward. After fixing, he went to see the picture on the screen and asked ding ding to adjust his position according to the situation, so that he could see the bullet clearly.

It must be said that the operation method is simple enough, but Huang Ziping does not want to operate on it. It's easy to get bacterial infection in this broken place. Maybe I'll die on the operating table. He brought a lot of things, even did not intend to use, or do not want to use, the best Huang Xiaoshu can adhere to the hospital. But before he picked up Huang Xiaoshu, he went to their boat to check. Huang Xiaoshu's condition couldn't hold for long, so he had to have an operation. So, risk can only try, do the quality is poor, can go back to the hospital according to the situation, so there is a glimmer of life. You can only die if you don't do it, and within an hour.

Judging the location and thinking about the possible situation, Huang Ziping went back, took a deep breath and began to dig for bullets. Yaoyao is responsible for assisting, and does not stop using the medical cotton to absorb the blood gushing out as the tools in Huang Ziping's hand are moving. She is not a professional nurse, but she has no less blood than a nurse. She is a killer. She is indifferent to life and calm to life and death, but a nurse can't catch up with her. Even so, looking at so much blood, she felt dizzy and cold in her heart. Probably because this is Huang Xiaoshu, the person she knows well, her elder martial sister!

Ding Ding even dared not look and closed his eyes.

And Xiaoji, she said to Huang Ziping: "boss, the bleeding is too big. How long will you have to wait?"

Huang Ziping said: "I want to be quick too. Don't you see the position of the bullet? It's special. I have to be more careful. You speed up the blood flow and get the shock ready. And adrenal gland, I'm afraid Huang Xiaoshu can't support it. Yes, and the oxygen machine, speed to the right to adjust a small grid, see clearly, don't make a mistake, only a small bottle

Xiaoji quickly went to prepare for the meeting. Dingding opened her eyes and said, "boss, what do I do?"

Huang Ziping thought: "go to see if there is a text message from Chen Yi on my mobile phone. If so, tell me the content. Then find my mother-in-law's number, give her a call, let the helicopter come ahead of time, I don't want to be a minute late

Ding Ding immediately went to the seat to look for Huang Ziping's mobile phone and turned it on. As expected, there was Chen Yi's short message, which was very long. It was about the arrangement of the operation and the opinions of experts. After reading it, she read it word by word to Huang Ziping, and then replied according to Huang Ziping's meaning. It's so busy. Everyone is the same, especially Huang Ziping. He's under a lot of pressure. There's only one person who has surgery with both hands. He has to think about all kinds of problems in his mind. He's tired.

Fortunately, after Huang Ziping's efforts, the bullet was finally successfully dug out. Huang Ziping didn't dare to delay for a moment, so he immediately treated the internal injury, disinfected the medicine, sewed the wound, and then four people turned Huang Xiaoshu over again to deal with the shock injury.

Huang Ziping turns around and asks ding ding to cut off Huang Xiaoshu's clothes. Some parts are glued with adhesive tape. After Xiaoji finished, he turned back and gently pressed and touched each part of Huang Xiaoshu to determine the severity of the internal injury, movement, even dislocation and so on. Some of them can be identified, such as three broken ribs and a little deformed sternum. This woman is really abnormal. Huang Ziping knows from Xiaoji that she killed Youmei Kawashima herself.

After finding out, Huang Ziping said to Xiaoji, "Huang Xiaoshu has broken three ribs, and her sternum is displaced. I'm not sure what's going on inside. I think she can open her chest, or this part will be fatal."

Xiaoji said: "driving here? How to drive? It's very easy to get infected. It's very dangerous for you to take the bullet just now. Is it more likely to get infected after thoracotomy? "

"It has to be opened. Stop the bleeding inside. Suck out all the dead blood. Take the air."

"This idiot woman was so badly hurt that she should have been fixed when she fell down. She insisted that Sha Lang send her to the battlefield. She knew that the chaos would get worse and worse. There was something wrong with her." While spraying, Xiao Ji prepared according to Huang Ziping's instructions.

A few minutes later, Huang Ziping opened Huang Xiaoshu's chest, and finally found out the situation. The sternum cracked and pierced into the inner wall of the chest, which was a bleeding point. After thinking about it, Huang Ziping chose to open his mouth from the side, and then it was the same under the ribs. It took about four hours before and after. There was no problem in the middle. Huang Xiaoshu's breath was still there. But just finished, she suddenly a twitch, originally very weak breathing quickly weakened, finally line into a straight line.Huang Ziping was scared, Xiaoji and they were also scared. They quickly asked Huang Ziping how to do this? Huang Ziping didn't know. He didn't have time to think about these problems, so he saved them. But how to save, good trouble, electric shock, the range of activity is too large, the shock board was pulled up and then smashed down, the strength will let Huang Xiaoshu just been treated each wound tear, bleeding again.

It's the same way to use chest pressure. Her sternum is broken. It's death to use pressure.

So Huang Ziping had to use acupuncture and quickly pricked 16 silver needles on Huang Xiaoshu. Then let Yaoyao blow air for her. She was busy for a long time before the critical point of brain hypoxia arrived. She was rescued and her breathing was restored. Huang Ziping felt that he could not stand steadily. He took off his gloves, stepped back and sat down on the chair.

After resting for dozens of seconds, Huang Ziping said to Xiao Ji, "pray not to do it again, or you won't be saved!"

"Isn't it maintained by acupuncture now? Will there be another breath break? "

"Not in theory, but who knows? This is the last resort. If there is any harm, I can't save it. It's estimated that even the immortals can't be saved. "

"How long will the plane take?"

"Twenty minutes." This is the remote answer, she has been counting the time.

Huang Ziping gasped and got up: "I'll go out and make two calls. You'll stare at me and call me if there's something wrong."

Taking off his white coat, Huang Ziping takes his mobile phone, opens the door, dials Chen Yi's number and walks outside. At that time, both the deck and the corridor were full of people. When Huang Ziping came out, he quickly surrounded them. But seeing Huang Ziping on the phone, he did not dare to ask. Huang Ziping didn't tell them the current situation of Huang Xiaoshu. He gestured them to get out of the way. He walked back on the deck, got through the phone and talked with Chen Yi. After talking for five minutes, I called Duan Mengying and asked her to call Lao Jin and pick him up.

After calling and walking back, the Korean was the first to ask Huang Ziping, "boss, what's the situation with Miss Huang?"

Huang Ziping and Huang important a cigarette, lit a hard inhale, and looked at the sun in the sky, then said: "it's OK for the time being, but can support to the hospital, God knows."

The scorpion said, "haven't you ever had an operation? How has the operation been carried out and the situation is still uncertain? "

The seal also said: "yes, boss, you are a famous doctor. You should be responsible for your speech."

"What I said is already very complicated. The situation is too complicated. You are not doctors and it is difficult to make it clear to you." Huang Ziping a burst of irritability, "Bai Jiu, what's wrong with you? Huang Xiaoshu fell so miserably. You still carried her into the battlefield. At that time, you should stay. You should get a stretcher to carry her. Now her fatal injuries are caused by two or even three times... "

Bai Jiuyi face aggrieved: "boss, you don't know Miss Huang's character, I dare to disobey it."

Korean also said: "boss, no matter we understand or not, you can talk about it!"

"Her main injuries are knee, chest, back, with wounds. Then there were three broken ribs, one of which I didn't fix. I was going to stab it into the lung. I just protected it outside and fixed it temporarily. Everything else has been done, including internal bleeding, but not completely. It's not an operating room. There's no way. Even the whole operation is not thorough. It's very rough. It's a temporary life extension. "

Old Meizi said: "since you can continue your life, how can you say that you can't support going to the hospital?"

"That's because I just finished the operation on her. She suddenly convulsed and lost her breath. It took a lot of effort to save her with acupuncture. If she stops breathing again, I can't help it. Acupuncture is the last way. She's in such a special situation that she can't use electric shock or chest pressure. After being rescued, she can't hit the adrenal gland and hang up as soon as she hits it. She can only rely on her own will and can't use stimulating methods. "

After hearing what Huang Ziping said, the people were silent. Their faces were filled with worry. Their feelings are very complicated. Although they sometimes hate Huang Xiaoshu, they just hate Huang Xiaoshu because she is strict, can't joke and always punishes people. But in a way, Huang Xiaoshu wants to protect them. In terms of ability, Huang Xiaoshu is an absolutely qualified commander. Does she take the lead? Besides, if they go to war together, they will all live. Huang Xiaoshu can't be such a result.

In the silent atmosphere, suddenly Xiaoji's voice floated over: "boss, come quickly..."

You're not going to die again, are you? Huang Ziping's mind flashed this idea. His feet softened and he almost fell down. He helped the Korean man's shoulder to stabilize his body, lost his cigarette and quickly returned to the inner cabin.