Chapter 647

Two days later, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Huang Ziping received Alex at the airport. There were seven of them, including himself and Sean, two personal doctors, two bodyguards and a life assistant. They were very luxurious.

It's more than 20 days since we last met. Alice's condition is worse than before. Huang Ziping feels uncomfortable when he looks at him, because the worse his condition is, the more he tests his skill. On the day he came back, Huang Ziping actually called Sean and asked Sean to inform Alice to leave as soon as possible. However, Alice had to wait so many days to deal with the business, explain the future affairs and so on.

Nima, are you dead? It's a waste of time, isn't it?

Because he was upset, he picked up Alex and Sean in the car. The first sentence Huang Ziping said to Alex was: "Mr. Ellis, there is a saying in our Chinese language: put all your eggs in one basket. It means that when there is no way back, put the chips together to gamble, fight and change the result. It's not a good thing to vacillate. It's yourself who will pay the final price. "

After a long time of understanding, Ellis said, "Dr. Huang, your English speaking ability has improved a lot, and your meaning is more profound. Why don't you make it easier?"

Well, make it easy! Huang Ziping took a breath and said, "I mean you shouldn't be so late."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's my fault. But I've told you everything. Now I'm Dr. Huang's patient. I hope you can be responsible for me. "

"I will try my best. If you cooperate 100 percent, we have a chance."

After coughing and shorting of breath, Alice said, "Dr. Huang, do you want us to stay in a hotel or a hospital?"

"The hospital has set up a special ward for you, which has all kinds of supporting facilities, and nurses are on duty 24 hours a day. There is a rest room next to your ward, which can accommodate two people. It has the same function as a hotel. "

"I've got bodyguards and life assistants."

"Yes, the rest stay in hotels. If they don't mind, stay in a hotel, one level lower than the hotel, but close to the hospital, just a few minutes away from the opposite side

"I'm not here on holiday, and they're not. I don't think they'll have a problem. Sean, right? "

"Yes, Mr. Ellis," Sean said hastily

Huang Ziping continued: "I will come to treat you every day, two hours for each course of treatment. Other time is my private time, but I will try to come as much as possible when I am not busy. Yes, I have a suggestion. You can find a translator yourself. In this way, people who are not mine can be more trusted. "

Ellis a face of doubt: "Dr. Huang, I trust you very much, what you say makes me very sad."

Huang Ziping said with a smile: "Mr. Ellis misunderstood. I mean, if there's something wrong, the person you're looking for will translate the original words. Sometimes the person I'm looking for will pay more attention to my side."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Dr. Huang."

"It's just that I didn't make it clear. I'm not good at English."

"Ha ha, to tell you the truth, yes, but you learn very fast."

Chatting all the way back to the Central Hospital, Huang Ziping took them directly to the special area on the top floor of the inpatient department. There are four wards in this special area, which are specially designed for high-level patients. They are usually closed. Because it is too luxurious, every room has stairs on the roof. The rooftop is a sky garden. Although the plants are not dripping, they can be enjoyed in the hospital. A grass is priceless.

After looking at the supporting facilities of the ward, Alice asked Huang Ziping, "Dr. Huang, are the wards in your country so high-end?"

Huang Ziping said, "is Mr. Ellis asking about a public hospital or a private hospital?"

"Are you in a public hospital?"

"Yes, there are only four such wards, which are generally not open, because they are prepared for leaders at or above the provincial or ministerial level. Admission requires qualification."

"It seems that I am well paid. Thank you, Dr. Huang. I have to say that your country is too luxurious, and the environment of our private hospitals is not so good. The public hospitals, not to mention, are all in very old buildings. " Ellis sat on the bed and looked at the buttons on the bedside control panel. "This bed should be very comfortable. Dr. Huang, are you expensive?"

Huang Ziping sweated: "Mr. Ellis, I'm sorry for the trouble you caused in Norway, so I don't charge for your treatment. On the contrary, I will be fully responsible for the expenses of all of you here. Don't refuse me, because I'm really sorry. "

Alice showed an incredible expression to Huang Ziping's words: "Dr. Huang, I'm not short of money. I can't spend your money. But if you say that, I can't help giving you face. I think I'll give you a present. I think you'll like it very much. " When Alice finished, she waved to her life assistant. The white woman in her thirties immediately opened her travel bag and carefully took out a box more than one foot long.

This long box is very antique. It seems that it has been going through many years. From the design of the box, it is something from China, otherwise it would not be carved with dragons and phoenixes. Huang Ziping took it with both hands and looked at Alice. He saw that Alice motioned him to open it. Then he opened it. What he saw was a picture, which was rolled together. Take it out, give the box to Ding Ding, and then open the picture carefully.This painting has a very old age, and its name is "the painting of ladies in Tang Dynasty". The painting is an ancient beauty. The beauty is sitting in a pavilion in the garden. The scenery and people are beautiful and exquisite. Huang Ziping can only see these things in his eyes. He doesn't know how to draw and can't help it. If you look at the signature, it's a big red seal. It's very complicated. You can't see who wrote it. Of course, even if you can see it, Huang Ziping doesn't know it.

It's not going to be very valuable, is it? Thinking, Huang Ziping rolled up the painting: "Mr. Ellis, this ancient painting should be valuable, right?"

"I don't know the value. I only know that it was originally yours, but now it's just returned to the owner."

"Did someone else give it to you or did you auction it back?"


"Since Mr. Ellis says so, I'll take it. Take a break, adjust the time difference, and I'll take your people to the hotel. "

Alex said to Sean, "Sean, cooperate well. You can assign the security and assistant."

Sean said, "yes, Mr. Ellis.

"See you tomorrow morning, Mr. Ellis." Huang Ziping waved to Alice, turned and went out.

Sean took a bodyguard, two personal doctors and a life assistant, followed Huang Ziping out of the hospital and walked to the opposite road.

Walking into a three-star hotel, Huang Ziping packed the whole floor of the sixth floor of the hotel. There were no other guests, so it was much safer.

In Sean's room, Huang Ziping said to Sean, "Sean, you can find a translator yourself, and I'll provide two people for you from six in the morning to twelve in the evening. Eighteen hours a day, they will be on duty, in the hospital, where do you need to go, let the translator contact. Then, my request to you, no matter what happens, will be dealt with by my people. You can't mess around. "

Sean understood what Huang Ziping meant. Huang Ziping was afraid that they would cause unnecessary trouble. Who is Huang Ziping? He has fought with Huang Ziping. Naturally, he knows that there must be many enemies. So it's best to follow his request as much as possible, which is the greatest protection for himself: "Mr. Huang, please rest assured that Mr. Ellis has told you that everything in China will be at your command."

"It shouldn't be difficult for you to find your own translator, will it?"

"It should not be difficult for me to contact the people in Norway, find the students there and ask them to recommend the students here."

"It's smart. That's it!"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Huang. I'd like to ask Mr. Ellis about his diet."

"I have contacted a western restaurant, they will provide breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast is eight in the morning, lunch is one in the afternoon and dinner is six in the evening. You eat. Go to Mr. Ellis's room

"Yes, thank you."

"See you tomorrow." Huang Ziping quickly and Ding Ding out of the hotel, on the car immediately to Ding Ding Road, "let's go to the auction house."

Ding Ding said, "do you want to look up this painting?"

"Yes, these antiques are very valuable. If they are too valuable, I dare not collect them in disorder for fear of problems."

"Alex's life now is in the hands of your boss. It's just a gift. I don't think it's a problem."

"And if so? Even if not, I want to know the value. " Speaking, Huang Ziping has found the address of the auction house in the navigation, "drive."

Twenty minutes by car, Ding Ding drove to the door of the auction house. According to Huang Ziping's instructions, Ding Ding got out of the car with the box and went inside. He looked for the expert's room and gave the expert a look first. If the experts are surprised, it should be a treasure, so they can make an appointment to talk about it. If the experts are not interested, the estimated value is not great, Ding Ding will come out by himself.

Looking at Ding Ding's back disappearing at the corner, Huang Ziping lights a cigarette, smoking and waiting happily.

About seven or eight minutes later, Ding Ding came out of it. She was followed by a little old man with old-fashioned nearsighted glasses, almost sixty years old, and gray hair. It can be seen that he usually pays attention to the amount of exercise, so his gait is very light. Huang Ziping looked at him and felt that what he saw was a treasure. Because he was interested, it was obvious that ancient paintings were valuable.

When he got to the car, Ding Ding opened the door and said to the old man, "Mr. Rong, this is my boss."

The little old man's eyes brightened immediately: "Dr. Huang, Hello, hello."

Huang Ziping said with a smile: "it seems that Mr. Rong knows me. It's better. Let's find a place to talk about it."

"No problem, no problem."

"Just opposite the cafe, do you think it's ok?"

"Dr. Huang said yes."

Huang Ziping immediately got off and led the way to the opposite side