Chapter 630

With Yaoyao's underwear, Huang Ziping first helped Ding Ding clean the blood around the wound, and then disinfected the dagger to dig bullets. It was quite deep, but it didn't hurt the bone. This is the only place to be lucky. It's easy to dig. If you hit the bone, you can't dig it out with a dagger. To Huang Ziping's admiration, Ding Ding didn't cry pain in the whole process, but she didn't bite anything, and she watched Huang Ziping digging.

The bullet was dug out, cleaned, disinfected, put on the hemostatic cotton and stuck. It took about ten minutes to finish.

After packing up, Huang Ziping took a big breath: "Feng Shui turns around. You dug bullets for me a few hours ago. Now I'll dig for you."

"Thank you for waiting for us, boss," Dingding said

Huang Ziping ha ha two: "I wait for you not to be supposed?"

"You waited more than twenty minutes."

"I didn't look at the time. I didn't know how long I had to wait. I just knew I had to wait, or I wouldn't know the way."

"You're kidding." Ding Ding stood up and moved his arm. "It's comfortable to take out the bullet. Let's go, far away. Have you lost the empty mineral water bottle?"

Far away Oh a: "almost forget, you go first, I hit a bottle of water."

Ding Ding immediately takes out his gun and makes a way in front of her. Huang Ziping follows her and walks behind her. Three people climb up the mountain.

Huang Ziping asked Yaoyao, "do you have an appointment?"

Yao Yao said, "if we cross this mountain and walk another three kilometers, we will see a large grassland after we cross a one square kilometer forest. The helicopter is waiting for us on the grassland."


"An hour later, when I hang up."

"What did Huang Xiaoshu say?"

"She's safe. She'll be at the South African capital airport by nine o'clock tomorrow morning. She also told us not to run around when we arrived, just to sit down in the coffee shop or the pizza parlor at the airport. Yes, dress up before you go in. You'd better sit in the corner and give her your name

Huang Xiaoshu can think so calmly, obviously she is not hurt, Huang Ziping did not ask, hurry.

After two minutes' rest, I went on walking. For the sake of safety, Huang Ziping let Dingding and Yaoyao do some camouflage, but also made a trap, with the line pulled two grenades. Of course, Huang Ziping didn't want the grenade to explode, but there was always a gap between imagination and reality. They had heard the explosion less than one kilometer after walking down the mountain.

Needless to say, if it's not the animals that trip over the grenade, it's the special forces that have come close.

Could it be an animal trip? Huang Ziping couldn't persuade himself to believe it.

Look at the time. The helicopter's only 40 minutes away. And they still need to walk three kilometers. They can get there in any way, and they arrive ahead of time.

Huang Ziping said to Ding Ding, "Ding Ding, we need to find a way to control the time. When the helicopter arrives, we arrive at the same time. This is the safest way."

Ding Ding said: "special forces, but also two teams, we can not fight, how to control?"

"If it was Huang Xiaoshu, what would she do?" Huang Ziping said, thinking like that himself, "if we don't arrive at the same time, we will arrive first. When we wait for the helicopter, the special forces can catch up with us. Now the distance between us is only about one kilometer. They are not slower or even faster than us. If they shorten to 200 meters when we get on the helicopter and they have rocket launchers, the consequences will be very serious. "

Yao Yao said: "if it's elder martial sister, you may choose to lead them away. Why don't I lead them away, you go first, and I'll make a detour? "

Ding Ding agrees with Yao Yao. After all, she is also Huang Xiaoshu's younger martial sister. She can also guess Huang Xiaoshu's choice when she is in this situation. She pointed to a big stone behind Huang Ziping and said, "they can chase so fast. Obviously there are tracking masters. All the plants we meet will leave traces! Wipe out the traces first, climb from here, turn over and go the other side. Take care of yourself

Yao Yao unloaded the bag, took nothing but ammunition, and gave it to Huang Ziping: "boss, I will come back."

Huang Ziping felt uneasy and didn't show his face: "I'll wait for you to come back and let the plane take off."

Ding Ding climbed up the big stone first, stood firm and pulled Huang Ziping up. Yaoyao wiped away the trace below, made some camouflage, and then went to the other end. The two sides opened the distance.

Huang Ziping and Ding Ding climbed over the rubble mound more than ten meters and went down to the ground again. They walked very carefully and tried not to leave any trace. They didn't pay so much attention until they walked dozens of meters and began to speed up.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, I was about to reach the grassland when suddenly there was an explosion in the distance. Huang Ziping looked at it and saw a fire 600 or 700 meters to the West. Just want to ask Ding Ding is far away and special forces encountered? Ding Ding first said: "it seems that the quality of these special forces is not very good, and they have not been able to find the bombs loaded in the distance."

Huang Ziping said, "are you sure it was a remote bomb?"

Ding Ding confidently said: "this explosion is no different from the previous one, it's just a bomb installed from afar.""Two explosions, they're going to kill two people, aren't they?"

"At least two, I guess not less than four. They're in search formation, at least in groups of two

"Sixteen are dead, four are dead, and twelve are left. We still can't beat them."

"Distance will lead them away."

Huang Ziping didn't answer, but he said in his heart, I hope so.

After walking several hundred meters, I got out of the forest and came to the grassland. After a glance at the time, there were still five minutes left for Huang Ziping to wait on the edge of the grassland instead of going out.

Staring at the watch, I feel that five minutes is very long, even one minute and one second is very long. The heartbeat is very fast, all kinds of fear, fear of hearing gunshots, fear of helicopter late, fear of not coming back from afar, fear of hanging at the last moment.

Ding Ding didn't look at the time. She didn't know whether she was afraid to look or enough to believe that the distance and the plane would arrive in time. She was very calm with a gun, aiming around, did not say a word, or even make a little sound. Huang Ziping wanted to talk to her, so as to distract his attention and let the time pass quickly, but he didn't dare to speak at last. He was afraid that he was still looking at the time.

It's hard. It's hard. It's only a minute. There's no gunshot.

Then a minute later, there was no gunshot. There was only the sound of the wind blowing around the trees. Besides, there was the singing of birds and the hissing of some mammals.

To the third minute, the most reluctant thing happened, the gunfire, sniper guns, submachine guns. However, the gunfire did not last long, and it had fallen down for more than ten seconds. Just as the gunfire fell down, Huang Ziping saw a light in the distant sky, which was the light of the helicopter. As it nears, the sound of the propeller can be heard.

Look at the time. There's a minute and a half left. The helicopter can make it and arrive on time.

What about Yao Yao? I'm not sure, because it sounds like a kilometer from the shooting. It's absolutely impossible to run a kilometer in two minutes. Of course, this distance should not be too disheartened, because it is possible that the enemy found the distance of the lower part at a high place, and the two sides can be separated by several hundred meters. In this way, the enemy is one kilometer away and hundreds of meters away. When the enemy shoots, he runs to the grassland quickly and continuously. It won't slow down much. It's two minutes at most.

Sure enough, the helicopter landed on the grass, more than 100 meters away from Huang Ziping. Ding Ding immediately wants to rush out, but Huang Ziping pulls him. Huang Ziping shakes his head and says, "wait a minute, otherwise I'm afraid it's too late for the driver to wait."

Dingding said: "so we are late, your mobile phone is off, the driver can't get in touch, what to do?"

"Just for one minute, we can't leave. We can't abandon Yaoyao."

"Boss, do I say you are cute or stupid?"

"Just think I'm stupid!"

"Elder martial sister is right. You don't know a little selfishness."

"Do you think it's good to be selfish?"

"No, but if you are the boss, you have to have the boss's idea. First of all, you have to make sure you are alive. You go, as long as you get on the plane, I will meet you according to the route you may take. If you don't get on the plane, I can't do anything... " Ding Ding said that he grabbed Huang Ziping and pulled out.

Huang Ziping could only run with him. In fact, he had already delayed for half a minute at that time. Although there was a distance between him and the minute he was thinking about, was he explained to Yao Yao?

Get close to the helicopter quickly. Ding Ding takes out his flashlight and sends a signal. The co pilot of the helicopter also sent a code, a security code. At this time, Ding Ding took Huang Ziping and rushed to the cabin to plug Huang Ziping into the cabin. She went up to get the co driver's earphone to communicate with the driver. What she told the pilot was that there was another person to cover them on the plane, and she needed two minutes to get them back.

With that, no matter whether the pilot agrees or not, Ding Ding jumps out of the helicopter and rushes in the direction of the gunshot. He waves a flashlight to send a signal to Yaoyao, so that Yaoyao can lean on the flashlight. Huang Ziping watched with fear. He touched the sword and was ready to take it out and put it on the driver's neck at any time. As long as they dare not wait, he dares to do so. Although he saw that the co pilot had a gun, it pointed to the outside, not the inside.

What makes Huang Ziping nervous and worried is that the driver doesn't wait, but he doesn't seem to want to wait much. He keeps staring at the time on his watch.

Huang Ziping also stares at the time of his watch, glancing at the watch, at the outside, and at the driver and co driver. At the same time, he said silently: come on, come on, come on, let me see you.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire rang out, accompanied by rockets shooting from the deep forest to the outside of the grassland. Huang Ziping's face turned white.

A minute and a half had passed, and there were thirty seconds left. Ding Ding and Yao Yao were still missing.

Obviously, the rocket made the pilot panic. He nagged, pointing to the time and the buttons on the dashboard. Finally, he put his hand on the steering handle and prepared to take off, which means that he will take off as soon as the time comes.