Chapter 628

Turning off the mobile phone, Huang Ziping said to Ding Ding and Yao Yao, "Huang Xiaoshu has finished her task. In five minutes, she will leave Mina and walk by herself. Let's cross the desert as fast as possible."

Ding Ding said: "did elder martial sister get hurt?"

"I don't think it's right to listen to her tone."

"Do you want to turn off communication?"

"Yes, go across the desert to larsado and turn on the contact helicopter."

Dingding and Yaoyao quickly take out their mobile phones and turn them off. Then they gather all the superfluous things together, dig a pit and bury them, and set off.

Twenty kilometers. According to Ding Ding's prediction, it will take about three and a half hours to get there at full speed, which is 12:30. Of course, this is because we have to take care of Huang Ziping's speed. If it's just Ding Ding and Yao Yao, they don't have to take so long. They can do it in two hours at most.

After walking for half an hour, there was no accident on the road. It was quiet all around. Only three people were walking in the moonlight, not even a bird.

Ding Ding and Yaoyao relaxed their vigilance. Ding Ding took out a bottle of mineral water from the combat room and handed it to Huang Ziping: "boss, have a drink."

Huang Ziping took it and drank three portions: "just one bottle?"

"One more bottle."

"Pull it down, and I'll see that you've got a bottle of it. Share the sweetness and the taste!"

Ding Ding can only take over: "how is your injury?"

"I can't die." When Huang Ziping was talking about this, he suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and a force was dragging him down. After a while, Ding Ding held her in time, but because it was too heavy, Ding Ding was dragged down, and finally he held her far away. He was so frightened that Huang Ziping could hardly speak, "what is it, quicksand pit?"

The remote above is very hard to squeeze out a sentence: "yes, boss, you come up quickly."

Ding Ding said, "hold on to my body armor and keep climbing."

"It will step you down."

"There's no other way. Hurry up, I can't support it."

Well, there's no other way.

The quicksand pit is too big. It's getting bigger and bigger. If Huang Ziping doesn't react quickly, he will sink down.

With a free hand, Huang Ziping removed the burden from his body and made his body lighter. Then he grabbed Dingding's arm and climbed up. Then he grabbed Dingding's bulletproof vest and rode Dingding up. After taking a breath, Huang Ziping grabs Ding Ding's foot and pulls Ding up with Yaoyao.

Dingding nose into a lot of sand, she shook her head, patted, and then with the rest of the bottle of mineral water, finally can breathe with her nose and mouth.

The three did not dare to stop any more, so they quickly detoured through the quicksand pit.

For the rest of his life, Huang Ziping's mind was in a mess: "Damn, it's almost dead. Is there a quicksand pit in front of him?"

Yao Yao said: "I'll go ahead, boss, you'll take a distance."

"If so, don't you also fall down? Is there any way to solve this problem? "

"No, the desert is like this. Don't move..."

"What's the matter?" Huang Ziping did not dare to move at once, and Ding Ding stopped behind him. They did not know what was going on until they pointed to the place more than 20 meters ahead. In the moonlight, you can see a huge reptile with big eyes and a faint light of indescribable color. It's still spitting out letters, poop, then poop, loud and terrifying. Huang Ziping shrunk and subconsciously wanted to take his pistol. When he found that he had lost it when he just climbed the quicksand pit, he had to pull out his knife and said, "far away, will this thing attack us?"

Yao Yao said: "this is a lizard. It's so big that it should be a Komodo lizard..."

"Will it attack humans?"

"It depends, for example, when they are hungry, they usually eat carrion."

"Why are they in the desert?"

"This is Africa. Africa is very strange. Don't move. Let it go before we go."

"If it doesn't go, will it treat us as carrion?"

"Shoot, don't be close to it. Its letter is very long, and it can spit. Its saliva is not poisonous by snakes, but it has a lot of bacteria, which is more lethal."

Huang Ziping's feet were weak. He saw that the enemy would not be like this. When he saw this kind of thing, he always met snakes, tigers and wolves. They had all been attacked by these things. He forced himself to keep calm and wait for the lizard to leave. It's better to leave rather than approach. They don't want to expose the position by shooting. If there are pursuers, they will follow the sound when they hear the gunfire.

It's depressing that the lizard doesn't even move, so he spits out the letter and looks at them with greedy eyes.

Huang Ziping said: "far away, it seems impossible to wait for it to go. I think it should be very hungry, otherwise it won't come out at night. We have to find a way to get away."

Yao Yao said: "in addition to shooting no way, head, Ding Ding you also fight."

Ding Ding slowly moved his steps, staggered with Huang Ziping, and then raised his head slightly.

Before they had time to shoot, the lizard suddenly moved and approached. It was very slow and alert, and it walked irregularly, not in a straight line.Seeing the lizard getting closer and closer, she yelled to shoot from a distance. She and Ding Ding pulled the trigger together, and each shot more than ten bullets. They were all very accurate and so close that half of them were hit. But I don't know if it's the lizard's thick skin or something. I didn't kill him. I just ran away. A slip of ash ran away. The three men were relieved and took a detour.

After walking about one kilometer, Huang Ziping felt that he had recovered. Looking at his watch, the total time had passed by 50 minutes.

Three people speed up to go forward, tired did not dare to rest. I don't know how long I've been walking, but I suddenly see the deep forest in the distance. My tired body seems to have more strength. Huang Ziping said to Ding Ding and Yaoyao, "I see the forest. The distance should not be more than two kilometers. Let's go quickly."

Dingding said: "do you want to turn on your mobile phone to contact the helicopter now?"

Huang Ziping shook his head: "let's talk when we get out of the desert."

Yao Yao said, "don't talk, don't make a noise."

Nima, what's up again? What happened this time? Huang Ziping is particularly afraid of this. He looked forward and could see nothing, but if he had a choice, he would rather see himself, even if he saw wolves or other beasts that would attack humans. Not willing to hear the enemy's pursuit, helicopter sound. Looking back, in the distant sky, the helicopter is coming at a very fast speed. The helicopter has a high-power light. It can shine on a large area under the desert. You can see it clearly within 100 meters.

Looking at each other, he said: "boss, if we rush into the forest, we will be safe. You rush first. With the fastest speed, Dingding and I will wait and run separately."

Huang Ziping said, "do you want to lead the helicopter away?"

"We will pay attention to safety, and the most important thing is you. You run. Wait for us twenty minutes after you get into the forest. If we can't go back at this time, you can go by yourself. " Then he gave Huang Ziping two grenades.

Although they couldn't bear to use this suicidal method to cover themselves, Huang Ziping could only take a deep breath and quickly run to the direction of the forest.

Run out of a few hundred meters, looked back, the original place disappeared Dingding and distant trace. Looking to the left and right, they saw that they were 300 meters away, standing, holding guns, waiting for the helicopter to come. Depending on the situation, they will shoot together, which can affect the judgment of the helicopter pilot. It is impossible to know where they are, mainly for his safety. This is completely a cover.

These two women are very different from Huang Xiaoshu and Xiao Ji. Although Huang Xiaoshu and Xiaoji are also very responsible, they are selfish in heart. Ding Ding and Yao Yao are not as selfish and cruel as they are. In fact, they can run together and try to be closer to the forest as a cover, so that they can get away easily. However, in this way, Huang Ziping's chances of getting away will be much smaller.

With a sigh in his heart, Huang Ziping continued to run for five or six hundred meters. He stopped when he heard the gunshot and turned back.

It was Ding Ding and Yao Yao who fired the gun. As soon as they finished firing, the high power light of the helicopter flashed over, first on the left, then on the right. Seeing Dingding and Yaoyao running in the opposite direction, the helicopter spun around, lowered its height and dropped the rope. Then, four people quickly slid down the rope to chase Dingding on the left, and the helicopter went to chase Yaoyao on the right.

Huang Ziping was extremely worried. He gritted his teeth and continued to run. During this period, he could hear the sound of gunfire coming from all directions. There were dense and sparse shots, and each shot seemed to hit him in the heart. He didn't know how he kept going. He ran to the edge of the deep forest and breathed heavily against the tree trunk. When he calmed down, he heard the sound of running water. He followed the sound to find a water source. Because the moon is not bright in the desert, I can't see whether the water is clean or not, but I don't care. I quickly get down to drink a few mouthfuls, then take out my mobile phone and turn it on.

Call up Mr. Phil's number. Huang Ziping calls and gets through. Mr. Phil says, "Huang, is that you? Is that you? " After Huang Ziping said yes, his nervous tone relaxed immediately, "God, God, I thought you had an accident and I couldn't get in touch with you all the time. People in the reserve can't find you. I can't even find Miss Huang. I'm so worried... "

Huang Ziping said, "don't follow me. Let me ask you something. Did you design a trap for me?"

"Huang, how can you say that? The reserve has been declared a victory and the occupied area has been recovered. You are a hero. How can I design a trap for you? What's the matter with you? "

"I'm being chased by helicopters in the reserve. Is it really none of your business? You don't want to kill me when you finish the mission? So you don't have to pay me? "

"Huang, there is absolutely no such thing. We are friends."

"Fart, general Markey of the Reserve wants to kill me. Why does he want to kill me?"

"Huang, I swear, it's not me. You have to trust me. Now I'll contact the leader of the reserve to ask what's going on and ask them to take back the helicopter. You wait for me. Hold on. Hold on