Chapter 626

The time of the timer is beating at an average speed. The heart rate of all people in the combat room seems to be the same as that of the timer, and the jump is very violent. Especially for the next five minutes, because for the whole five minutes, there was no sound coming from the headphones, and no one made a live report. Through the video, of course, you can still see the scene, but because the moving speed is too fast and the flames of war are flying, you can see either the fire or the smoke.

Huang Ziping felt dizzy. After shaking, he continued to stare at the timer.

To the timer beat to nine minutes, finally came the news, the picture is also clear, Huang Xiaoshu they smoothly into the arsenal.

From the screen you can see the armory refitted from the bank treasury, and even the passage is densely lined with guns. Not to mention, there are too many to count.

Huang Xiaoshu went to open some boxes, and there was plenty of ammunition. Among them, grenades are the most, with several varieties. There are also a lot of rocket guns, all of which are printed with skull marks. Huang Xiaoshu made a gesture to the people behind her, asking them to take a few. Then she adjusted the walkie talkie, and finally there was a voice in the war room. She reported the situation of the weapons depot in English.

While reporting, Huang Xiaoshu kicks the grenade box with her feet to let the grenades fall.

After three minutes in the armory, Huang Xiaoshu retreated, and the explosives they installed were set to explode for three minutes.

Huang Xiaoshu is not online these three minutes, and there is no sound in the combat room. So everyone just looks dignified, with tension, worry and a kind of excitement, but it seems that they can't be fully excited. They stare at the huge screen, watch the timer beating, and watch the pictures of Huang Xiaoshu when they retreat. They met the enemy troops who came to support them, but because they left people outside to guard the exit channel when they went in, they still pulled out of the bank smoothly despite the trouble.

It was amazing that when they pulled out of the bank, they were only 50 seconds away from the explosion.

They go to the left side of the block, while playing back, the speed seems not very fast. This scene made people in the war room especially worried, especially Huang Ziping. Damn, there are so many weapons and ammunition in the armory. They will explode with a lot of power. They will be destroyed within 100 meters. But they are not in a hurry. When can they walk out of 100 meters and get to a safe place? I really want to urge Huang Xiaoshu, but Huang Xiaoshu doesn't connect. We can't connect here in the war room.

Of course, Huang Ziping also knows that the biggest reason why they are slow is that the enemy pursues them so hard that they can't resist and run hard, right? In this way, you will be killed before you are killed.

In the last ten seconds of the three minutes, Huang Xiaoshu and they quickened their pace. Run for a while, suddenly the screen stuck, a few seconds lost the signal. When the signal recovered, Huang Xiaoshu lay on the ground, and basically everyone lay on the ground motionless. Then there was dust all over the sky, and nothing could be seen. All the people in the war room were worried. The intelligence personnel were shouting one by one, as if they were calling for refuelling.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds, nothing.

After 40 seconds, the scorpion's voice suddenly went on the line: "call headquarters, I have received santero. We lost six people, and the distance with Mina is not very far. Just behind them, let's meet Miss Huang. "

Huang Ziping quickly pressed the earphone and said in Chinese, "Scorpio, did you hear the huge explosion? Do you see the fire

"Heard, saw, Miss Huang, they succeeded..."

"They're not in line with the war room, we can't contact them. Come on, they seem to have a problem. "

"What's the problem?"

"The picture just got stuck. I don't know if it was because of the explosion. They all lay on the ground, and then the dust from the explosion covered the picture."

"Stunned by the shock wave?"

"It's possible."

"I'll contact Mina and we'll speed up."

"No, we're basically OK." Huang Xiaoshu's voice suddenly rang out, "there is dust everywhere, and the explosion power is greater than expected. People, I've got eight on my side. I'll take the rest and go ahead as planned. Scorpio, you, Mina and Santoro should go to the appointed place at the appointed time, otherwise I can't stand it. "

When Huang Xiaoshu spoke, she could hear the strong gunshot from her side. It seemed that she would not stop beating. Obviously, they were very badly pursued, so Huang Ziping was not happy to learn that she was ok, but he was not so worried just now. He said to Huang Xiaoshu, "Huang Xiaoshu, you have to kill Rafael while ensuring your own safety. If you can't guarantee it, we'll find another chance."

Huang Xiaoshu said: "what's the situation in the special forces?"

Huang Ziping immediately asked Lettie, "Lettie, what's the situation of the special forces? Say it

Letty and Lukaku communicated for more than ten seconds before they said, "kill more than 120 people."

After Huang Ziping told Huang Xiaoshu, Huang Xiaoshu said, "now our plans are very successful. Half of them are there. Let them send troops. Then think for yourself."

Huang Ziping let out a sound. Huang Xiaoshu is no longer online. Her voice disappears and the sound of shooting disappears at the same time. Huang Ziping looked at the leaders and saw that they were arguing. He quickly asked Lettie, "what are they talking about?"Letty didn't answer immediately. After listening for about half a minute, she said, "they said they would send troops later. They are trying to get a confession from the spy chief."

What the hell do you need to know? The enemy has no planes, no tanks, no weapons depot. The whole mess is waiting for them to send troops. As soon as they send troops, the powerful people Mr. Phil bought will echo with them and attack them back and forth. Are they waiting? Huang Xiaoshu they are being pursued, do not send troops to contain, to give each other the opportunity to react?

Thinking about all kinds of disadvantages, Huang Ziping was really angry with their reaction speed to the extreme. It's said to send troops as soon as it's successful. Where's the promise? Such a serious thing doesn't count. It's not as good as a dog or a pig. I can't bear it. I'm furious. I grab my teacup and smash it on the table. Then he picked up his chair and smashed it directly on the conference table, yelling in English: "do you cowards want to lose the war? If not, send troops immediately, immediately... "

All the leaders were stunned. They cast their eyes on Huang Ziping one by one, and there was no next reaction.

Well, they don't understand. Huang Ziping said to Letty, "translation, translation without changing a word. I'll send troops immediately, otherwise I will definitely miss the chance and lose."

After Letty translated it, Lukaku said a few words, and then Letty said to Huang Ziping, "the spy chief said that they have arranged an 800 person death army in the reserve. As long as the military zone is empty, they will attack. Now they want to find out the position of this death army first, otherwise they won't send troops... "

"This is absolutely not true. It's already been fought like this. If there are such troops, why don't they join the war? Besides, there are only 800 people. What are you afraid of? You tell general Lukaku to send troops immediately. We are not afraid of 800 people. If he is afraid, I can go outside to organize defense, we can definitely win, on the contrary, if we send troops late, we will lose

Letty translated again. Lukaku watched Huang Ziping for more than ten seconds, and finally agreed to send troops.

In an instant, the alarm went up outside, the helicopter took off, the tanks and cars started, and the infantry ran. All this sounds confusing, but judging from the pictures, all the arms have great steps and discipline. Looking at the picture, Huang Ziping breathed a sigh of relief. He quietly took out his mobile phone and made up a short message to send to Kong Lingyan, asking Kong Lingyan to blackmail in two minutes. He said to Lettie: "ratty, I'll go up to fight. Do you want to join me?"

Lettie nodded and said a few words to Lukaku. She was about to go with Huang Ziping, but she was stopped by another military officer.

After some communication, Lettie told Huang Ziping, "Mr. Huang, general Markey said he would go with you."

"Go." In fact, Huang Ziping didn't want to. Damn it, he finally found an opportunity to go out. How can he plan when someone follows him? But he also understood that general Markey was clearly not being kind. They are all afraid of death. It is impossible for them to leave the fortress of the intelligence department, unless they have other purposes, such as killing themselves.

The four of them went out into the yard together. General Markey called in a platoon on his walkie talkie and talked to Letty. Just then, suddenly a round of bullets came down from the corridor on the second floor. Letty was the first to fall to the ground. Only Huang Ziping was lucky. Ding Ding pulled him away in time and hid behind the post. Ding Ding took out his pistol and shot the second floor.

After a burst of gunfire, many soldiers rushed in and opened fire on the second floor.

Ding Ding said to Huang Ziping: "boss, maybe the spies have been in their army for a long time. Let's take advantage of the chaos and go now!"

Huang Ziping said, "no, we have to wait for a long time."

"How much longer?"

"More than ten seconds." Huang Ziping has been paying attention to the time, can immediately answer up, "you go to meet her, the sooner out the better."

Ding Ding rushes to the entrance. Some people will think it out. It's intelligence personnel. Some of them can speak English. Huang Ziping looked at them from a distance. Ding Ding said a few words to them before they let them go. At this time, the gunfire became more and more intense. It was not only in the building, but also in the whole military area. It really seemed that there were troops attacking.

With a crackle, the power of the military zone was suddenly cut off, and it was dark all around.

More than ten seconds later, after a few seconds, it was supposed that the standby generator was working, but with an explosion coming from the basement, the light went out again.

The evolution of all this makes Huang Ziping's mood very complicated. He doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Say it's time to cry. If the enemy attacks, the damage that Kong Lingyan and Yaoyao do will eventually be attributed to the enemy. Moreover, Ma Ji is too busy to protect the leaders in the war room. He can't deal with himself any more.

Now that the military zone is attacked by the enemy, I don't know if the periphery can hold it. If you can't hold on to the outside, you can't go out at all. You can only hold on together. In the end, as soon as Markey confirmed his safety, he would kill himself.