Chapter 611

Back in Cannes, after a bath and lying in bed, it was almost three o'clock. When Huang Xiaoshu knocked on the door, it was nine o'clock.

Huang Ziping opened the door and Huang Xiaoshu followed him inside: "No.5 has given you a piece of information about the Warlord's country, which is similar to what Mr. Phil gave you. As for Mr. Phil's partner, that guy Rafael De is Italian. He has two outstanding names in the business world: steel king and coffee king. He is 42 years old and his wife is Indian. This Indian woman is very powerful and she is an arms manufacturer. "

Huang Ziping is startled: "I go, arms manufacturer?"

"Yes, those black soldiers who fought with us were made by Indian women, but this Indian woman seems to have something wrong with Rafael. They have already separated, one in Italy and the other in India. I don't know if they are divorced. According to the information, their property has been divided. "

Sitting on the sofa, Huang Ziping picked up a cigarette box, took out a cigarette and lit it: "so Lafayette is not terrible, but her wife?"

"It's understandable."

"Now this kind of relationship, is his wife not in charge of him?"

"I don't know. It's good for us if we don't care. If we don't care, we can't handle it. "

"What do you think of Mr. Phil's idea?"

"Since we can get the information on the fifth, it is obvious that Mr. Phil can also get it. He didn't dare to do it himself. I think he couldn't be sure if Indian women would intervene if he dealt with Rafael. After all, he didn't divorce. Of course, this kind of divorce may be due to business considerations or other reasons we don't know. In any case, in terms of identity, they are still husband and wife. "

"I'm not sure, so let's be cannon fodder. If something goes wrong, it's our trouble. Damn it, it's really poisonous."

"How do we deal with it?"

"We just talked to Mr. Phil in the afternoon. Can you find more information about Indian women? I want to know what she is doing now, what she is going to do, everything, especially information about her life."

"It's too late."

"You're looking for detective experts. Doesn't it matter in India?"

"Detective experts are not gods. They can't get you so much information in a few hours."

"Find a way."

Huang Xiaoshu thought silently for a while and said: "since this woman family is manufacturing arms and weapons, there must be detailed information in their security bureau. It can invade their security bureau server, but it can only be done in the building of their security bureau. It can't be done remotely. " Huang Xiaoshu looked at the time. "If I go there, I'll be there at 4 p.m., unless you can talk to Mr. Phil in the evening."

"I pretend to be sick."

"Mr. Phil is not a fool."

"I can't usually. Haven't I been ill a few days ago? Just better, I went to watch the football match again. Benpo was tired and his condition was repeated. I think it's no problem. You leave now, you take Yaoyao and leave Dingding to me. But are you sure you can? And won't be caught? "

Huang Xiaoshu turned her eyes and said, "boss, please. If you are found, it's a crime of espionage and you have to be shot. I'm not sure. I dare say that."

"Be careful. If you can't, don't force me. I can't have that information."

Huang Xiaoshu agreed to come down, after explaining for a while, immediately took Yaoyao to leave the hotel. After a while, Ding Ding came in and asked Huang Ziping if he wanted to have breakfast? Huang Ziping shakes her head and asks her to eat by herself. She brings some back quietly, which can deceive Mr. Phil. Otherwise, what's the point of eating and drinking when she's sick? Of course, in order to be on the safe side, Huang Ziping also wrote a prescription for Ding Ding, asked Ding to translate it into French to buy medicine, and also asked the front desk of the hotel for the location of the drugstore.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ding Ding knocked on the door and told Huang Ziping that Mr. Phil was outside. He already knew that he was uncomfortable and asked if he could come in to visit him? Huang Ziping refused directly, and asked ding ding to tell Mr. Phil that he was in a daze and confused sleep after taking the medicine. Let's see if it's convenient at night. If he's better at night, he'll invite Mr. Phil to dinner. Mr. Phil can only go, Huang Ziping continued to rest, lazily lying in bed to watch the replay of other champions league matches last night.

At 4:10 in the afternoon, Huang Ziping immediately called Huang Xiaoshu to ask about her progress and whether she had arrived in India? Is there anything wrong, such as being followed. Huang Xiaoshu said no, and asked Huang Ziping to wait patiently. The news would come at seven at the latest. Of course, in order to prevent any information from being obtained, she suggested that Huang Ziping should think about how to deal with Mr. Phil, and wait one more day to think about other ways or not.

As a matter of fact, Huang Ziping agreed to Mr. Phil yesterday, and he couldn't refuse. But this matter did not speak out for sure, there is still room for maneuver. One more day, Huang Ziping thinks it's better to forget it. It's up to Huang Xiaoshu. No matter whether it's successful or not, he should promise first and then solve it slowly, so as not to offend both sides.

However, to Huang Ziping's surprise, at five o'clock, Ding Ding knocked on the door and came in with an Asian woman dressed as a waiter. She pointed a gun at Ding Ding.

Ding Ding winks at Huang Ziping as if he wants to deal with it together. Huang Ziping thinks it's not right. He doesn't want ding ding to be hurt."Hello, Mr. Huang. I'm sorry to have offended you, but it seems that I can only see you in this way." After that, the woman did something that shocked both Huang Ziping and Ding Ding. She returned all the bullets from the gun and dropped them on the ground. She put the gun down and raised her hands. "I have no malice."

Ding Ding picked up the bullet, drew out the dagger and put it against her throat: "who are you?"

"Gao Lirong, my boss is Rafael. Mr. Huang, can I sit down and talk to you? "

Ding Ding Ding was forced to come in with a gun, but she gave it back. Obviously, there was no malice. She dared to do so. Was it too stingy to refuse? Huang Ziping thought it was, so he gave ding ding a look in her eyes and made a sitting gesture to her: "Miss Gao, please sit down!"

Gao Lirong sat down and said, "Mr. Huang, my boss asked me to visit you for two reasons. One is to send you travel expenses and attend an auction reception in North America. It's charitable. You can meet many international stars and celebrities and get to know them. Secondly, he thinks that Mr. Huang is an innocent person and is not suitable to go to places like Africa where people eat people. If he goes, it may be dark. So I hope you can go to North America. "

Huang Ziping said with a smile: "your boss is really funny. I don't even know him. What does he mean by saying these words to me?"

"Kindly remind him that he would like to make friends like you." Gao Lirong said and took out a check from her coat pocket, "two hundred million dollars can shoot a lot of things."

Huang Ziping didn't answer. He just glanced at the figure. It was 200 million US dollars. That's right. He was very generous: "it costs 200 million US dollars to make a friend, and it's still US dollars. Miss Gao, your boss is very generous."

"Mr. Huang is not an ordinary friend."

"Yes, I haven't met each other. I don't know each other. Indeed, what kind of friend is this?" Huang Ziping shook his hand. "I really want to take it, but it's soft to take people. Miss Gao speaks so standard Chinese, should she be Chinese? You should have heard that

"My ancestors were." Gao still handed the check, "Mr. Huang, don't you want to make friends like my boss? He said it's just the cost of the journey. I hope you can cooperate and let him finish one thing. Then he will give you another tea fee, which must be ten times that amount. "

"Oh, it seems more generous than I thought." Huang Ziping sneered, "Miss Gao, do you know me? Does your boss know me? "

"Mr. Huang means

"I mean if you know me, you should know that I'm not short of money."

"Mr. Huang thinks it's less?"

"No, I don't. Go back and tell your boss that you can make friends, but not in this way. "

"How do you want to pay Mr. Huang?"

"I'll visit myself in a while."


"Ding Ding, see Miss Gao off."

Gao Lirong and Huang Ziping looked at each other, folded the check, and reluctantly laughed: "Mr. Huang, excuse me, would you please leave me your personal phone number?"

Huang Ziping wanted to keep the number, otherwise he would refuse. He knew what it meant. Give the toll and a suggestion, that is, let him choose whether to be an enemy or a friend. How bad is it that he doesn't want to choose either and offends others? He said, "OK, I can tell you, take your mobile phone and record it."

Zhao Lirong then takes out her mobile phone. Huang Ziping says her number. After recording, she says take care of Mr. Huang and goes out without hesitation.

Ding Ding went to close the door, quickly came back and asked Huang Ziping, "boss, you What do you think? Are you going to make money in this? "

Huang Ziping asked, "do you think I'm a slave with three surnames?"

"Of course not."

"That's fine. That's what I think."

"The woman said that you should cooperate with his boss to accomplish one thing. Is his boss aware that Mr. Phil is going to do something, and his boss wants to deal with Mr. Phil himself?"

"It may be, but it may not be."

"I don't understand."

"He knows that Mr. Phil is going to deal with him, and I'm a sharp knife that Mr. Phil is going to deal with him. Do you think it's reasonable for him to bribe me? If you watch TV series, this kind of scenario is reasonable. Anyway, the scenes you watch don't need logic. But this is the reality. He will think about a problem. If I don't succeed in buying me, I will let Mr. Phil do more preparation, which is obviously not good for him. Why does he have to do this when it's not good for him? Are you confident that you can buy me success? Or is he an idiot? None of them? So there may be other purposes... "

Dingding's brain is not as easy to use as Huang Xiaoshu and Xiaoji. After thinking for a long time, he still said, "I don't understand. Can the boss make it clear? What's the purpose of his boss?"