Chapter 586

The video, of course, shows Miyamoto killing the warlord. Miyamoto was hypnotized and did everything according to Sean's instructions. For example, he talked with the warlord before killing him and told the warlord Kanu that he had to kill him in order to frame Huang Ziping. There's video and sound, and Miyamoto doesn't look different. After all, he won't shoot his eyes clearly, so the authenticity of this video won't be doubted.

Even Miyamoto himself didn't doubt it. He just thought it was incredible.

God, did you do such a thing after you fainted? But why do you have no memory? Are you hypnotized? That's probably the only explanation.

Because of the seriousness of the incident, Miyamoto's self effacing look disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by panic.

God, if you let the warlord Kanu see this video, his organization will surely be destroyed.

The key is to die. If you don't die, you can rebuild when the organization is destroyed, and if you die, everything will come to nothing.

With this video, Huang Ziping doesn't need to be afraid of warlord Kanu and his own people. His own people in Hong Kong and Haicheng have little effect. In this case, he could not survive. After all, Huang Ziping was willing to talk to him because he was afraid of the warlord Kanu and his own people.

What to do? How to deal with this situation?

Miyamoto forced himself to calm down and think about the way out, but Huang Ziping did not give him this opportunity.

Huang Ziping said: "Mr. Miyamoto, you don't have to think about it. You have no way to live. Or that sentence, don't blame me, because either I win or I lose, if I lose, I guess you are more impolite to me. "

"Mr. Huang is wrong. I appreciate you very much. As I have said, I am happy to cooperate with you."

"I'll be happy to have that moment, too. It's a pity that you didn't count the people behind you who will control me. You're a little late. Of course, I'm a little late. To protect myself, it's better for you to die than for me. "

"We can still talk."

"How? Can you still produce flowers? "

"Those people behind you really can't believe it. If I die, you have no value. If I don't die, your value is still there. They don't dare to touch you openly. With this logic, if you let me die, you're leaving a curse for yourself. Why do you do that? On the other hand, we can help each other. If you don't like the way I used to say, we can keep the well water and the river water clean. Originally, we had no hatred, right? "

"Are we free from hatred?"

"Yes? I don't think so. " Miyamoto's brain turned quickly, trying to persuade Huang Ziping to achieve the goal of self-help by various means, "has Mr. Huang ever read the Three Kingdoms? There is a time when Zhuge Liang gave Sima Yi an empty plan. At that time, Sima Yi, with tens of thousands of people, even if he did not dare to put the whole army in, could he send 2000 soldiers to attack Zhuge Liang's position? At that time, Zhuge Liang was playing the lute at the gate of the city. The two sides were so close that they could shoot arrows in front of each other in a single charge. Even if there is an ambush, 2000 soldiers will be lost. But if there is no ambush, is it a great credit to kill Zhuge Liang? Who is Sima Yi? A wise man, can't he reckon? No, on the contrary, he is so good at accounting that he didn't do it. The reason is not complicated. The monarch of Wei did not trust him. If he was not the only one who could deal with Zhuge Liang, he would not use him at all. On the other hand, if Zhuge Liang was eliminated, he would have no use value, and the monarch of Wei would not hesitate to kill him. So at that time, Sima Yi must have seen through Zhuge Liang's empty city plan, but he pretended not to attack and chose to let Zhuge Liang and himself live. Zhuge Liang understood that he was just sitting in the gate and playing the piano. He reminded Sima Yi that to kill him is to kill himself. "

"Shut up, who are Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi? Am I Zhuge Liang? "

"I am, and you win in the end."

"Sorry, I'm not Sima Yi, and I don't care to play like that. Besides, we can't have no hatred. On the contrary, we have a lot of hatred. If you get confused, I'll do it for you. Guo Henghong, the dean who promoted me, was killed by you; Guo Xi, Guo Henghong's niece, was killed by you. There are also the basement in Singapore, the Research Laboratory of Bihai group, and the bomb of martial uncle Liang Jingxiang's body. If I hadn't the ability, I would have been your ghost. Another is that you attack the orchard. I'm a very close man. You've been killed... "

"There are always people dying. You're not dead. You're so good in front of me now. You win every time, including this time."

"Is that because of your charity? Don't say no. even if it is, I'm different from you. I can't give to you. " Huang Ziping stamped out his cigarette and said, "save your strength. Don't try to persuade me. The reason why I'm willing to tell you this is not that I'm looking for security. I just want to tell you, damn you, no matter what kind of plan you make, we all have solutions. Give up! "

With that, Huang Ziping turned and left.

Miyamoto lost his mind behind him and yelled: "if you are so unwilling to talk about it, I will tell you about your plan when you hand it over to others. You may want to kill people with a knife. Maybe you still want to kill those people behind you. It's not good for you if I tell you about it."

"It's up to you, whether they believe you or not."

"What if my men can save me in time?""No way."

"Well, if I die, you will come down with me soon, and my ninjas will kill you one by one."

"I'll wait." Huang Ziping said to Sean, "Sean, I don't want to hear any more of his nonsense. Just shut up!"

Sean immediately took out the tape to seal Miyamoto's mouth, and the world was clean.

After about 20 minutes, Huang Xiaoshu called Huang Ziping and told him that No. 5 had found the location of 12 ninjas. They were divided into two groups, one landing in liumen county and the other in the provincial capital. Then they meet in the deserted villa hill and live in the villa. It seems that they are waiting for some orders. Besides these two ninjas, there is another man and a woman. The man may be the commander, Zhongren, the team adviser, and the woman is an acquaintance.

Acquaintances? Huang Ziping blurted out: "is it bailing?"

Huang Xiaoshu said: "it's this damned woman. She went back to Miyamoto, and Miyamoto believed in her."

"Baihua should know this. She won't be killed if she doesn't tell me?"

"My dear boss, what do you care about her? You still care about how to deal with ninja, you say your way

"What time is it on their side?"

"They're five hours faster than us."

"Oh, it's noon. Did you get in touch with the special operations team on the fifth? "

"It's concentrated in one place, waiting for our order."

"I'll contact Bai Jiu for arrangement."

"You have to tell me how to do it, or I won't be at ease."

"Well, with Tan Xiaoxiao, isn't she the assistant tutor of my students? When I left, I gave her a job and taught her a set of needling and strong needling, but she didn't know. I asked Bai Jiu to pick her up, and then I went to join the special action team of No. 5 to give everyone strong needling, so that they can compete with ninja. "

"Are you crazy? Strong needling, you teach a new acquaintance? "

"She doesn't know it's a strong needling, and she's missing one. After she's gone, she'll ask Bai Jiu to stab everyone. I'll keep one, OK?"

"That's pretty much the same. Otherwise, if she finds the clue and the function of this acupuncture, you'll be waiting to cry!"

"I'm not that stupid. Tell me about your situation. "

"We arrived at our destination early. The terrain and what we saw on the map are more complicated. The vegetation is denser, the mountains are higher, and there are more places to ambush outside the valley mouth. Besides, there is a waterfall 600 meters away on the left side. The sound of the water is so loud that it can be heard for a kilometer. The sound of the waterfall can cover the sound of people's actions. Even if someone makes a lot of noise in the haystack and dense forest, it will be hard to hear if they are not too close to each other. "

"It depends on the situation. It's a killing place carefully prepared for us. It's hard for them." With a sigh, Huang Ziping's hatred for those people on the fifth increased several points, "do you see anyone?"

"No, but there are signs of people coming. In fact, I think this place may have other functions. Otherwise, if you think about it, it's inland, so it's easier to get close to the coastline to meet people, right? Why do you have to run so far? It's not good for them, either. So in terms of logic, there must be some unexpected functions in this place. "

"Will they go by helicopter? We don't have a helicopter. We're far away from the coastline. It's hard for us to retreat. "

"It's possible, but there's no way to be sure, unless we use this place as the center point to spread to dozens of kilometers."

"It's not realistic." Huang Ziping scratched his head and thought for a while, "since we can't be sure, we don't care much, we'll go ahead according to the original plan."

"Another thing, the people who went to Mauritius have already sent us the results. You've got a bad luck. The command center is at the airport, and it's on the plane."

Huang Ziping a sneer: "good, immediately reply to scorpion, no matter what way you want to catch people."

"Then you contact Bai Jiu, I contact scorpion."

"What about the seal?"

"No, I told you."

Huang Ziping hangs up and calls Bai Jiu. It takes him five minutes to make it clear to Bai Jiu. He asks him to take several people to tan Xiaoxiao for help. He controls the time himself, and the action time should be synchronized with this side.

After the arrangement, Huang Ziping found a place to sit down and rest against the tree trunk.

At 7:05, Huang Xiaoshu and they came back.

As soon as she sat down beside Huang Ziping, Huang Xiaoshu took out her tablet computer and opened the photo folder to show Huang Ziping. They are all photos of the overall environment. As she said, it's more complicated than the map. She has sneaked into the valley and seen that many mines have been buried.

Huang Ziping said: "it seems that they want to drive us in. These bastards are really sinister. Where are the warlord Kanu's people and Miyamoto's people now? "

"It's 60 kilometers away from us. We can make it."

"Well, they were attacked from behind by warlord Kanu and Miyamoto's people. They had to go into the valley and eat their own fruit."