Chapter 580

Huang Ziping said: "I think so too. Our plans have been messed up. We must let his plans be messed up together, so that we are still on the same starting line. In addition, I also have an idea, a tooth for a tooth. We have people who care, just like Miyamoto. Mr. Phil, the commander of another team doesn't come to us. Let him go to Japan. We'll pay for a team for him. Didn't Miyamoto have a headquarters? Damn it, I'll blow it up for him in summer. "

"It's a reliable idea, threatening each other, and finally letting each other go."

"Then hurry up, you call the fifth, you talk to the fifth."

"Why don't you fight?"

"You said that I was injured and was going to die soon. If you ask for it like this, the speed and firmness of No. 5 will be higher."

Huang Xiaoshu finally smiles, takes out her mobile phone to contact Bai Jiu, and asks Bai Jiu to find No. 5.

In less than a minute, Bai Jiu finds No. 5, and Huang Xiaoshu talks with No. 5. But because of the problem of confidentiality, there is no voice opener. In addition, on the boat, the sound of the water waves was quite loud when the boat was walking, so Huang Ziping could only hear Huang Xiaoshu, but could not hear No. 5. From the words and expressions in the dialogue between Huang Xiaoshu and No. 5, the communication is not very smooth, she is more angry.

After about two minutes of talking, Huang Xiaoshu said to No. 5 and so on. Then she covered her cell phone and said to Huang Ziping, "No. 5 wants to talk to you. He said that as long as you're not dead, you'd better talk to him in person."

Huang Ziping said, "don't trust you?"

"No Huang Xiaoshu a burst of irritability, "said and I can not talk clearly, you talk about it!"

"It's not good here. Go back to your room."

Huang Xiaoshu understands Huang Ziping's meaning. In the same environment, there is the sound of waves. She just told No. 5 that Huang Ziping was seriously injured, so she should lie on the bed. She rushed into the cabin with Huang Ziping, went up the second floor, and entered the rest room behind the cab. After seeing that it was safe inside, she went out again and shut Huang Ziping in. She was guarding outside to prevent eavesdropping.

After coughing, Huang Ziping said to No. 5: "No. 5, you're killing me..."

The fifth said, "what's the matter? You're the boss. Why don't you get hurt when nobody gets hurt? "

"I'm the weakest."

"How much do you believe in Miyamoto's account?"

"80 percent."

"You son of a bitch, when are you going to be honest?"

"You haven't been honest with me, but since you say so, fifty percent! My attitude is that even if there is only a 10% chance, I don't want to take such a risk. We need to make it clear. "

"How do you know? May I make a phone call? "

"Now it's OK, but we have to discuss it first, and you have to tell me what the next task is, what's the arrangement of the people above you, and what countermeasures you have."

"How the hell do I know what's up there? You are also in trouble. Why do you use the warlord? You've made a mistake, you know? You even want to kill the warlord leader. I think you are crazy. " The fifth said more and more angrily, "I don't care what reason you have, this warlord leader can't be killed. I'll try my best to find someone for you to get his relationship back, so you can move Miyamoto instead of him. "

"What's the use of Miyamoto?"

"We want him to scan a software and open something."

"What is it? Is it a weapon? "

"Almost. That's it. No more. You can't change the location. You can't say it, and you can't say it, because those bastards hiding in the dark corner have more reasons to kill you. You go to Madagascar now. Contact me when you get ashore. I'll tell you. Then ask them to send someone to pick it up, and remember to take out Miyamoto with one shot after scanning. "

"No, sweep in front of us? They didn't take Miyamoto away. Let's go by ourselves? "

"It can't be like this. These people can't enjoy themselves. I want to make sure that Miyamoto is up, or they will become another Miyamoto. "

"So they don't sound like you?"

"You can't know too much about it. Just do what I mean. I've asked a friend to set up a group over there. This group can be sent by you. When you are in danger, you can be regarded as a reserve force! "

"How many people?"


"What the hell are six for?"

"No money? I can only find six. These six can be trusted. I can't guarantee anything else. " The fifth scolded a string of dirty words and then said, "where do you think you are going? It's a land full of wars. People and money are not necessarily useful. Do you understand? Now you give me a promise not to be a warlord leader. In this way, we can solve these problems. If you become a warlord leader, you will not only be tricked by Miyamoto, but also by those above me. "

Huang Ziping was stunned, thought for a few seconds, and said, "do you think it's possible that they and Miyamoto were originally together? Otherwise, how can they all kill me with the same move and the same knife? But it doesn't seem right. Miyamoto didn't want to kill me. He just wanted to force me to get something from me. ""What is it?"

"Don't pretend. Don't you know?"

"I don't know. Don't ask me that. It will affect me."

"I see..." The fifth is to pretend not to know, in this case, Huang Ziping with him, "your conditions, sorry, the current environment is not suitable, I can't promise you, I don't want your people, six really don't work."

"Does it have anything to do with the environment? You just want to do it yourself, you son of a bitch. "

"Please, I've done this with the warlord. I've made a deal. I'll do it with you again. I'll die faster that way. Miyamoto here I can promise you, although I know that if I shoot Miyamoto, it may be a declaration of war on the people above you. This is a bureau, and you still pit me. "

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I'm at the center of the war. Do you think I know? It's you. To be honest, I can't agree to your more demands. On the contrary, you should cooperate with me, or we will all lose. Don't think about it. You have to let me win before I can help you win. Do you understand that? "

No. 5 was silent. He had his own thoughts and worries, but there was no denying that Huang Ziping was right. If there was no way to get the best of both worlds, he could only take a chance: "how much strength do you have to deal with the Warlord's counterattack?"

"I have dozens."

"There's no way to meet the tough. Are you sure of your wits?"

"It depends on whether you cooperate and how to cooperate. Has Huang Xiaoshu already told you?"

"I'm going to get involved, take you to Japan, and provide information. I'll be shot, you know?"

"You have a solution. You can stay with me first."

"What the hell did I do wrong when I was forced one by one? I just want to do a good job. I knew earlier that I would retire for two years without coming back. " On the fifth, he uttered this sentence in a tone of anger and regret, followed by a series of dirty words. After a long time, he said, "give me an hour. I'll try my best to get information and find someone. I'll call you when I'm ready."

"Thank you

"Get the hell out of here, thank you. Just don't bother me. There is no task that you do without discount. Do I owe you in my last life? "

Huang Ziping didn't respond. He hung up the phone directly. After thinking for a few seconds, he opened the door and went out to tell Huang Xiaoshu that he had to wait for an hour.

Two people re under the deck, Huang Xiaoshu asked: "we discussed the plan to continue?"

Huang Ziping asked: "why not continue?"

"In this case, we don't have to stop the ship and go directly to the high seas of South Africa."

"How far is it?"

"In half an hour."

"Let them change ships. You talk to the seal first, and then to Mina alone."

Huang Xiaoshu turned and walked inside.

Huang Ziping looked at the sea. It was almost sunset and the scenery was beautiful, but he was not in the mood of enjoying the beautiful scenery at all. He was very upset.

Damn, every time the design is good, there will always be twists and turns. Do you want people to live?

I lit a cigarette and took a puff. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me and looked back. It was Sean. He was coming. Huang Ziping made a stop gesture and said from a distance, "Mr. Sean, I'm not happy now. If you come to ask me to say something I don't like to hear, I hope you can help me at another time, OK?"

Sean hesitated for more than ten seconds, turned and left.

But after a while there was another voice. This time it was Wu Zihua who came. Huang Ziping saw it but didn't stop him.

Wu Zihua came to Huang Ziping's side and leaned against the guardrail to watch the sunset. After a long time, he said, "you just talked with Miyamoto. After that, you seem to be in a bad mood. Has something happened?"

Huang Ziping said, "why do you ask? I don't have to tell you."

"I want to help. My injury is all right."

"Then you wait. The final plan will be assigned to you. Get out of here."

"I want to tell you that my special operation team was transferred to Hong Kong and Haicheng, while the special operation team of female police guard black rose was out of the border, and I don't know where to go."

Huang Ziping was surprised: "how do you know?"

"We have a way to get in touch."

"I'll go to you. Huang Xiaoshu told us that no one can contact the outside world without her orders."

"I want to help."

"Help?" Huang Ziping kicked it, but Wu Zihua was unprepared. He was kicked on the ground. He didn't get up, but he was lying on the ground. He didn't dare to resist or even resent. After all, he did something wrong.

Old Meizi on the deck above the cab saw all this and turned over from the guardrail. Probably afraid of Huang Ziping's danger, he wanted to walk over. Huang Ziping made a stop sign for him and didn't let him go near.

He continued to give Wu Zihua a kick, and Huang Ziping scolded: "do you know if you are in contact with the outside world, the signal will be tracked, and those people on the fifth can master our position through them?"

"No, I'm in contact with someone I can trust.""Do you promise?"

"Dare, if something goes wrong, I will commit suicide."

Huang Ziping and Wu Zihua looked at each other, and their anger slowly subsided: "I'm not the commander of the operation. Huang Xiaoshu will deal with your problem. You tell me first, what's the special operations team going to do? Your own opinion, say

"I don't know, but there is one thing. Our identity is quite special. We can't leave the country unless we are provoked, but we don't have it now."

"Don't talk nonsense, talk about the point."