Chapter 562

Huang Xiaoshu laughed: "we are civilized people."

"Civilized people can't capture people in my territory. You have to have strength, otherwise even if I let them go, it's all in vain."

"Can Mr. Ellis be more clear?"

Don't say that Huang Xiaoshu doesn't understand the meaning of Ellis, Huang Ziping doesn't understand either. Just now, the words were so cold and the content was so exposed. I thought the little old man was angry and refused. But the last sentence seemed to be a suggestion. It's just like that. It's more likely to take the opportunity to offer conditions. Of course, from his repeated attitude, we can see the fact that if he has enough interests, he doesn't mind giving way. This is good news!

Ellis pointed to the TV and said, "you must have been very clear about what's going on inside my bar. Fight. You want to have a say in it. Take part in the competition. You win. You want anyone. As long as it's not mine, take it away. Of course, there is also a premise. It can't affect my bar. If you break something or make my bar suffer other losses, you have to pay for it. "

Huang Xiaoshu looked at Huang Ziping and said, "who are you fighting with?"

"There's a sumo wrestler coming these days. It turns out that we prepared an opponent for him, but the man was arrested by the police..." Alice's eyes fell on Sha Lang, "I think this Mr. Sha is a master, dare to fight? If you don't dare, please leave and don't touch my bar. Otherwise, even if you can get out of Norway, you can't get out of Europe. "

Huang Xiaoshu hesitated for a while and then said, "can I discuss it with my boss?"

"Do as you please."

"Can I buy back what you need us to do with money?"

"You think I'm short of money?"

"I don't think so."

"I can't stand all the bets in this duel. There's money I can't earn. I don't need you to give me."

"Just a moment, Mr. Ellis." Huang Xiaoshu finished this sentence, made a gesture to Huang Ziping, and then walked outside first.

Huang Ziping and Sha Lang follow Huang Xiaoshu to the outside of the yard. Before he has time to speak, Sha Lang says, "don't ask me to do this. I'm a bodyguard, not a thug."

Huang Xiaoshu said, "if this is the only way, Mr. Sha, you have to help. Alex calls for you, or I can end up."

Huang Ziping said, "Huang Xiaoshu, are you going to agree?"

"What else can I do?" Huang Xiaoshu was a little angry. "Did you just think that I had a little too much respect for Alex? I tell you, I know him, and I know something about him. Although the fighting bar is small, the whole Europe may be betting, which is similar to Football League. I've heard of such bars and businesses before. I didn't expect to be in Norway. I didn't expect to be hosted by Alex. "

"You wait, let me slow down first. You know him. What's the identity of him you know?"

"Didn't I fight black bull? Didn't you study black cattle? Black bull 19 years old to participate in the fight competition, the final opponent is this Ellis

"I'll screw you, he?" Huang Ziping looked back at the villa and said, "he is just a sick man. His face looks like he will die soon. He must have some disease, and there is no need to treat it. Now he is drinking Chinese medicine to delay his death. "

"I can see that although you don't understand, now is the present and the past is the past. By the time I'm in my fifties, do you think I can still play as well as I do now? People like us who are always injured can't. Mr. Sha can do this, but he can't keep up with his physical fitness, so there is a saying: "boxing is afraid of youth."

Huang Ziping still can't believe that Alex is so powerful. Well, even if he is very powerful, does it have anything to do with this matter? He brought it up. Huang Xiaoshu's answer is that since the whole Europe can bet on the game, there are obviously many big crocodiles behind it. Can these big crocodiles be more terrifying than warlords. Offend them, such as blow up the bar, want to leave, may be able to leave, but after that? Huang Ziping is a famous man, not hard to find.

Huang Ziping understood, thinking of all kinds of evil results, he felt cold: "Damn, it's more and more complicated, how can we do it? Really? Just now I watched the picture on TV. The size of those sumo wrestlers is 200 kg. How can they fight? How strong do you have to be to kick people off? "

Huang Xiaoshu sneered: "boss, it's not competition, it's hunting. It's nothing to do with body shape."

Sha Lang said: "let me kill people. It's impossible to kill people in the live broadcast. I can't do it. You can do it yourself. Don't involve me."

Huang Xiaoshu shrugged: "if Mr. Sha insists, I can only apply to Alice for his own end."

Huang Ziping has no words, because he thinks Huang Xiaoshu's fate is more reliable. Because this is murder, Huang Xiaoshu can start without hesitation, but Sha Lang certainly can't. Maybe in terms of Kung Fu, Huang Xiaoshu is not Sha Lang's opponent, but in terms of killing skills, Sha Lang can't catch up with Huang Xiaoshu: "are you sure about Huang Xiaoshu?"

"To convince Alex to let me go or to win sumo wrestlers?"

"The same."

"The former is fifty and the latter eighty. I'm afraid of a question now, whether this sumo wrestler is from Miyamoto, if so, Alex has something to do with him. Just now, Alex said that if we can win, as long as it's not his people, we can catch them without destroying the bar. The implication is that if Miyamoto is his man, we can't catch him, but we don't know if Miyamoto is his man. Besides, we have to destroy the bar, so we have to talk about it one by one. ""Is it that complicated? Mr. Huang, you're a doctor and a miracle doctor. Isn't that foreigner sick? If you can cure it, it's an exchange. "

Huang Ziping was stunned, which he didn't expect.

Huang Xiaoshu then said: "is there a cure for those who are dying? Even if there's a cure, it's impossible to get it back in a short time. It's impossible to talk like this. "

"I think it can be used as the capital for negotiation," Huang said

"In this way, your identity will be exposed. When Ellis knows your details, he may not ask for anything else. He will also go to find out who you are after. If Miyamoto is his friend, we will be finished. Do you want to have a try?"

"Do you have to tell him who I am?"

"If you don't prove that you are a miracle doctor, do you think you can talk about it? And we don't have time now. We have to race against the clock. Everything has to be dealt with as quickly as possible. "

"You don't think they're going to investigate us at all?"

"If it's just a profit deal, he'll only think about his business."

"How do I think she knows you?"

"No way."

"Why can't they do it? They fight with experts all over the world every day. They must have information about the most powerful people in all fields in the world, right? Soldiers, killers, martial arts masters and so on. "

Huang Xiaoshu thought silently for a few seconds: "if you say that, it seems that it's really possible."

"I think so, otherwise how can we end up? Do not know our strength, this fight has no flash point, hit fart, smash the bar sign? "

"There's another possibility, forcing us to give up."

"Then he can refuse directly."

"To refuse directly is to be afraid that we will force us to influence the bar!"

"What do you think? Go in and ask? "

"Yes, and I can show him the specific diseases, my acupuncture, the cancer treatment, the degree of his going, whether he cooperates, and so on. I think if I can cure it, even Miyamoto's friends are useless compared with his own life. Human nature is very selfish. "

Huang Xiaoshu and Huang Ziping looked at each other, thought of Huang Ziping's idea seems to have been very right, gritted his teeth and said: "OK, blossom on three sides."

Huang Ziping and Sha Lang go in with Huang Xiaoshu again, listening to Huang Xiaoshu and Alice talk. Sure enough, Huang Ziping was right. When Alice came in from Huang Xiaoshu, he recognized her. He didn't see that Sha Lang was an expert at all. In fact, Sha Lang was too common to see. The reason why he let Sha Lang come down is just to cover up and pretend that he didn't know Huang Xiaoshu.

He didn't know Huang Ziping, but Huang Xiaoshu searched a lot of Huang Ziping's information for him to see. After reading it, he showed some hope in his eyes, and his attitude changed greatly. He asked Huang Ziping many questions about traditional Chinese medicine.

After a few minutes of chatting, Huang Ziping was extremely surprised that Alice's knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine was even richer than that of many traditional Chinese medicine students. Of course, Huang Ziping understood what his problem was. It was advanced esophageal cancer. According to the Western doctor's estimation, he should have hung up early. Anyway, western medicine can't cure him. He just studied traditional Chinese medicine, which uses traditional Chinese medicine to treat and control every day and prolong his life. He has several private doctors in his hands, one is a western medicine doctor and three are traditional Chinese medicine doctors. They are all older and very experienced doctors.

Ellis was also shocked by Huang Ziping's traditional Chinese medicine technology. He asked Huang Ziping if he could be saved in this situation? What Huang Ziping said was to see if he cooperated. Alice didn't look excited. He thought for a while and called his personal doctor to let them all come. It is obvious that he does not blindly believe in Huang Ziping, because it is possible that Huang Ziping lied because he wanted to get his help. Sometimes it is more painful to be disappointed when he has hope than to have no hope at all.

Huang Ziping could understand this, so he waited patiently even if he didn't have time.

Fortunately, Alice's personal doctor came very quickly, but it was almost ten o'clock at that time, and the fight began. So just after talking with these old TCM doctors for a few words, Huang Ziping made a request that Ellis postpone the fighting time for an hour, so that he could continue to talk. At first, Ellis hesitated and didn't want to, but through the communication with several old TCM doctors, he knew that Huang Ziping had real talent and learning, so he agreed.

The old doctor of Chinese medicine, his teacher has said so, and Alex naturally believes it.

In fact, for a person who is already desperate, giving him hope is more exciting than giving him anything. The premise is that the hope is reliable, and the person in despair will seize it regardless of everything.