Chapter 517

To be on the safe side, Huang Ziping still thinks it's better to ask clearly: "is fat like this? Have you decided? "

Fat man cut: "what do you mean, man? It's like we play family. We take love seriously, OK

Wang Xiaofei is not as playful as fat man. She is very serious and dare not take Huang Ziping seriously: "thank you, you are our matchmaker. I have to give you a gift." Wang Xiaofei took out a box from her handbag. "It seems that your watch is very old. I'll give you a new one all the time."

Huang Ziping glanced at the Peugeot of the box, Armani, high-end goods: "too polite, how much is it?"

"Money is not a problem."

"It's too expensive to accept."

"Just a watch, you wear it on the street."

"Yes, yes." The fat man laughs and says to Huang Ziping, "thank you."

Wang Xiaofei hit the fat man with his elbow: "can you talk? It's a mess. "

"Well, I'll shut up."

"Take it, Dr. Huang!"

"It seems that it's hard to be gracious." Huang Ziping took the box over and put it aside. He didn't open it immediately. That was impolite. He wasn't used to it. "You're developing too fast. Seriously, I'm shocked."

The fat man said again: "what I'm playing with is shock. I've applied for a holiday. It seems that I don't agree with you, brother

"No problem. I'll help you." At this time, Huang Ziping's drink was brought up. He took a sip and said to Wang Xiaofei, "don't say I'm upset. I have to remind you that it's better to be gentle and gentle when you see parents. The older generation are more traditional, those fancy things do not like, we do not do thankless behavior. Besides, what's your family's opinion? "

"I can make my own decisions." Wang Xiaofei's words are very reasonable.

"Well, I won't ask much. Tell me in advance when the wedding will be held. I'll give the fat man a big gift. In addition, if, I said if, Wang Xiaofei, you don't mind. "

"I don't mind, you say."

"If you are not satisfied with the fat man in your family, I'll make obeisance to the fat man, which can be regarded as removing obstacles for you."


"Listen, your family is not satisfied with fat people?"

"I'm not dissatisfied. I just feel fat and happy." Wang Xiaofei changed a very serious tone, "a while ago, on the day of the fat man's accident and the next day, although I am not very clear what you are doing, but I have my own feeling, you are very powerful."

"Don't say that." Huang Ziping took another sip of coffee and looked around. Someone was smoking next door. He took out his cigarette and lit one. "Fat man, when are you going to see Wang Xiaofei's family?"

"Anytime." The fat man said, "I'm afraid people won't like it."

Wang Xiaofei pinched the fat man again: "who doesn't want to? You don't want to? "

"Order, order, see my parents first, and then your parents."

"Didn't you just say that?"

"Isn't it a joke?"

"No kidding."

"Well, let's say something serious. I think your Audi TT is too ugly. Can you change it? I'll buy it for you. How about a mini

"You..." Wang Xiaofei looked at the fat man suspiciously, "buy it for me?"

The fat man straightened his chest and said, "how can I buy it for you? I tell you, I can't match my brother's tens of billions, but I don't need one and a half billion. "

"You're worth tens of billions?" Wang Xiaofei looked at Huang Ziping in amazement, "how do you earn it?"

Huang Ziping said with a smile, "don't listen to his nonsense."

"I'll go, and I'll talk nonsense?" The fat man is not happy, "man, do you dare to swear that there are not tens of billions? If you have, you are a beast. "

"Go away."

"Really?" Wang Xiaofei swallowed, "it seems that I have to admire you. You are not only a celebrity, but also a national treasure or a super rich man."

The fat man said, "why do you admire him? If you admire me, I'll be rich, too. "

"Did you make it yourself?"

"I must."

"How much?"

"More than 50 million. It's enough to buy you Rambo, not to mention Mini."

"I see." Wang Xiaofei laughed twice, "you earn money from your brother..."

"Screw you, look down on me, don't talk to you, go to the bathroom."

Seeing the fat man leave his seat, Wang Xiaofei asked Huang Ziping, "is the fat man telling the truth?"

Huang Ziping asked, "why do you ask?"

"I have no idea. I just want to know. He's so rich, I can easily tell my family, can't I? "

"Yes, it is."

"Did you give it to him?"

"No, that's his share."

"I understand." Wang Xiaofei took a sip of coffee and then said, "my TT is really ugly?""I think it's very good. It's estimated that the fat man wants you to keep a low profile. If you don't think there's a problem in your heart, change it and let him try to spend a lot of money on his own women."


"It's nice of you to talk."

"I'm easy to talk, and I want to tell you that you have these auras. How dare I offend you?"

"You don't have friends talking like that."

"Ha ha, I'll be quiet. Thank you, thank you for your trust, thank you for your help, thank you for the opportunity. If there had been no events of that day and no common suffering, it would not have been today. I'm very satisfied with the present and full of vision for the future. It's only these days that I find myself living like a person. "

"Stop, stop, what are you talking about? How can I feel so wrong?"

"What's wrong?" When the fat man came back from the toilet, he just heard them say, "me?"

Huang Ziping looked contemptuous and said, "you think the whole world likes you. You have to say you're down!"

"What is that? Tell me, daughter-in-law. "

"Who is your daughter-in-law?"

"You don't want to?"

"And the ring? What about romance? No, I'll think about it. "

"Don't you want a ring and romance? It's a small idea As soon as the fat man sat down, he stood up again and clapped his hands. Then a violinist came out of nowhere. She came to Wang Xiaofei and nodded. Then she began to play. The beautiful melody suddenly sounded in the coffee shop. At this time, the fat man walked out of his seat, made a very gentlemanly gesture, pulled Wang Xiaofei out, knelt down on one knee, took out a jewelry box from his pocket and opened it, "Dear Miss Wang Xiaofei, are you willing to marry me, the fat man that many people talk about?"

This proposal came faster than the earthquake. Wang Xiaofei couldn't react to it. Just now, a joke came true? She was moved and burst into tears.

Huang Ziping was as surprised as she was. Who was the fat man? I didn't agree with him a while ago. I suddenly agreed. I went straight to the subject. Did he think about it? Of course, in the current situation, Huang Ziping can't ask if the fat man has considered it clearly. Is this the decision in his heart? After all, it involves two people's happiness. If it is not the result of careful consideration, it will hurt two people.

In the heart anxious, tangled, each kind of chaotic mood is controlling Huang Ziping. But he can't decide everything. He's just a spectator. He looks at Wang Xiaofei with tears and nods his head. Then the fat man puts the ring on her, stands up and waves her, and puts him in his arms. At this time, the customers and the service staff clapped their hands.

Half a minute later, the applause came down and the violinist's performance ended. At this time, fat man and Wang Xiaofei hugged each other tightly. Huang Ziping called them, but they didn't respond, so they had to wave to the violinist, let her come over, and then give Bai Jiu a cash tip. Bai Jiu took out a pile of cash, but only two. Huang Ziping snatched more than 3000 yuan from the miser and gave it to the violinist: "you're great. Thank you."

Thousands of dollars, isn't it too much? The violinist didn't dare to take it. Huang Ziping gave it to her, so she had to take it.

After hugging for two minutes, fat man and Wang Xiaofei separated. They bowed to customers in all directions and sat down. Their faces are rippling with happy smiles. Huang Ziping also feels happy in his eyes. This is a foregone conclusion. Whether they think about it clearly or not, they don't know what to do today or tomorrow. They just feel happy when they live well in the present.

Bai Jiu said to the fat man, "fat man, you will be happy. I have no money now."

Fat one Leng: "I say nine elder brother, your penniless have something to do with my happiness?"

"Did you tip the violinist? The boss gave it to me and took all my money. It's thousands. "

"I'll go, so generous?" The fat man looked at the stairs of the coffee shop. "NIMA, I'm still a doctor. I play the violin. Man, you can tip me. I play it every day."

Huang Ziping said: "just you, stay by yourself. I don't see it. It's too numb. Bai Jiu, let's go."

The fat man said, "no, you haven't finished your food."

Huang Ziping takes Bai Jiu out of the coffee shop and gets on the bus.

White nine side drive side way: "go home?"

Huang Ziping said, "why don't you eat out? Do you invite me? "

"No money."

"I didn't realize you were that stingy."

"It's not stingy, it's unnecessary."

"What is necessary? Don't you see that girl's shoes are very worn, and her clothes are still wearing after washing? She's still a student, believe it or not? What's more, I'm a very difficult student. Do you think I'm excited? "

"I didn't notice."

"So, bodyguard, shall I protect you?"

"I'm wrong. I'm wrong. The boss's eyes are burning."

"Go away, don't shoot. I'm not a horse." Huang Ziping lowered his seat, opened the car window and lit a cigarette. "What the hell is going on today? It's all a mess. What's the matter with this fat man?"Bai Jiu said: "when love comes, you can't stop it."

"What about your love with Chang Xin?"

"She went home. The day after we made noodles together last time, I didn't mean to ask her when she would come back."

"Do you really like her?"


"Shall I help you?"

"It's better to do it yourself?"

"I'll help you talk to Ling Menglei. After all, Ling Menglei knows her best and her preferences, so that you can know more about her."

Bai Jiu thought for a while and thought it was good, so he agreed.