Chapter 441

At 8 p.m., Kong Lingyan put some false news on the Internet that Huang Ziping appeared in the medical college. Less than ten minutes later, all the people searching for the mountain retreated. Huang Ziping, Bai Jiu and Lao Meizi could see clearly in the corner of the wall opposite the mountain. They ran down one after another and got on the bus to run to the city. When they got far away, Huang Ziping, Bai Jiu and Lao Meizi went into the mountain in three separate directions, and then they went straight to the top of the mountain after they met halfway up the mountain.

Because I walked very fast, I soon got to the top of the mountain. After crossing several mountains, I left the mountain and walked on the flat ground.

As he gets closer to the seaside, Huang Ziping's worries are decreasing. Now he has only one worry. Can the boatman be trusted? He asked Bai Jiu, "Bai Jiu, are you sure the boatman who took us out of the high seas is OK?"

Bai Jiu said: "there should be no problem. We have used him so many times."

"Watch out, just in case."


After walking in the dark for more than ten minutes, Huang Ziping and Lao Meizi have come to the beach. Bai Jiu stands alone outside the beach and takes out a flashlight to send a secret signal. Less than ten seconds, the distant sea back to the signal, and then you can vaguely see a small boat coming silently. It turned out to be a fishing boat. Huang Ziping's eyes were protruding. He asked Lao Meizi, "Bai Jiu, how did you find a small fishing boat?"

Old Meizi said, "it's refitted. It has a motor. For safety's sake, it didn't drive when it landed."

"How long will it take to get to the high seas?"

"It takes more time, but because the target is small, the probability of being found is also relatively reduced..."

"All right."

It took a long time for the small fishing boat to get close to the beach. Bai Jiu got on the boat and talked with each other for two minutes before sending signals to Huang Ziping and Lao Meizi. They got on the boat and went out to sea. Sitting at the stern of the boat, Huang Ziping saw that there was a motor, but it didn't start. Instead, a boat owner in his thirties was rowing with a paddle. In the moonlight, Huang Ziping watched him. He was very strong and alert. Huang Ziping felt that he knew he was looking at him.

I don't know how long it took, the small fishing boat finally rowed a few kilometers away from the shore. Finally, he was able to turn on the motor. The owner pulled out the button, and then there was a buzz. The small fishing boat sped faster from tortoise speed, and the splashing water fell on him. It was freezing. Huang Ziping quickly leaned in the middle to avoid the spray. Bai Jiu was sitting in the middle, watching from both sides. Sometimes he paid attention to the owner of the boat. Seeing Huang Ziping leaning over, he said, "finally we can leave. This time it's really dangerous. We have no help at all."

Huang Ziping said, "go ashore and celebrate. I've never felt safe in the sea."

Lao Meizi also came up at this time. He said to Huang Ziping and Bai Jiu, "it seems that the direction is not right. It's not a straight line, it's a diagonal line."

"Is it?" Bai Jiu took a look at the stars in the sky and immediately went to the stern of the boat and asked the owner, "brother, you are not on the right road, are you?"

"There's nothing we can do," said the ship's owner. "The coastal defense has been strengthened these days. We have to go around an island and pass from the back. And we have to find a gap. We can't live without thinking about it. We have to see their patrol time. "

"Didn't you say that when you first got on the boat?"

"Didn't you ask?"

Bai Jiu also plans to say that Huang Ziping holds him and says to the master himself, "master, please. It's safe. We have no problem."

The owner nodded and went on with his boat.

Seeing that he didn't pay attention, Huang Ziping whispered: "we must be on the thief boat. We should try to grab the boat."

Bai Jiu was startled: "no, boss, we don't know the route. We can't escape even if we rob the boat."

"If you take the initiative, you will have vitality. Of course, don't kill him. We want him to be useful."

"Are you wrong? I think what he said is quite reasonable. "

"Then I ask you, is his price higher than before?"


"Yes, the coast defense has been strengthened. It's more difficult to send us out. We have to take more risks. Why don't we increase the price? Do you still think it's reasonable? It's a deal. According to the normal rules, the seller's market, he should start from the ground. Anyway, you can't help but sit, and you don't mind giving more money, right? "

Bai Jiu was cold sweated by Huang Ziping. He didn't think about it. He looked at the owner of the boat and said, "I'll get close to him slowly."

"Find the right opportunity and move quickly."

"I know."

As soon as the three men finished, the speed of the boat slowed down and the motor made two discordant sounds.

The master said, "the motor is broken. I'll go down to repair it." With that, he jumped into the water and surprised Huang Ziping and the three of them. Nima, it's too fast, isn't it? Were they discovered as soon as they came up with a solution? Reaction, look around, nothing different. However, four or five lights can be seen in the distance, and the shaking speed is still very fast. It is obviously a speedboat.

A small fishing boat, motor is bad, only oars, in the vast sea can do something? Huang Ziping didn't dare to think about it. He said to Bai Jiu and Lao Meizi, "row quickly. I'll call Kong Lingyan to see where we are, and what's the situation on the shore."Bai Jiu and Lao Meizi immediately went boating. Huang Ziping took out his mobile phone and called Kong Lingyan. He said in a quick voice, "Kong Lingyan, I'm in trouble here. I'm on the sea. I don't know the exact location. Look at my locator, then look at the map and tell me the fastest way to get to the shore."

Kong Lingyan answered with a crackle on her computer. After a few seconds, she said, "according to your course, there is a piece of land six kilometers southeast."

"The nearest one?"

"Yes, it's about 20 kilometers further away, and you're more than 50 kilometers away from the city. What's your problem? "

"Sold by the owner."

"Isn't the owner an acquaintance? How could you betray us? "

"Money, this son of a bitch jumped into the sea. I wonder if he is floating on the sea waiting for his boat to arrive or swimming to the nearest land by himself? "

"Probably the former. What can I do? "

"Get in touch with the boat that picked us up, keep still on the high seas, and we'll find a way out by ourselves."

"Well, be careful."

Hang up the phone, Huang Ziping dialogue nine: "six kilometers southeast of a piece of land, we go over, the enemy led to rob the ship."

Six kilometers away, if the motor is OK, it's a blink of an eye at sea. It's painful to paddle, but there's no choice. Later, there's a pursuer. He has to be quick. Huang Ziping himself has to pull out a paddle to help. I don't know if I'm lucky or what. I just turned the direction and went with the wind. It seems that the wind is too strong. I don't have much difficulty in rowing. I'm still fast. But it must also be said that the speed of pursuing soldiers was faster. When Huang Ziping saw the land vaguely, they also saw the speedboat chasing the ship owner to the place where he jumped.

Fortunately, Huang Ziping had found out that the owner of the ship had sold them. Otherwise, the owner would not jump into the sea until the pursuit was closer, and Huang Ziping would become a turtle in a jar.

As we get closer to the land, we can see the environment more clearly. It's an island, and it's an island.

But this is not a deserted island. There are a lot of houses on it, but there are no lights. It was only when we got ashore that we could see clearly that this small land less than 10 kilometers around seemed to be an abandoned military base, or even a place used to hold prisoners. So there are iron mesh and steel everywhere, but they are rusty and full of the smell of corruption.

Looking at the distance from the pursuit, there is still a long way to go. Huang Ziping said to himself: "think about what we should do to get the boat. Do you have any idea?"

White nine way: "we separate, play a Tiaohu to leave the mountain."

"Then you have to know how many people there are, whether they have weapons, and whether they will drive the boat for a certain distance to prevent us from robbing the boat."

"What's your opinion, boss?"

"Find a position that's good for us to fight. How many of them will come and destroy how many of them will be killed. This also gives Kaba a a shock and tells him not to provoke me. Anyway, his people are rubbish, so they are afraid of having guns."

"I expect there will be."

Lao Meizi interjected: "I don't understand. Why don't we set a trap first and let us in? They don't have an advantage in fighting us like this, do they? "

Huang Ziping said: "more people is not an advantage? It's clean to kill us in the sea. After all, where is my identity. Also, the less people know about what he does, the better. He is not clean. In fact, it is not very difficult to understand. Bai Jiu, you are too careless. I have already reminded you that you don't even know the line first. "

Bai Jiu said with regret: "I'm sorry."

"It's nothing. The soldiers will block the water and cover the land." Huang Ziping pointed to the building in front of him and said, "let's go inside and have a look. Lao Meizi, you are outside, waiting for them to land. Try to find out how many people there are."

Lao Meizi answers and hides in a place with wide vision. Bai Jiu follows Huang Ziping into the building. This is a building that is about to collapse. The warehouse is divided into two floors with tile roof. The concrete beams inside are slanting from east to west. I feel very uneasy when I walk in. However, the environment inside is very chaotic. There are a lot of miscellaneous things, such as wooden boxes, some strange machines, trolleys, and so on. They are also full of shade climbing plants, which are easy to hide and ambush.

Huang Ziping said to Bai Jiu: "it looks like an old military base. What do you think of ambushing here?"

"Yes, but I think it's better to introduce people into the deep forest, and the scope is larger. We can break them one by one."

"That's too far away from the shore. You don't know what's going on outside. Do you feel safe?"

"It seems right, too."

"So it's best to be here."

As they were talking, old Meizi suddenly rushed in and said in a fast voice, "they have eight speedboats, and there seems to be a big ship in the distant sea."

Huang Ziping's hair is numb: "how many people are there?"

"Eight speedboats, about eight each. Most of them have knives. They don't rule out guns, but certainly not many."

"That's good news." Huang Ziping picked up a rusty iron pipe on the ground. It was the iron pipe of a handcart. He held it in his hand. The weight was quite appropriate. "Prepare for the battle. We can't help fighting this battle. We need a boat. Just as they have a boat, they hope that we can all live after the fight..."