Chapter 435

Do you think too much? Actually, this is he Ziwei's friend? This idea just flashed through my mind. Huang Ziping quickly took out his mobile phone and was planning to call he Ziwei. Well, the mobile phone rang first, and the sound was heard by the police outside. The knock on the door began to pick up, and they were shouting to open the door and so on. The caller was a fixed line number. Huang Ziping got through, and Wu Zihua's voice came: "Mr. Huang? Huang Xiaoshu has been trapped. The fifth person will send me a message, asking you to come to the capital, otherwise they won't let Huang Xiaoshu go. "

"What is entrapment? Who lures you? " Huang Xiaoshu has been missing for such a long time. He must have had a problem. He has already been psychologically prepared, but the situation is so serious that Huang Ziping still feels that he is cold from the beginning to the bottom of his feet. "Is the number five they used? Let me go is let Huang Xiaoshu lure me? "

"I can't guess. Let's see if you believe number five. On the fifth, there's another suggestion for you to find someone, get his account book and bring it back, so that you have the capital to negotiate with the people above him. "


"A sightseeing boat, the moorden, whose boss, Kaba, is a German from Taiwan."

"When did this guy come? It's not that simple, is it? "

"It's a gambling boat."

"You're going to die, the man who runs the gambling boat. Is this an ordinary man? Is it possible for me to succeed? Can I get on the boat? Even if I go up, how can I bring people down to extort confessions? "

"You have a high IQ. Think about it for yourself. I can't help you. Besides, I'm going to hang up right now. Now I have problems myself."

"What's your problem?"

"Miss Huang was arrested when she saw me and the fifth. I took Miss Huang. I tried to save her and illegally entered the house where they were holding the fifth. I was injured."

"You come here, now our destiny is linked, you help me first."

"If I can't get by, I can't leave the country normally. Now all the places where I can leave have been ambushed. You can only rely on yourself, because you can't mobilize your people in Hong Kong and Haicheng. They can't get out and are monitored. You have two days. If you don't go to the capital within two days, special police will go to the orchard to catch your people. And yourself, the case of monya being killed, you are still under investigation. Did the police tell you not to leave the country? When you're out of the country, it's easy to find a charge for you. "

"What about the war?"

"They didn't give you the right of action. What would you do if you started a war in China? You don't think about it at all, and your way of doing things, once there will be two, this is the focus of their concern. Generally speaking, you are the most dangerous person compared with terrorists in their eyes

"Well, what will they do to me? What are you going to do to me? "

"It depends on whether you have capital in your hand. If you don't have capital in your hand, your destiny is estimated to be like this. That's it." Wu Zihua sighed, "I really want to hang up. I'll call you when I have further information."

As Wu Zihua hung up, the knocking on the door was getting louder and louder, and he almost had to open the door. But also confirmed that there was no threat, it was really a misunderstanding, because the police outside were calling he Ziwei's name. Huang Ziping rushed to call he Ziwei, and then general fast tone: "Miss He, there is a policeman outside beating the door, he knows your name, is it for you?"

He Ziwei was startled: "what does this annoying guy want? I'm downstairs. I'll go upstairs right away. "

What else does Huang Ziping want to say? The phone has been hung up by he Ziwei. At this time, Bai Jiu asked Huang Ziping who just called and what did he say? Huang Ziping told him that it was Wu Zihua and repeated what Wu Zihua said. White nine hear facial expression that call a burst of black, he uses dignified and worried tone way: "how can be such result, really need so serious?"

"I don't know if it's that serious, but Huang Xiaoshu's arrest must be a fact, otherwise it won't be so long. I actually know that I'm just fluke, comforting myself, blaming me, so I shouldn't let her go. Of course, according to the information reflected by Wu Zihua's words, the leader of No. 5 wants to be us, so whether Huang Xiaoshu goes or not, the result is almost the same, or even better. At least now the orchard is still in normal operation. "

"What are you going to do? Meet their demands? "

"Check this Caba first." Huang Ziping walked out of the balcony. "He Ziwei is coming up. She should be able to deal with the police. I'll call Kong Lingyan. You look at them, but don't mess around. Don't conflict, you know?"

White nine said a know.

Huang Ziping walked out of the balcony, locked the door and dialed Kong Lingyan: "I have received the news that Huang Xiaoshu has been arrested. The other party asked me to go to the capital. Before I go, I have to bring some things. This is capital."

Kong Lingyan was very clever and said, "what can I do?"

"Help me to check my personal information. This man's name is Kaba. A Taiwanese with a German passport runs a gambling boat in Taixi province. Please give me his information as soon as possible and the overall operation of the boat. The more detailed, the better. In addition, Huang Xiaoshu made the recording and sent it to Dantes tonight. Meanwhile, he found out the location of Dantes. If you can, don't stay in the orchard, let the Korean guy take you out, pay attention, someone is staring at you, let the Korean guy think of a way"I'm afraid not. I can't support you when I leave the orchard."

"Why don't you just take a notebook with you?"

"It's not that easy."

"Do what I said first." Huang Ziping and Kong Lingyan hang up. They have heard he Ziwei enter the room. It's noisy outside. The police are asking who he Ziwei is? He Ziwei said there was no need to explain to him. Huang Ziping did not want to go out, because there is a very important phone call, to Cuilian, "Cuilian, my situation has changed, Huang Xiaoshu was arrested, I need your help."

"What's the matter?" Cui Lian is very nervous and says, "you say, how can I help you?"

"Pick a few smart people to go to the drug lords and leave photos. And then we'll send a couple of people to kill Danites. I'll give you the location and information. The requirement of assassination is not high. It doesn't matter whether you succeed or not. Just make sure your people can retreat safely. "

"What are you playing with?" Cuilian was very confused about Huang Ziping's plan. "Can you tell me clearly?"

"I'm saving myself. I need them to fight and get me out of this."

"Now you are affected by it?"


"It won't affect me, will it? Now in terms of strength, I'm not the opponent of the new drug lords. "

"It doesn't matter. You do it first, and Dantes will take care of the drug lords."

"OK, I'll help you."

"I'm busy. First of all, remember to be quick." With these words, Huang Ziping hung up, called up the number of scorpion and said, "scorpion, did you go back to Europe and America?"

"I'm doing something in Malaysia," said the scorpion

"Just do me a favor. You don't need to succeed in assassinating the drug lords tomorrow afternoon at the latest, but you can't let the drug lords know that you are deliberately unsuccessful. There's another demand, white people. "

"It's difficult. I'll try my best. How about your side?"

"No, Huang Xiaoshu has been arrested. We may all be arrested. I'm working on it now. You really have to help, because it's the key point."

"If so, I have no choice."

"Thank you."

"Keep in touch."

Huang Ziping hung up and heard a door slamming. He opened the balcony door and had a look. There was only Bai Jiu and he Ziwei in the research room. He asked he Ziwei, "Miss He, what's the matter?"

He Ziwei said: "that's my friend. He's a little neurotic. You don't need to have breakfast with him. I'll go to work."

Huang Ziping said, "wait a minute, we're leaving..."

He Ziwei was stunned: "is it done? Or did that guy just affect you? It's nothing. He won't tell

That should be the person who pursues he Ziwei. Huang Ziping can see that she is wronged when she looks depressed: "no, we can't stay here any more because there is a new situation."

"Are you afraid of affecting me? No problem. I'm not afraid of anything. "

"I know, but we really need to go." In fact, Huang Ziping has no choice but to go. The situation has changed. I don't know what will happen next. Kaba is a local. He must be very powerful. If he wants to be Kaba, he has to be clean behind him. He doesn't involve he Ziwei. Otherwise, he catches Kaba, and Kaba's people catch he Ziwei. What should we do?

"Then..." He Ziwei looks worried. She doesn't want Huang Ziping to have something to do. "What can I do for you?"

"I want to tell you, you go to work, I'll leave later, and I'll text you before I leave."

After he Ziwei left for a while, Huang Ziping and Bai Jiu dressed up and went out quietly. After several turns, they found a small hotel in downtown and waited for news.

In the twinkling of an eye, a noon passed.

Bai Jiu ordered fast food and asked Huang Ziping when eating: "after we get the information of Kaba, shall we try to get on board or what?"

Huang Ziping said, "it's someone else's territory and it's on the water. It's not reliable. It can't be successful. We'd better take care of him on land. He should be somewhere during the day, right? Like at home. In addition, I'm thinking about a question: is this a bureau in the end? Let's go to find a ledger to kill us with Kabba's hand? "

"Isn't it the advice given to us on the fifth? It's impossible for number five to do that, isn't it? "

"Of course, No. 5 is impossible. Who knows if No. 5 is also tricked? If the people behind him set up a game for him, would they give him this illusion?"

"Boss, you think so much, we don't have to do it."

"To do it, we have to do it skillfully. It's better to be bloodless. Although it's very difficult, there are only three of us. By the way, where's old Meizi? "

"The hotel next door. I've told him about it."

"Keep in touch, eat." Appetite is not very good, but Huang Ziping also try to put the meal to his mouth, after eating lying in bed, "I sleep, there is a situation called me."