Chapter 428

Huang Ziping pondered for several seconds, IQ is not in this aspect, Leng is did not understand, he was embarrassed: "what do you mean? Smoke bombs are thrown in front of us. They rush into the dense forest. We can still shoot. Can they keep throwing them until they enter the dense forest with hiding place? "

"That's it."

"They have so many smoke bombs?"

"It doesn't need much. The distance between the beach and the dense forest is about 80 meters. They are not ordinary people. With their fighting speed, everyone can throw three into the dense forest."

"Can we shoot with light machine guns?"

Huang Xiaoshu a face of pain: "I said boss, you are not in charge, I do not know the cost of firewood and rice, you play a hundred out may eliminate one, we have so many bullets to waste?"

Well, originally Huang Ziping was not too worried. Listening to Huang Xiaoshu's words, his heart suddenly bristled: "then you change your strategy and advance the attack position."

"As a result, it's OK for them to use one more smoke bomb. We have designed layers of resistance, which is expected to kill ten of them. It is not guaranteed that all of them will die, but it is certain that 80% of them will lose combat effectiveness. " Huang Xiaoshu sat down, "don't worry, eat something, or you may not have time to eat." With Huang Ziping finished, Huang Xiaoshu used the communication tool to tell everyone to eat fast.

Everyone brought compressed biscuits, beef jerky and mineral water in their bags, and they were very hungry for a long time. Hearing Huang Xiaoshu's order, they all started to eat. Huang Xiaoshu's dry food is in Huang Ziping. Huang Ziping takes it out and Huang Xiaoshu shares it one by one. But he had no appetite, so he took his share to Liang Jingxiang. Just about to leave, Liang Jingxiang suddenly stopped and said, "Mr. Huang, can I have a word with you?"

Huang Ziping stopped and said, "you say it."

"After we have eliminated these enemies, will there be more enemies to take our lives?"

"I can't answer that for the time being."

"I know you don't have time to think about it, but I think you should think more about it and think about ways to avoid it. Although I ran away before, I have been paying attention to your situation. I have seen you get out of danger again and again. You are good at dealing with these problems. Of course, now that we are facing war, we are very nervous and can't really calm down. But I think the more I think about it, the more I think about it, because maybe the opportunity is here. "

Huang Ziping thinks about Liang Jingxiang's words, and suddenly feels that Liang Jingxiang has come back. It's poisonous, spicy, and strange.

Yes, we have to think about this problem. Huang Ziping said to her, "thank you for reminding me."

"No thanks, it's our war."

"I'll save your sister."


"Eat Huang Ziping went back to Huang Xiaoshu and immediately thought about Liang Jingxiang's reminder. Then he said, "I think we really need to think about it. Do you think we can do it like this? Let... "

Huang Xiaoshu interrupted: "let the drug lords fight with Dantes."

"Yes." Huang Ziping chuckled twice. "It's not difficult for heroes to think alike. Zhou Bufang calls, but Kong Lingyan has a recording? Get this recording for Dantes. Zhou Bufang asked the drug lords to blow up their own people. We made up a logical reason to influence Danites' judgment. Even if they don't fight, they won't cooperate any more. "

"I have thought about this problem. We can do it like this. When they have cracks, we will assassinate them separately as their opponents. For example, white people are used to assassinate drug lords, and Thai people are used to assassinate drug lords. "

"You can also make Cuilian's people pretend to go to the drug lords, and then send these people to assassinate them, until Dantes doesn't believe it."

"That's it."

Huang Ziping showed a sly smile: "in this way, we can get out and take advantage of it."

Huang Xiaoshu nodded and continued to eat.

Five minutes later, the news came from the watchmen that the enemy had begun to land. Their way of action is really like what Huang Xiaoshu said. They are scattered ashore. Each person is about 20 meters apart. Their pace is very unified and they are very alert. The guns are loaded and can be fired at any time. As they get closer and closer, they can clearly know what kind of guns they are carrying. Most of them are micro charged. There are seven or eight snipers, and there are only two rockets.

The equipment is weaker than Huang Xiaoshu thought. She is in a good mood, so that everyone is ready to attack immediately after they all get up from the water.

It took almost three minutes for the enemy to stop and go on the 100 meter waterway. When Huang Xiaoshu gave the order to shoot, they shot as fast as a tiger. The sniper gun with a muffler rang a few times, but it was already covered by the sound of the pounding micro gun. Huang Xiaoshu guessed right. After a while, the enemy smashed the smoke bomb, and really rushed into the dense forest under the cover of the smoke bomb.

These bastards are really experienced in fighting.

From the communication equipment, Huang Ziping could hear the reports from his subordinates, kill several of them, and so on. They moved their positions to continue to resist, and so on.

For the next two hours, the sound of guns could be heard, but the enemy seemed not in a hurry, and the speed of search and attack was mainly steady. It doesn't look like he wants to save Zhou Bufang, but to destroy Huang Ziping. Because they were too careful, they resisted for two hours, retreated step by step, moved their positions four or five times, and were about to reach the central point. The sniper teams from four directions only destroyed six enemies.Considering that there are still more than 40 people on the other side, Huang Ziping really feels terrible, but he can't go out early to form a comprehensive anti encirclement, so he still has to wait.

What the hell are you going to do when they surround the center?

I don't know.

Ask Huang Xiaoshu and find that she is not in a hurry. She has been listening to the report and wiping her gun. She doesn't move her nest without destroying ten people.

After waiting for another half an hour, Bai Jiu and Huang Xiaoshu have retreated to the distance of only 500 meters. Huang Ziping couldn't stand it any more. He asked Huang Xiaoshu: "Huang Xiaoshu, the distance is almost the same. If you don't go now, you won't have time and space to go..."

Huang Xiaoshu said: "we can't go now. It's only more than three hours before the helicopter arrives. Wait a second, wait for Bai Jiu to retreat another 100 meters, and the people at the central point will be divided into four groups to support them. They will shoot the enemy head-on and drive them out. Our firepower is suddenly fierce, and they will slow down to discuss. There will be a period of time, repeated several times, and it can last almost an hour. "

"Is that ok? I doubt it

"Yes, there's nothing to do in the back. The scorpions will attack from the back and distract them for the remaining two hours. One principle is that we can only go if scorpions and they attack. "

"Well, if only we had our own helicopter, we could kill them whenever we want. There's no need to wait. It's all risks."

"Who doesn't know? War is like this. You can't have too many plans. Calm down and wait. I won't let you do anything. Even if all the people are gone, I can take you away. "

"Does that make sense?"

"I asked you, not me."

In fact, at this time, scorpions are also very anxious. They are fighting on the island. They are on standby. It seems that every shot they hear is in their heart.

Ten minutes later, the enemy finally narrowed down to 400 meters. Huang Xiaoshu is finally willing to go out. Except for Huang Ziping and Liang Jingxiang and the injured, she points everyone up and divides them into four groups to support them in four directions. After they walked for about two minutes, Huang Ziping heard bursts of dense gunfire, during which there were also explosions. The four directions were the same. The fighting was extremely fierce, as if it were not dozens of people fighting, but hundreds or even thousands of people.

The whole fierce process lasted for three minutes. The gunshot fell, the wind blew, and the air was filled with strong smell of gunpowder and blood. Huang Xiaoshu's voice came from the communication tool. He said to Huang Ziping: "boss, the enemy has retreated for 200 meters. It is estimated that the next attack will take more than 10 minutes."

Huang Ziping asked, "how about our ammunition?"

"Start saving."

"In fact, this is the most serious problem."

"The enemy's ammunition is not enough, just we snipe, they can all use fire cover, they waste more than us, you must not come out, wait."

"I know." Huang Ziping went to the area of the injured men and looked at their situation one by one: "except for leaving a small part of your ammunition, take it out."

Soon Huang Ziping collected hundreds of bullets, more than ten grenades, some smoke bombs, time bombs and so on. After telling Huang Xiaoshu about this situation through communication tools, Huang Ziping quickly asked, "will anyone among the injured people bomb? We have to install some around here. "

Huang Xiaoshu said: "don't install it, just hang it on Zhou Bufang. We'll do it before we leave."

"Scorpio, what about them?"

"Get ready to get into the water, get close to your opponent's speedboat, and attack when ordered."

"Let them be careful."

"Yes, no special circumstances, do not disorderly contact, busy line, so I can not grasp the situation in time."

Huang Ziping said a good, the end of communication, took a man's bag, put all the ammunition together to Liang Jingxiang custody.

Back in the trench, just about to drink water, suddenly the pocket trembled, took out a look, turned out to be the number five call.

Huang Ziping hesitated for a while and finally chose the former: "good old chief."

No. 5 scolded: "I'm such a fart. Tell me what you're doing?"



"I eat your ancestors."

"Why is the old chief so irritable? Who has offended you? "

"Don't laugh at me. Where are you?"


"I want to kill you. You did it on the outlying island, didn't you?"

"What islands? Where? I don't know. " Huang Ziping can't admit it. He can't kill him. "Old chief, you don't eat at noon and think wildly. Are you ok?"

"I tell you, don't make trouble within the border unless you want to die."

"I didn't."

"Better not." On the fifth, I'm going to hang up. I'm dying. At this time, I'm shooting outside. With a thump, it's too late for Huang Ziping to cover his cell phone. Just hesitated to answer or not, I was afraid that the battle would start suddenly, but I was afraid that I would give myself information if I didn't answer the phone. It was miserable. The fifth said, "is this shooting? Where the hell are you? Are you still fighting? "