Chapter 386

Seeing the villagers running back, Huang Ziping was relieved. NIMA, according to Huang Xiaoshu's calculation, they would not go out when they heard the gunshot. They did not expect to go out. Fortunately, they insisted on coming in to help. Otherwise, how much trouble would they have to go out and make a phone call? Wiping a cold sweat, Huang Ziping said to Xiaojiang, "Xiaojiang, you stay here to prevent any more people from running out. I'll go in and have a look."

Xiaojiang was startled. He just came in, and Huang Ziping was alone. What if something went wrong? Immediately refused to say: "boss, please forgive me for not being able to carry out this order. I can't let you take such a risk."

"Don't you hear the fighting? Our people have surrounded the enemy. Even if the enemy runs out, our people will chase after him. I'll be fine. Give me your gun. "

"No way!"

"If I say yes, what are you afraid of?"

Xiaojiang hesitated for a while. Huang Ziping had robbed the gun in his hand and went inside.

Around two alleys to the front room of the last row of houses, Huang Ziping hiding behind the corner. Calm for a moment, quietly look outside, just saw Huang Xiaoshu, this woman hiding in the target room yard under the red brick wall, occasionally shot inside the room. There were also six people around her. They were not very scattered. Two of them fired. The rest were on guard. Two of them looked at the rear. They saw Huang Ziping and reported immediately.

Huang Xiaoshu looked back and saw Huang Ziping. She raised her gun and hit a bullet on the ground under Huang Ziping's feet. She yelled, "what are you doing here? Do you want to die? Head back. "

Huang Ziping put his head back, but soon came out again. Then his whole body came out and ran to the position where Huang Xiaoshu was. Huang Xiaoshu was so frightened that she yelled to let everyone shoot at the same time to cover the fire and suppress the enemy in the house, so that they would not have a chance to shoot Huang Ziping. Thanks to her quick reaction, Huang Ziping ran to her side safely.

As soon as the shock was over, Huang Xiaoshu yelled: "boss, are you going to kill me? If you hang up, few of us can live. Can you be more responsible? "

Huang Ziping said: "some villagers ran out. If Xiaojiang and I hadn't come in, the police would have arrived soon."

This reason immediately blocked Huang Xiaoshu's mouth, she felt afraid. But when you think about it, it's not right. Xiaojiang can just come in. Even if Huang Ziping wants to come in, can't he stay at the entrance of the village or go back along the road after getting rid of the villagers? It's really dangerous to come in: "boss, I was almost surrounded by you. It's a different thing."

"Don't say that. Tell me what you're doing here."

"The fire is so strong that we can't get in for a while."

"Are you sure the signal is completely blocked and they can't get help? It's better to be sure, or they'll come and help us, and we may be buried here. "

"Don't worry about me unless they have a radio station, but do you think it's possible in this age?"

"In any case, we must find a way to make a quick decision." Huang Ziping looked around and said, "listen to the density of their shots. They didn't save bullets, did they?"


"That means they have plenty of bullets?"

"Yes, too."

"It's not long before daybreak. Blow up the roof with a grenade. Blow a hole and throw the grenade into the house."

Huang Xiaoshu sneered: "I said boss, who gave you innocence after blowing them up?"

"If it's you, throw the bomb in. One or two seconds before the explosion is not enough time for you to find a place to hide?" Seeing that Huang Xiaoshu has stopped talking, Huang Ziping knows that Huang Xiaoshu must have enough time to change. The other party is a very powerful mercenary. They should not die so easily. What about five? Will all five be killed? It's impossible, "let's do it like this. It's the fastest way. We only need one to be innocent."

Huang Xiaoshu thought for several seconds before she said, "if we are killed by an accident, we have to work in vain."

"I don't think so. Let's gamble so that we won't lose the most. Otherwise, if they dally like this, we will attack hard. According to their strength, we will definitely have casualties. I don't want to die. "

"Then you wait." Huang Xiaoshu said, hiding behind a yard wall more than one meter high, and cat walked to the right alley, apparently to consult Wu Zihua and the seal.

Huang Ziping stayed where he was, and occasionally looked up at the situation inside the room. It was dark. Only when the enemy inside fired did there be a burst of fire. These guys are not in a hurry, and they don't break through. Huang Ziping feels that they seem to be waiting for something. As for whether they are waiting for reinforcements, I don't know. Anyway, they didn't show their due urgency, which is absolutely illogical.

After two minutes, Huang Xiaoshu came back and told Huang Ziping that it had been arranged.

Huang Ziping raised his head a little and looked at the roof of the house next door. He saw Wu Zihua climbing up and shooting at the tiles on the roof of the house where the enemy was. The sudden sound was accompanied by a crash, and a hole was cut through the roof. He took his gun, pulled out a grenade and threw it down. The next second the roaring sound rang, a burst of air waves burst out of the room, smashed the windows and doors, and the yard outside became a mess.Although he was across the yard from the house and hidden under the wall of the yard, Huang Ziping also felt a huge sense of vibration, as if the ground was shaking under his feet. He didn't squat on the ground. When he got up, Huang Xiaoshu had taken people swimming inside and went to hide on both sides of the room. At the same time, Huang Zhong on the left and the seal on the right also rush to the window. They shoot inside through the window to attract the enemy's attention. Huang Xiaoshu and four people break through the main door.

There was another thump of gunfire, and then it came down slowly.

Huang Ziping stood up and looked at it without blinking. He didn't see Huang Xiaoshu arrest people, but heard her voice: run, run.

Voice down, Huang Xiaoshu first ran out, followed by four people. The moment they fell to the ground, a violent explosion sounded, the whole structure of the house was destroyed, collapsed with a roar, and the dust was flying. It was hard to see what was in the range of more than ten meters. Huang Ziping is swallowed by the dust and keeps coughing, but he consciously goes in to see Huang Xiaoshu's condition.

Wu Zihua and Huang Zhong also came from the side. They hid directly under the window when Huang Xiaoshu yelled, so it was not a big problem. They were hurt by the falling tiles.

Huang Ziping first came to Huang Xiaoshu. At that time, Huang Xiaoshu was still lying on the ground. Huang Ziping wanted to reach out and pull her. She said she was OK and let Huang Ziping look at the four people behind her. Huang Ziping immediately checked one by one, and found that two of them were seriously injured, one of them was hit by the door frame of the explosion, and the blood was flowing. The other is the waist was hit down the beam pressure, no bleeding, but also very serious. The other two were better. They were able to get up by themselves and wanted to help two seriously injured companions. Huang Ziping called out not to move, but they did not move.

Huang Ziping said to Wu Zihua, "drive in and take people to the hospital, central hospital."

Wu Zihua goes to action, and Huang Ziping tears his clothes to stop the blood of his injured men.

Looking at the room that was blown up beyond recognition, Huang Ziping asked Huang Xiaoshu, "what's the matter?"

Huang Xiaoshu said: "there is a time bomb under the table. It was turned on when we went in. I heard the sound."

"How could this be the result? What about the people inside? What happened to them at that time? "

"Five people, one behind the door, one in the left and one in the left and one in the right. These three have been blown up. One at the door of each of the two rooms in the back. The one on the left was seriously injured. When we went in, he shot us. We returned fire, but missed his vital point. He didn't die. The one at the door of the room on the right was lying on his stomach at that time. He was not sure whether he was alive or dead. He couldn't see his face, but it wasn't Zhou Bufang or the three who were blown up. "

"And the one on the left?"

"Not either."

"I'll go. He's not in?"

"No, it's strange that I didn't see who pressed the remote control of this time bomb."

Huang Ziping is speechless. What are you fighting for?

At this time, Wu Zihua had already driven the car in. Huang Ziping asked Huang Zhong to help him lift the two injured men into the car and let him take them to the central hospital.

After Huang Chong left, Huang Ziping said to Huang Xiaoshu, "what's going on now? What do you think? "

Huang Xiaoshu said without hesitation: "first, knock on the door and hold them. You can contact no. 5 where there is a signal outside and ask him to find a way to solve it. We can't deal with the aftermath if it's too noisy."

As Huang Ziping thought, he immediately agreed to go outside, while Huang Xiaoshu arranged for Wu Zihua and Haigou to go door to door.

When Huang Ziping came to the entrance of the village, Xiaojiang saw him and ran to him with great relief: "boss, what's going on inside? How did it explode so badly? "

Huang Ziping said: "the enemy blew it up by himself. Damn it, I'd rather die than surrender!"

"Is Zhou Bufang dead, too?"

"No, this son of a bitch is not here. It must be his order that they should not be prisoners. This time, it's troublesome." Huang Ziping gestured, "go where there is a signal. I have to find someone to help with the aftermath."

Xiaojiang follows Huang Ziping.

After returning to the back of the mound, the mobile phone finally got a signal. Huang Ziping called No. 5 to tell the situation. On the other side of No. 5, he was so anxious that he did it. However, when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that it was not under Huang Ziping's control. It was because the enemy was too fierce to scold. Moreover, the current situation is not the right time to curse. We should try to solve the problem and cover it up.

Hang up the phone on the fifth, Huang Ziping is just going to let Xiaojiang go in and tell Huang Xiaoshu. Suddenly, Bai Jiu's phone calls in: "boss, have you caught anyone?"

Huang Ziping said, "Zhou Bufang is not here. Half of his team is dead. They blow themselves up."

"I'm almost there, but there's a lot of sirens behind me, at least ten police cars."

"No?" Huang Ziping's face changed dramatically. "You get out of the car and run over. You change hands and drive to make a car accident to stop the police for a while and buy time for us."