Chapter 374

Give ouyangbin a phone call, inform him to try to convey to Duan Mengying can be explained to the police signal. Hang up the phone, Huang Ziping himself also thought, in the end is the most behind their own? It is most likely to be Zhou Yan. There are people on her and she is the leader of No.5. Since Zhou Bufang's entry is a first-class secret, only those people on No.5 know about it. In other words, only Zhou Yan among the enemies is most likely to know the news.

In fact, Zhang baoni had been cooperating with Zhou Yan. Now Zhang baoni comes back to work with Duan Mengying, and Zhou Yan has the greatest chance of instigating her.

Now the only way Huang Ziping can think of to find out is through Zhang baoni. Since Zhang baoni has been instructed, he can go to the depths according to the person who instructed her.

However, how can Zhang baoni be willing to say it?

I don't know. It's very tangled. As long as Zhang baoni's character is dead, she won't change. She won't look back if she doesn't hit the south wall.

I can't figure it out. When Duan Mengying comes out, she'll have a good discussion. She has a lot of ideas and works closely. Maybe she can find a way.

With a sigh, Huang Ziping entered the room and went to sleep.

Wake up the next day, 10 am, looked at the mobile phone, no calls, only a message from the fat man, he has returned to the central hospital to work.

After washing up and eating breakfast, Huang Ziping is waiting for Duan Mengying to come out. And this wait until one o'clock at noon, Ouyang bin personally sent Duan Mengying over, Ouyang bin himself did not go upstairs, just Duan Mengying alone. After entering the door, she went to the toilet first. After going out, she sat down and talked to Huang Ziping. She told Huang Ziping how she had recorded her confession and how the police had let her out. In general, Zhang baoni can't run away from the police's case information combined with her confession.

Huang Ziping sighed: "in this way, does she know what she is doing?"

Duan Mengying said: "we have done our utmost to her. Let's see what she said when the police recorded her confession. Lawyer Ouyang has gone to listen in and got the confession. Whether she admits it or not, we have to publish it to the media. But before that, you can talk to her again and give her one last chance. It's best to talk about it. After all, she's the only one who knows who's behind us. It doesn't matter if we can't talk about it, just spend a few more minutes! "

"Now I'm more confused..." Huang Ziping found out the information he took back last night, handed it to Duan Mengying and said, "this is Zhou Bufang's detailed information. You have a look first."

Duan Mengying took over, two minutes after reading, originally a face without a smile appears more heavy: "he was so powerful?"

"It can't be tough, but I'm sure it's not enough for my people to plug their teeth."

"He didn't mean well to enter the country, did he?"

"Yes. Another thing, one of the shareholders of his heavy equipment company is the foreigner who wants to buy strong needling with me. "

"That proves that it has something to do with Zhou Bufang. Will he come for this?"

"I don't know."

"It seems that we really want to make a deal with Zhang baoni. If she doesn't want to do it, she has to force her to do it. Let her tell the people behind her, and then follow suit."

"I think so, but I don't know how to capture her."

"Usually, if you want to capture a person, the first thing you have to do is to defeat his psychological defense line, make him afraid and want to live. In fact, it's either impossible or cruel. I don't know if you can agree. "

"Tell me about it."

"The media will do the same here. Let's get rid of the company first. Then let the police try her again and again, and the police will have a way to torture her and break her line of defense. When she can't stand it, we'll go to her and get her out. The premise is that she says it. If she doesn't want to, she can only go to jail. Finally, the most important point is to threaten her with her family. This should be the place she is most afraid of

Sure enough, it was cruel. Huang Ziping absolutely couldn't do it, and he was very resistant: "forget it, I'm not such a person, neither are you."

"That's only one step at a time."

"Think about it again. You can take a bath and go to bed. You are tired too..."

"And you?"

"I went to bed last night. I want to sit down."

Duan Mengying hesitated for two seconds before she took action. She went to find Huang Ziping's clothes, took them into the bathroom, took a shower in a hurry, and went to sleep in the room.

Huang Ziping was sitting alone in the living room.

About three o'clock, suddenly there is a key to open the door. When the door is opened, I see Huang Xiaoshu, not Bai Jiu.

Huang Ziping thought it was Bai Jiu, so he was obviously stunned: "Huang Xiaoshu? Are you back so early? "

"You're in danger here. I'm not in the mood to be there." Huang Xiaoshu closes the door, walks up to Huang Ziping, unloads her backpack, takes out a piece of paper for a few seconds, and hands it to Huang Ziping, "Cuilian's account, you see, I'll take a bath."

"Keep your voice down. Duan Mengying is here. She hasn't been sleeping long."

"I see..."

When Huang Xiaoshu enters the room, Huang Ziping looks at the accounts provided by Cuilian. He doesn't know what they are doing. He is startled to see that it costs 100 million yuan a year.Trough that trough, live a local tyrant life?

However, after looking at the number clearly, Huang Ziping understood that the total number of more than 500 family members is nearly 2000, and it seems that one hundred million is not much.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaoshu came out of the bath and sat down beside her, saying, "what's Duan Mengying's opinion on finding business for Cuilian?"

"She just came out very tired. She didn't mention this less urgent problem. I'll ask her when she wakes up."

"What's the situation now?"

"The police recorded Zhang baoni's confession again, while Ouyang bin was waiting. After the confession was recorded, it was released to the media. Then, tomorrow, Bihai Pharmaceutical Group will hold a press conference to make it clear, so that the original impact will disappear. Finally, I'll wait and see what's going on with Zhang baoni. I'll talk to her and make a deal with her so that she can tell the people behind her. "

"It seems that Zhou Yan is the most suspect, but sometimes the most suspect is usually innocent. Boss, let me tell you the truth. In fact, I really hope that the person behind her is Zhou Yan. In this case, it will be easier to deal with. After all, she is in the light, and we have psychological advantages over her. For a second person, such as the one behind bald Lao Yang, it will only be more troublesome. We don't know who they are. They are in the dark. We basically catch them in the dark. "

"That's the truth." Huang Ziping, with a sigh, took out a cigarette and lit one. "In fact, you don't have to worry too much. I don't believe how can you drop me? Kill me directly. It's in Ganghai city. They dare not. I'm rather worried about Zhang baoni, because the enemy we think of can also think that we will find someone to try to kill Zhang baoni again and again. Although there are now more than a dozen police guards, if one and a half of them are bribed, it will be more convenient than if we randomly send individual guards. "

"If you are worried, why do you want to remove people? Are you not contradictory? "

"I was very angry and disappointed at that time, but the main reason was that things didn't evolve to the extent that they need her now."

"Then send them back while it's still daylight and the enemy has no time to act."

"Don't, anyway can't prevent, Duan Mengying just get out, again do so will again mix in."

"Duan Mengying is Duan Mengying, you are you? Isn't it all reported in the newspapers? Zhang baoni is your ex girlfriend. It's known all over the world, OK? It's normal for you to find someone to protect her after breaking up? It needs to be done. I'll arrange it, even if I can't prevent it. It's not just to protect Zhang baoni. Maybe I can catch the enemy? Then everything will be clear. " Before Huang Ziping agreed, Huang Xiaoshu went back to her room and took her belongings to go out.

At six o'clock in the evening, Duan Mengying woke up and came out of the room. At that time, Huang Ziping fell asleep in the living room and woke up when he heard the door open. Looking at Duan Mengying, although she had only slept for a few hours, she seemed to be in a much better mental state. She sat next to him and said, "it's very comfortable to sleep in your bed. I adjusted the five o'clock alarm, but I didn't hear it. Don't you wait to be bored?"

Huang Ziping shook his head: "how can I be bored waiting for you? And I want you to sleep more. "

"I can't sleep."

"Hungry? Let's go to dinner! "

"Well, I don't know if the underwear is dry or not. I guess it's not. If you want to blow it with the air duct, wait for me." Duan Mengying quickly got up and ran into the bathroom.

At seven o'clock, Huang Ziping and Duan Mengying go out of the door together, meet Huang Xiaoshu, and ask Wang Nuo and Zhang Shanfeng to eat hot pot together.

After one night, Huang Ziping and Wang nuonou are no longer embarrassed to see each other. After all, Duan Mengying has come out and the truth has come out. They are playing it repeatedly on the news station, so there is no need to feel embarrassed.

After eating the hot pot, Wang nuonou has something to go first. Zhang Shanfeng goes to see her off. Huang Ziping, Duan Mengying and Huang Xiaoshu are left in the private room. At this time, Huang Ziping asked Duan Mengying if she could help Cuilian? Of course, before asking, Huang Ziping explained his background and emphasized his position and obligations. He has to help Cuilian, even if it's very difficult and troublesome, after all, it's the way he catches up with Cuilian.

Duan Mengying understood, thought for a while, said: "there should be a way, I will go home and talk to my mother, and then as soon as possible to do a detailed survey of Thailand, to see what business is the easiest to make money there. In fact, I agree to change from black to white, so that Cuilian doesn't have to be afraid any more. To say the least, if it's white, it's protected by the government. When it comes to anything, it doesn't need to bleed any more. "

Huang Ziping sighed with great relief: "I think you have a way. You are professional, but I can't do it."

"Come on, I'm just a pharmacist, and I've learned a little from my mother." Duan Mengying said picked up his bag, people also stood up, "it's not too late, I immediately go back, anyway, my mother is also anxious to see me."

Huang Ziping reaction is also fast, immediately to Huang Xiaoshu way: "Huang Xiaoshu, to check out."