Chapter 371

Zhang baoni, who was weak, went to sleep again after recording a confession to the police. When Huang Ziping went in, she was still asleep. Huang Ziping didn't wake her up. Instead, he moved a chair and sat by the bed, looking at her familiar but distant face. When did you hold hands with each other and plan for the future? At this moment, we no longer know each other.

Why did you become like this?

And why did she become like this?

For the next hour, two hours, Huang Ziping was thinking about the past and Zhang baoni's little things. He was also thinking about his original self. He suddenly felt that it was a mistake, and now he can't go back to the past.

In the evening, Zhang baoni woke up and saw Huang Ziping in the ward. She said, "can I have a glass of water?"

Huang Ziping poured a cup of warm water back and gave her a straw to drink. When she finished drinking, he checked her. The situation was good and suitable for conversation: "Zhang baoni, can we talk about it?"

Zhang baoni said, "why did Duan Mengying stab me? I don't think it's necessary. Now that it's done, I should tell the police what I want her to stop disturbing me. "

"What about me? Should I disturb you? Why do you leave without saying a word, and then come back without saying a word? I want to hear the truth, the real truth, because you know me Huang Ziping sighed and then continued, "before you say it, let me ask you a question. Do you remember what you used to like about me?"

"I don't remember..."

"I guess you'll answer like this. I remind you that you like me to be handsome, humorous, idealistic, and more intelligent than my peers. That's what you said. At that time, we were still in the college. Although we could see some dirty things, we were still much cleaner than the big dye vat in society. We wanted to be pure, even naive. When I come out of society, after many things, do you think my IQ will be improved or regressed? "

Zhang baoni was silent.

"You should understand me, so I'll ask you again, can you tell the truth?"

"I'm telling the truth."

Huang Ziping felt a pain in his heart: "are you sure it's the answer?"

Zhang baoni put aside her eyes: "yes, that's the truth. I don't pursue it anymore. What else do you want me to do?"

"You can pursue it, and I support it. I can even spend money to help you find out, one hundred million, even one hundred million. Let's invite a team of experts with 100 people to come back, and then invite 50 lawyers. We are engaged in Bihai Pharmaceutical Group. Do you want to do this? "

"I don't want to make trouble. I want to go home."

"You should go home early, before you do something wrong." Huang Ziping got up from the chair, his eyes were a little black, and at the same time, he was very weak. That was the pain of despair for one person. "Finally, I tell you that I thought the biggest insult was one person's ignorance of another person. Now I know that the biggest insult is actually one person who knows that another person is not a fool, but plays him as a fool. If I don't come, you can do it yourself."

Zhang baoni didn't speak, and her eyes didn't swing back until the door closed with a thump.

After a visit to the radiology department, he found the director of the Department and explained that Chen bullet had brought Ling Menglei to check in the evening. Huang Ziping left with Bai Jiu and Pang Zi. At the same time, he withdrew Huang Zhong and asked them to go back to rest, and he also went back to rest.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Ouyang bin called Huang Ziping and said that it had been arranged. He could see Duan Mengying in the women's toilet for five minutes.

Huang Ziping went downstairs alone, waited for a while, and got on Ouyang Bin's car.

After a look at the back seat, Wang Nuo and Zhang Shanfeng are in the back seat.

The car started, Wang Nuo Nuo said with a bit of anger: "Huang Ziping, this matter is very clear, Mengying is innocent, someone behind the trick, you don't believe your ex girlfriend and killed Mengying."

Huang Ziping said: "you don't have to say these words to me. You can't fake it..."

"You don't believe me?"

"I didn't say it, I just said I know what to do, you can give me advice, but don't use the tone of forcing me to accept, OK?"

"That's what I've always said. It's not the first day you met me."

"When you divide the time, everyone is very upset, busy and tired. Can you help me?"

"I'm not helping yet? I was on a business trip in Hong Kong. As for the last business, I've come back as soon as possible. What else do you want me to do? "

"I want you to get out of the car, lawyer Ouyang. Stop the car."

"Ah? Parking? " Ouyang bin who dare, just subconsciously slowed down the speed.

Zhang Shanfeng, who had not spoken for a long time, saw the conflict and quickly made it over: "brother, nuono doesn't mean that, she's just worried."

"Who's not worried? I'm more worried than you are, and on both sides. Although Zhang baoni and I are in the past, we have friendship after all, right? Even if there is no friendship, her death will be more serious, right? What are you doing? One by one, they talk to me in the tone of questioning or teaching. Nuo you are like this, brother Zhang you were like this before. You Xue, needless to say, including lawyer Ouyang, Chen bullet and other people, what are you doing? Do you think that's appropriate? " Huang Ziping really can't help it. He has been arguing about it all day, as if he had done something wrong. "Lawyer Ouyang, I said stop and let them off. Didn't you hear me?"Huang Ziping is in a rage. Ouyang bin can't stop. He pulls over quickly.

Huang Ziping looked back at Wang Nuo: "what else do you want to say?"

Wang nuono opened the door and stepped out. Instead of being in a mood, she said sorry in a very sincere tone!

After Zhang Shanfeng got out of the car, the doors on both sides were closed. Ouyang bin quickly drove out of the car and wiped it 200 meters away. He said in a cold sweat, "boss, I know you have been wronged, but you are not right to Miss Wang like this."

"She can't get used to it, or she will bully you every time."

"No? Didn't you make sense of her, too? Already aware of their mistakes. As far as I know of her, she is not very good at saying sorry. It's not easy

"Don't you think so? Are you ambivalent? "

Ouyang bin is speechless. It's better not to add fuel to the fire.

When they arrive at the Public Security Bureau, Ouyang bin and Huang Ziping get off the bus and lead the way inside. They come to Duan Mengying's floor and let Huang Ziping go in. Then he takes out a sign from his bag and hangs it up to leave.

Last time I talked with you Xue, I was in the women's toilet. This time, like Duan Mengying, I think it's funny.

Relying on the washing table to light a cigarette for himself, Huang Ziping waited patiently.

Two minutes later, footsteps came from outside, and then a woman was talking: "Miss Duan, just five minutes, please abide by our agreement, please."

Speaking of a policewoman, and Duan Mengying's answer is: "I'm a man of promise, rest assured, I won't make it difficult for you to do."

Duan Mengying's voice just fell, and the sound of pushing the door rang out at the same time.

In less than a second, Duan Mengying appeared in front of Huang Ziping's eyes. She could clearly see that she didn't sleep last night, her eyes were bloodshot, her face was sharp, her short hair was a bit messy, and she was cold. Maybe she didn't wear much! Huang Ziping took off his coat and put it on her. She was obviously stunned. Her bloodshot eyes suddenly turned red and then burst into tears.

Huang Ziping said: "you are wronged, and I am also wronged. Everyone treats me as an enemy. I just want to know the truth."

Duan Mengying said, "do you know?"

"Probably, but I don't understand why you want to hide. Do you distrust me?"


"What happened then? You tell me

"Zhang baoni asked me out. She said she wanted to talk to me and let me go alone. I hesitated and wanted to tell you, but I remembered that you said not to see her. I'm afraid you don't agree, and I want to make it clear to her, so I went! After we went, we talked about it fairly well. We drank some red wine and ate some fruit. She asked me to peel apples. This is a bureau to leave my fingerprints on the fruit knife. Later, I knew that she was stabbed. At the end of the day, when I left, she suddenly spoke very hard. I left quickly. She forced me with a fruit knife. At that time, she was so terrible. I had a lot of effort to rush out and drive back to the production base. Xie Anyan contacted me before. There was something urgent. "

"On the way, just when I hesitated to tell you, I got a call from Zhang Shanfeng to know what happened in the room. Later, my mother called and we talked about it. She thought that you would not believe the situation. Even if Zhang baoni could not be rescued, you would not believe it. So let me hide first, not from you, but also from the police. After all, I don't know if there is anyone behind Zhang baoni's advice, what I am facing when I enter the Public Security Bureau. "

"Did you see the fat man then? Why do you go more flustered? "

"I'm afraid you know. Do you believe me? "

"I believe in you. I don't doubt you all the time. I'm just angry that you didn't tell me. I'm angry at the logic of your mother's words. We had a fight! I have quarreled with many people, including lawyer Ouyang, Zhang Shanfeng and Wang nuono. "

"Sorry, I'm wrong..."

"It's not that you are wrong, but that you should learn to resist. Don't always listen to your mother. I really don't agree with her style."

"Well!" Duan Mengying breathes a sigh of relief. Although she knows Huang Ziping very well, she is really not sure about it. When she just came in, she was still wondering whether Huang Ziping would believe herself? Very afraid, now the heart stone finally fell down, "now what's the situation outside?"

"Lawyer Ouyang didn't tell you?"

"I didn't see him."

"I thought you saw it." Huang Ziping threw away the cigarette he had just smoked, but it was almost burnt out, and washed it away. "Zhang baoni wants to cheat me, but I don't understand. Is my IQ so low? It's insulting. "

"It's not just her, is it?"

"Zhou Yan? I thought, but that account is Zhou Wutong. This is weird. If it's Zhou Yan, why bother to do this account? She can't get it, can she? "

"so you doubt that Zhou Wutong's adopted son?"