Chapter 258

At 9:30 p.m., Huang Ziping, Huang Xiaoshu and Lao Meizi sat on the cruise ship bound for Taixi province.

On the front deck, Huang Ziping, leaning against the guardrail, said to Huang Xiaoshu beside him, "Huang Xiaoshu, let me tell you something. I have a business deal with Wang Nuo Nuo at noon. I need ten million pounds. Can you give it to me? "

Huang Xiaoshu was surprised: "what do you mean by that?"

"Borrow money."

"Why borrow money from me?"

"I need money, and you have money. What's your expression?"

"It's your money, isn't it? Do you think I swallowed it? "

It was Huang Ziping's turn to be surprised: "did you cheat me out of my money?"

"You're bullshit. I cheated you of a sum of money in the middle of my assignment. The money was cheated by Mr. Phil's cousin. If Mr. Phil wants to settle the accounts, do you want to ask me to take it or you want to take it? It's about you, so it's your money. I just did you a little favor, so that you won't suffer losses. Do you understand? Don't be so shameless as I think. "

Huang Ziping was deeply moved. His grandmother said, "this is not a money fan. It's just a generous good man:" ha ha, I don't think you are so shameless. I just think the money should belong to you. After all, it's in your account. "

"No, I've got an account number, Swiss bank, anonymity, and I'll give you the account and password, so that if something happens to me, you won't lose the money."

"I'll go, you say that."

"I'm on the safe side." Huang Xiaoshu suddenly looked at Huang Ziping with strange eyes, "do you know how much money you have?"

Huang Ziping shook his head.

"Not counting the 150 million pounds you cheated from Gillis, you still have more than 200 million Chinese dollars. Do you remember how that money came from? Zhou Yan and Liang Jingxiang of the pit. "

"Isn't Liang Jingxiang a pit?"

"Here I am."

"Well, whatever you think, you can get 80 million Hong Kong dollars for Wang Nuo Nuo."


"The sooner the better."

Huang Xiaoshu agreed and said, "Bai Jiu, they have gone directly from Ganghai city to Taixi province. Five people from Thailand have returned to Taixi province for three months. Plus us, there are eighteen people. In addition, the killers who engage in bald Lao Yang and Qin Dangxian have already taken action. I gave Qin Dangxian the intelligence to see if he can fight bald Lao Yang or not. We will have news in two days. "

Huang Ziping was not interested in the latter question because it was more urgent: "how can we have so many people? You brought all the new people together? "

"Here are five. These five will do." Huang Xiaoshu continued, "there is another thing. President hayati called me this afternoon to ask about your situation and cooperation. Their hospital exchange delegation hopes to come here on December 1st for a week."

Huang Ziping scratched his head and was very upset: "this is troublesome. I have left the central hospital and Guo Henghong is no longer here. How can I do it? Talk to zhouyou? He would not agree

Huang Xiaoshu nodded: "I think so too, so I think we need to find a way to deal with the travel, or another way of cooperation. You can find a hospital to talk to them about terms, and let them promise to communicate with the hospital in Brunei."

"Let me see." Speaking of Brunei, Huang Ziping thought of Liang Jingxiang again, "has sister Liang Jingxiang got any news?"

"I didn't look, and she didn't want us to look. Why bother? I'll have a rest. You go on. "

Huang Xiaoshu walked back to the cabin, when Lao Meizi, who was standing in the distance, walked past. Generally, Huang Xiaoshu is not close to Huang Ziping when he has something to talk about. This is Huang Xiaoshu's rule. He is strictly implementing it. Huang Xiaoshu left. He felt much more comfortable. When he got to the guardrail, he said to Huang Ziping, "Miss Huang doesn't seem very happy. What happened again?"

Huang Ziping was stunned: "is she upset?"

"Yes, she frowns deeply every time she's upset."

"Please, her brows don't stretch most of the day."

"Yes, but the degree of wrinkle has changed a lot. You haven't noticed it for so long?"

Huang Ziping didn't pay much attention to this point. If he wanted to have a look at the verification, Huang Xiaoshu had already lost her trace. He could only think for himself, what was she unhappy about? I don't understand.

At about eleven o'clock, the cruise ship arrived at the port in the northeast of Taixi province. Huang Ziping and the three of them went ashore, took a taxi into the city, and found a hotel to stay.

At 12 o'clock on time, Huang Ziping's mobile phone rings, showing the hidden number. The person who used this number was a woman, a rattlesnake. She asked Huang Ziping if he was in Taixi province? After Huang Ziping said that, she reported an address and said to Huang Ziping that an hour would pass, an hour would see you again, and everything would be interviewed.

I stopped a taxi, gave the address to the driver, and arrived at the destination in less than 40 minutes.

This is a small street, less than two meters wide brick road, long can not see the end, on both sides are a big and small door. The lights of red, green, blue and yellow flicker on the top of these doors, so that the whole street is full of psychedelic and dazzling colors. Of course, if this place only has such lights, it is definitely a landmark scenic spot. Everyone who comes to Taixi should come and visit it.But it's a pity that there are not only psychedelic lights here, but also countless women with heavy makeup. It's very cold, they just wear a skirt with split ends to the thigh. Seeing Huang Ziping and them passing by, they all made a whiny voice and asked if they were interested in having fun? It's very cheap, the service is considerate, they are guaranteed to be satisfied, and so on. It hardly makes Huang Ziping sick to death.

Nima, how can we meet in a place like this?

When he reached the end of the street and found the corresponding door, Huang Ziping looked back and asked Lao Meizi, "how long have we been walking?"

Old Meizi replied, "in about three minutes, according to the speed we just calculated, this broken street is more than 400 meters."

"How many meters between each door?"

"Less than 20 meters."

"Come on, isn't there thirty on each side? Together, there are 60 such places? "


Huang Xiaoshu said: "can we not talk about this? This place is a dead end. If we are ambushed, we will die here. "

Huang Ziping shrugged: "no way, only hope not to be ambushed, knock on the door."

Huang Xiaoshu where use knock, directly with kick, kick the door clattering.

Soon someone rushed out. It was a man who opened the door and yelled, "what are you kicking? Do you want to die? "

Creak, the door opened, inside stood an angry man, but see Huang Xiaoshu's eyes, he instantly cooled down, voice flat way: "who are you looking for?"

Huang Xiaoshu said, "Cuilian."

"Come in, please." The man became very respectful for a moment. After Huang Ziping and his family entered the room, he looked outside. Then he closed the door and took Huang Ziping and his family to the second floor. He knocked on the door of a room and said, "the person looking for you has arrived..."

Inside came a soft voice of please come in, Huang Xiaoshu directly pushed the door open.

Huang Ziping walked in and took a look around. He felt like he was in an ancient inn. Every piece of furniture was very old. In front of the dresser beside the bed, there is a woman wearing a white cheongsam. She is the Cuilian they are looking for. She has a good figure with long hair. She is combing her hair. She looks at them through the mirror and says, "please sit down. I'll be fine soon."

He said please, but the tone seemed very annoying. Huang Ziping was very upset: "I'm here to talk with you, and I'm still in this kind of ghost place. Do you want me to wait? Let's not talk about pulling down! "

"Mr. Huang seems very anxious, OK!" Cuilian put down her comb, stood up and turned around. She had a nice face, light makeup and a smile on her face. She approached Huang Ziping and asked the man who brought them in to go out. She closed the door, and then pointed to the eight immortals table in the middle of the house and said, "please sit down!"

After taking their seats, Cuilian took out her mobile phone and took a look at the time. In a leisurely tone, she said, "you're here on time."

Huang Xiaoshu: "talk less nonsense and get down to business. We don't have time to spend with you."

"What are you yelling at? I don't like your attitude, you know? "

"You don't have a good attitude either."

"Even if I'm not good, you don't have the right to talk here. You don't know what's primary and what's secondary?" Cuilian snorted, opened the small drawer of the table, took out an envelope and threw it on the table. "Inside is the design of the evidence warehouse of the marine police department, workflow, shift time, the number of guards, and other information you need."

Huang Xiaoshu took a look at it and gave it to Huang Ziping: "where's the rattlesnake?"

"He's not here, and I don't need him. I'm responsible for contacting you. Please don't ask questions you shouldn't ask. Thank you."

"What does he have to say?"

"In three days, we'll get it out and deliver it to a cargo ship with a skull flag. Success, no delay, no debt, go their own way, failure.... " Cui Lian coldly smile, "double compensation, otherwise war, let you not go back to harbor sea, this is the original words of rattlesnake."

Huang Xiaoshu also sneered: "tone really big, who is the bone who is tofu do not know it!"

Cui Lianhao refused to give way: "then you can try, and we will accompany you."

Huang Ziping didn't want to stay here for a long time. He interrupted and asked Cuilian, "don't you have anyone to meet us?"

"I'm sorry, no, that's all. Please do it!"

"You are a nuisance."

"Just like each other."

Down the stairs, out the door, through the narrow street of 400 meters.

Huang Ziping asked Huang Xiaoshu, "I'm curious. I didn't say a few words, and I didn't give us so many things. Why did I bother to meet us? You can put it in one place for us to pick it up and call us

"I'm thinking about that too," Huang said

"Any ideas?"

"To show off, it's also a warning. That Cuilian is very powerful. She is not a local, but a member of the rattlesnake organization, no matter she has swords, spears, swords or other skills or intelligence quotient. I have seen tattoos."