Chapter 234

In the villa rented by No. 5, Huang Ziping and No. 5 are sitting face to face. Both sides are very dignified.

Especially on the 5th, because two minutes ago, Huang Ziping just told us the painful experience of the past few hours.

Although he was psychologically prepared, Huang Ziping would make a lot of trouble, but to such an extent, he didn't expect it. Damn it, there were eight people hanging up.

Silence for more than three minutes, the fifth only said: "do you clean up the scene?"

Huang Ziping said: "it has been cleaned up, professional level. I don't worry about these. I'm worried about Miyamoto. You can tell me if you can give me Miyamoto information."

"Yes, I can get it, but for a reason."

"If I take your task, Miyamoto may be my enemy. I know myself and the enemy. Is that not enough?"

"The rules are very strict. Although I hate these rules, I have to abide by them. Let me think of a way first." The fifth changed the subject and said, "what are you sending to Thailand for the people I give you?"

"Investigate the actual strength of the rattlesnake, the landing of the headquarters, the surrounding terrain, his personnel, the local people's evaluation of him and all the useful information."

"Why don't you ask me, but send someone by yourself?"

"If you want to give it to me early, do you need to ask? And I believe more in my own investigation. " After saying that, Huang Ziping responded, "Damn, what's the matter with me?"

"No No. 5 said with a straight face, "rattlesnake can give you, Miyamoto's is really not suitable for the time being, it's difficult."

"I can't investigate Miyamoto. I haven't communicated with him. I don't know his style. Rattlesnakes are different. I've communicated with him, and I dare to send people only when I have a certain understanding. If you don't give me Miyamoto's information, who am I going with? How do I know him? I don't know him. I'll fight with him one day. Am I going to die? You planned to take care of the rattlesnake first, and now Miyamoto comes to the front by himself, so... "

Fifth fidgeted, interrupted: "OK, I try, and as soon as possible, satisfied?"

"Thank you. Have a good rest!"

"I'm leaving now? Where's my gun? "

"I'll bring it next time I give you a treatment."

"The day is not coming?"

"I have something to do. Take the medicine regularly."

At three o'clock in the morning, Huang Ziping returned to his residence, opened the door, and then saw Huang Xiaoshu. She sat in the sofa, her legs bandaged up, and she was very rude.

Huang Ziping sat down beside her and said, "how are things going?"

"Bai Jiu just picked up Liang Jingxiang and left. The injured man sent him to the hospital. The dead one was brought back to the orchard by Huang Zhong."

"What did Huang Zhong say?"

"No, they know what they're doing."

"The other two men are expected to be hopeless. They all have families and need to give them family security."

"I've thought about it, five million for each!" Huang Xiaoshu didn't want to talk about these problems. She couldn't accept them. So she hung up three people. At that time, facing so many enemies in Guiwang mountain, she insisted on hanging up three people in one night. "What did number five say?"

"Give us the information of Miyamoto as soon as possible."



"I'm tired when I sleep."

Huang Ziping sat alone for a while before taking a bath. He lay in bed, but couldn't sleep. He left the living room at dawn and turned on the TV news station.

Eight o'clock morning news, half an hour down, there is no report about last night's events, online query, the same is not, as if it did not happen.

At nine o'clock, Huang Ziping drove to the president's wife, told her about her assistant, and took her to the bus station to take the shuttle bus to Hong Kong.

At the gate of the community, the president's wife has been waiting with a large suitcase. Huang Ziping gets out of the car to help her move her suitcase into the trunk, and then opens the car to let her get on the co driver, get on the driver's seat and drive forward. After the first red light intersection, stop and wait for the red light, Huang Ziping said: "Auntie, I have basically made it clear, and I have avenged president Guo."

The dean's wife was excited: "who is the murderer?"

"A Singaporean named Wu Hanhong, whose assistant is a traitor."

"Xiaoxu? Where is she? In the public security bureau? "

"It's dead, it's exploded, it's exploded, but the assistant and the head, it's from the Central Hospital, it's the murderer, I'll find out."

"Thank you for telling me that."

"I promised you."

The president's wife didn't speak any more. She cried and kept wiping her tears until Huang Ziping took her to the bus terminal. When she stopped, she slowly stopped crying and got off the bus with her face clean.

Huang Ziping did not send her in to go through the formalities, and immediately drove to the decoration company to find Huang Zhong.

In the decoration company, everyone was present, but there were three less than usual. Because of the three people's leaving, everyone looked sad, and they were powerless to say hello to Huang Ziping. Huang Ziping sat down to accompany them in silence and sadness for a while before he got up and said: "everyone, what happened last night is the responsibility of Huang Xiaoshu and I. some of us think too much, and some of us think less. It's our blunder, not everyone's bad."Bai Jiu said: "it's my responsibility. I should report it to Huang Xiaoshu earlier. I'm sorry for you, but I'm not good."

Huang Chong and they are silent.

Huang Ziping then said: "now is not the time to investigate the responsibility. I need all of you to keep your hatred and sadness in mind. Next time we meet Miyamoto face to face, we will kill him. However, Huang Xiaoshu didn't expect that your work would be so dangerous when she asked you to join us. She also lost three brothers. Now I want to give you a choice. Do you want to stay and fight or leave? If you want to leave, I will give you two million each. "

Huang Ziping said that he didn't get through with Bai Jiu before, so Bai Jiu was very surprised. Now it's time to be understaffed. They all choose to leave. What should we do? However, Huang Ziping said that in front of Huang Chong, Bai Jiu can't object. He can only cast his eyes on Huang Chong and wait for their decision, hoping that it's not a decision he doesn't want to see.

In fact, Huang Zhong thought about it for a few seconds, but he finally chose not to go. He said, "boss, if we don't go, we will stay and avenge our dead brothers."

The other surviving subordinates and Huang Zhong have the same opinion, but they also say they can't leave. They want to stay for revenge and kill Miyamoto.

Huang Ziping nodded: "OK, I promise you that I will let you kill Miyamoto. Huang Chong and Bai Jiu, let's talk about it alone

Huang Chong and Bai Jiu followed Huang Ziping out of the door.

Huang Ziping gave each of them a cigarette and lit one himself. After several puffs, he straightened out the clue and said, "Huang Zhong, you guys should go home tomorrow, relax and have a look at your family. By the way, I'll take the news back. It's said that there was an accident at work. Everyone lost five million. I'll ask Huang Xiaoshu to give you money. I'll give you seven days' holiday. After seven days, I need you to be energetic. "

Huang Zhong hesitated and said, "is this the right time for us to go?"

Huang Ziping said with a smile: "nothing is not suitable. I don't know what danger I will face next. I hope to relax before the danger comes."

Huang Chong said, "I'll talk to them."

Huang Ziping turned to Bai Jiu: "we have lost three of our direct families. This kind of thing can't happen again. We need as many people as possible to receive training. You and your comrades in arms to discuss, see if you can recognize the right person, capital with Huang Xiaoshu to! What's more, we need to make changes. We need to make some equipment that can fight. We also need someone who can do intelligence and play with all kinds of high technology to share Huang Xiaoshu's work. "

Bai Jiu said: "is Huang Xiaoshu the same opinion?"

"I haven't told her yet, but I will."

"It's not hard to have money."

"Then as soon as possible, after the training comes out, let our lineage be the superior, they also have to accept the training of strategy and tactics at the same time, and your comrades in arms are responsible for it."

"In fact, Huang Xiaoshu made such a suggestion before, but there were no conditions at that time."

"No determination. Now we have." Huang Ziping sighed, "our people are still too few. After three months, it's very empty. We have to get rattlesnakes. There are more than 1000 of them. We need to have a reserve force."

"I understand."

"That's about it. I'll leave. You can arrange it yourself."

Throwing away his cigarette butt, Huang Ziping went to the side of the road, got into his car, went back to his residence and went to sleep.

After waking up in the afternoon, Huang Ziping told Huang Xiaoshu that he had been to the decoration business. He told Bai Jiu and Huang Zhong what he had said, and asked Huang Xiaoshu to contact Huang Zhong. Huang Xiaoshu agreed to come down and began to talk about some urgent things to deal with, such as finding out who the skinheads with Qin Dangxian were and what hatred they had with Qin Dangxian and the skinheads. Just because of last time, I have a feud with Qin Dangxian? Huang Ziping thinks it won't be that simple. Didn't Guo Henghong solve all the problems last time? He also acquiesced that he had asked Huang Xiaoshu to search their information, bad things and so on, but he didn't use them at all.

Huang Xiaoshu said, "what are you going to do after you figure it out?"

Huang Ziping shook his head and said, "make it clear first. Anyway, I don't think I'm wrong. It's more complicated than expected. If it's just the last time, it's unnecessary. The key is that Miyamoto didn't know that I had a feud with Qin."

"You mean Wu Hanhong lied?"

"It's Miyamoto who didn't tell Wu Hanhong, and Miyamoto wants us to get in trouble with Qin Dangxian and bareheaded. They're not talking about cooperation, otherwise they won't meet like this to let us know. I think that's what Miyamoto meant, not to hold Wu Hanhong back. "

"I didn't think of that."

"Now you can think about it. If this idea is correct, Miyamoto knows them. To a certain extent, it means that they are doing similar things. They are opponents or even enemies. They are just playing with swords to kill people. If you focus on the bald guy, you should have an answer. "