Chapter 223

Bai Jiu opened his mouth wide and patted his head: "I don't understand. The situation is getting more and more complicated. What's going on? Who is the enemy? Rattlesnakes

Huang Ziping shook his head and said, "absolutely not. The rattlesnake doesn't even want to penetrate so fast. I think it may have something to do with the thirteen needles of the ghost gate. The person hiding behind is the one who makes fat people become fools."

Huang Xiaoshu is also this opinion, nodded: "I think so, too."

Bai Jiu patted his head again, because these things happened before he came back. He was not very clear.

Huang Ziping looked outside and then looked at the time: "forget it, trust you Xue once more. Let's get rid of her first. You can discuss what to do next. I'll go in and record my confession."

Seeing that Huang Xiaoshu and Bai Jiu had no problem, Huang Ziping immediately got out of the car and walked into the Public Security Bureau building.

Two hours later, Huang Ziping came out of the Public Security Bureau building.

As soon as she got on the bus and sat down, Huang Xiaoshu told him an accident. Wu Hanhong didn't die in Guiwang mountain and Baimian headquarters, but went to Japan, and then entered Huaxia from Japan, just two days ago.

After listening for a while, Huang Ziping didn't understand: "what does he want? Take revenge on us? This is our place. Is he going to die? "

Huang Xiaoshu said: "it's the capital. We can find the flight, but he didn't stay in the capital. Now people don't know where he is. I don't think revenge is possible. He and two Japanese came in as executives of foreign-funded enterprises. Let's leave it alone. I'll think of other ways to confirm whether he has entered the harbor city. What did the police say about your statement? "

Huang Ziping quickly said it again, and then said, "let me find a lawyer to wait in court."

"Don't you choose the default fit? And a lawsuit? "

"All negotiations need lawyers, right? Let's go to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital. "

"What for?"

"Look at Guo Henghong. He just called me in a very bad mood. I want to know if something happened to him."

When he came to the Central Hospital, Huang Ziping felt the atmosphere was dignified. From time to time, he could see the police going in and out. Obviously, he was still investigating the case that happened last night. There are also some media mixed with patients, talking to the hospitalized and on duty medical staff everywhere. Anyway, the whole hospital has no original atmosphere, and it has become very depressing. It can be seen that everyone is very heavy and unnatural, especially the medical staff.

Guo Henghong is also very unnatural. When Huang Ziping saw him, he sat alone in the conference room in a daze. Huang Ziping called him several times before he responded and said, "Ziping? How do you know I'm here? "

Huang Ziping sat down opposite him at a conference table two meters wide apart:" I asked your assistant, what are you doing here? "

"Nothing. Think about something. Have you ever been to the public security bureau?"

"Just came out." Huang Ziping continued, "if you have something to hide from me, I hope you can say it. You are really wrong."

"I've watched that video over and over again. The killer in white really looks like Guo Xi."

"You're a doctor. Do you still believe in the ghost killing that the media said?"

"Guo Xi is my niece. I know her better than anyone else."

"You are too tired and think too much. Go back and have a rest. Don't worry about these messy things for the time being."

"I want to, but I can't." Guo Henghong rubs her temple and frowns. She obviously has a headache. She can't figure out something and is suffering from all kinds of troubles. His face is also very bad, the whole person's state is particularly bad, compared with the red and smiling face of him in the past, it's like walking through hell, "a lot of things are waiting for me to deal with, I won't tell you, I have to go to the Health Bureau."


"It's not all these things, so help yourself!"

Huang Ziping sat for a while before he went out. He went back to his department and dealt with some small problems before he came out. He got on the car and went to give treatment to No. 5.

That night, Huang Ziping, Huang Xiaoshu and Bai Jiu had just finished their meal when the bad news came that Guo Henghong jumped out of his office window and died on the spot. When Cheng Feng called Huang Ziping, Huang Ziping couldn't believe his ears.

By the time Huang Ziping returned to the Central Hospital, the police had arrived first and had set up a cordon at the scene of Guo Henghong's death.

There are many people standing outside the cordon, most of them are patients, and a small number of them are medical staff. There are both on duty and off duty.

The president's wife was also at the scene, supported by Guo Henghong's assistant, crying bitterly.

Huang Ziping's heart is uncomfortable. He crossed the cordon to see Guo Henghong's situation, but he was stopped by the police and had to stay outside. Later, Huang Xiaoshu said that when she went to Guo Henghong's office to have a look, Huang Ziping left with him. Up and down, as I imagined, there are also many policemen who go through all kinds of things, especially the windows and desks. They are very careful and do not let go any clues.

Because they are not allowed to enter, Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu can only stand outside the office and look inside. Later, they feel that there is no clue to go on. Huang Ziping plans to find the president's wife and assistant, but he finds that they are missing. After asking other colleagues, he knows that they have entered the office of the toll office and are being questioned by the police. Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu go to the toll office again. They still see someone outside the office. They can't go in, they can only wait outside.During the period, Huang Xiaoshu said: "after finishing the record and cleaning up the scene, Guo Henghong estimates that she will have to go to the Public Security Bureau. We need to talk to her wife before that, if you think it's abnormal."

Huang Ziping did not have a good airway: "this is nonsense, do you think it's normal?"

"Not normal, like your teacher."

"It happened as soon as Zhou Xingyun came out. I really doubt it. If you think about this time, the first day we came back from Singapore, I found something wrong with Guo Henghong. At that time, Zhou Xingyun had already come out. When we were in danger in Singapore, he called me for the first time and told me that when Zhou Xingyun came out, he didn't feel this way. "

"It's not likely to be him, is it? He has to keep a low profile now. "

"When I met him in front of Guo Xi's tomb, do you think he was low-key? And why did he go to Guoxi's tomb? Do you know? "

"I'm not free these two days."

"You'd better figure it out quickly. Anyway, I think there's something involved in it." With these words, Huang Ziping takes out his mobile phone and calls Guo Henghong's assistant number.

A few seconds later, the phone was connected and the voice was very low: "director Guo, I'm recording a statement in the toll office. Would you like to see me?"

Huang Ziping said, "also look for the president's wife. I'm right outside the door."

"You said

"You tell the president's wife that the death of the president is very problematic and should not be handled hastily. In particular, the corpse must not be cremated until the truth is known. No matter who suggests that anything be buried in the earth for safety, it is impossible."

"I see."

"I'll wait for you outside. I'll talk about the rest later."

When the phone hangs up, Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu go far to the medicine collection area opposite the lobby and sit waiting.

The whole process of recording the confession took an hour. The three policemen came out first, and then went to the president's wife and assistant. They saw Huang Ziping on the opposite side and quickly walked over.

When they came to them, Huang Ziping said with a stern face, "Auntie, I'm sorry for your change."

The president's wife had already dried her tears, so she was quite calm now. She nodded and said, "Ziping has a heart."

"I also need to ask you some questions. Can you answer me now?"

"Yes, ask!"

"There seems to be something wrong with the Dean recently. Have you found out?"

"Yes, he didn't make much noise when talking to him. He locked himself in the room as soon as he got home."

"When did he start that? After Guo Xi left, did he start more than a week ago? "

Because the police have just asked a similar question, the president's wife's answer is relatively straightforward: "more than a week ago."

Sure enough, Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu looked at each other and then continued to ask, "did the Dean say anything strange to you? Do you have a suicide note or something strange left for you? "

The dean's wife shook her head: "No."

"How is your usual relationship?"

"Say what?" The dean's wife was stunned, "Ziping, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Auntie, don't get me wrong. I just want to know that if you have a good relationship and love each other very much, he will really commit suicide because of great pressure in his heart. He will leave you a letter, words or things. On the contrary, there is a great chance of being murdered, so I need you to answer honestly. "

"We have a very good relationship. You can inquire about it."

The assistant said, "I can testify."

"So it doesn't look like a normal death." Huang Ziping sighed, "just like my tutor, things have not yet come to an end. I don't know if there will be any in the future. I don't want President Guo to do the same."

After listening to Huang Ziping's words, the president's wife lost control of her emotions again. Her tears began to flow down and she choked for a long time. Then she said, "Ziping, the president is usually very good to you. You have to help in this matter, and now only you can help."

Huang Ziping's resolute tone: "don't worry, I will certainly give justice to President Guo."

The president's wife turned and left. The assistant looked at Huang Ziping and got Huang Ziping's permission to catch up.

Huang Ziping said to Huang Xiaoshu, "it's not suicide. We have to find a way to find out the killer. Do you have any opinions?"

Huang Xiaoshu said: "usually, the most profitable person is the murderer. While we look for other clues, we wait and see the changes in the central hospital. Now I want to go to President Guo's house. I don't think the police have gone yet. Please stay here! "

Huang Ziping immediately agrees. He understands what Huang Xiaoshu means. She is a girl. It's normal for her to send the president's wife home with her assistant. The police won't be on guard, so that she can look for clues before the police go into Guo Henghong's room.