Chapter 208

The muscles on No. 5's face beat violently. He quickly stood up and approached Huang Ziping with his crutch in his right hand. Then he held the table with his left hand to fix his body. He handed up the crutch. The crutch had a mechanism. He pressed it, and a 20 cm long steel needle popped out from the top of the crutch. He controlled the strength and angle, with a steel needle against the heart position of Huang Ziping: "do you really think I dare not?"

Huang Ziping reached out and grasped the steel needle: "if you dare, come here. Don't talk nonsense to scare me. Come here, make efforts."

This scene let Huang Xiaoshu want to start, Huang Ziping a hand around to the back, grabbed her clothes hold her.

Lao Gong said, "No.5, No.5, don't do that. If you have something to say, you can say it."

No. 5 said angrily, "it's none of your business. Shut up."

"I asked them to come. What do you want me to tell you? Why don't you take them back and interrogate them? "

"Get out of the way."

"Number five."

"Go away."

Lao Gong didn't dare to talk any more, so he quickly stepped back.

Huang Ziping closed his eyes: "come on, if you want to kill my bodyguard, kill me first."

"I'm really curious. Do you know what you're doing? If you don't defend her, it's none of your business that you can jump out in this matter. Think about your future! "

"The future is more important than human life?" Huang Ziping opened his eyes again and forced down the tension and fear in his heart. He bit his teeth and said, "No.5, if I didn't have my bodyguard, I might have died many times. She used her life to protect me. Now her life is threatened. Do you want me to be alone? I can only say that you are wrong. So, you can save some foam and do some practical things, such as pushing your right hand forward, thank you

The muscles on No. 5's face continued to beat. As she was about to speak, Huang Xiaoshu preempted and said, "OK, commander, you win. I'll go with you. Whatever you do, you have to let my boss go."

"I promise you." The fifth took the crutch and said to his guard, "give her the handcuffs."

Then a pair of handcuffs fell to the ground.

Huang Xiaoshu immediately picked it up and handcuffed it to her hand. When Huang Ziping wanted to stop it, she already handcuffed one, and the remaining one was seized by Huang Ziping: "don't wear it. I didn't do anything. What can he do for me? I don't believe that there is no royal law. "

Huang Xiaoshu said with a bitter smile: "they are commanders, sometimes they really have no royal law."

"You can't be bullied like that." Huang Ziping thinks that Huang Xiaoshu has a way to go. There are only two people on the other side. It's right to have a gun, but Lao Gong is not far away. It's not very difficult to take Lao Gong as a hostage. He winks at Huang Xiaoshu and signals Lao Gong, "I brought you here, so I can't let you fold here."

Huang Xiaoshu did not lead Huang Ziping's feeling, in her mind, the other side is commander, go once, can't go the second time. She doesn't want Huang Ziping to be responsible for herself. Huang Ziping is usually nice to her and a good boss. Especially now, can we be selfish to such people? "I know what I'm doing," she said Said a complete body turn, put aside Huang Ziping, put on the handcuffs, to five way, "commander, go!"

No. 5 laughed twice: "you are not afraid of death."

"Fear of death is not a killer."

"Did you volunteer?"

"No, but I'm a killer. Don't you want me to admit it?"

No. 5 looked at Huang Ziping in silence. He found that Huang Ziping quietly touched his pocket and didn't know what to take. He immediately took a step back: "what, do you want to hold me?"

Huang Ziping really had this idea, but was found: "No. 5, you are bullying people, you know? I'm such an idiot. I thought I was looking for a doctor. Well, in this case, my bodyguard is willing to go with you. I have nothing to do. I know she is thinking about me. And what I can do is, if you hurt her, I'm not finished with you. Don't think you're the commander. I'm afraid of you, unless I'm dead. "

"What's the matter? Do you still want to kill me? Do you know what the consequences are? "

"I'm not afraid to bear it. It's a big deal to go abroad. I can tell you that from the moment I left, every penny I earned was given to killers, mercenaries, and people willing to kill you. They kept coming in. I don't believe you won't go out

"If I'm afraid of that, I'll be commander? Do you think there are few people who want to kill me? "

"I certainly have a way. I'm a doctor. Besides knowing how to save people, I know how to kill a person."

"Threatening me, ha ha, it's fresh. Well, I'll give you face. We'll have a test. If you win, I'll let you go. " Then he walked out with his crutch, Lao Gong helped him, two guards followed him, four people went out of the door, and then another word came in, "follow me."

This old man, psycho, moody!

But at last, Huang Ziping was relieved. He asked Huang Xiaoshu, "what's the matter with you, Huang Xiaoshu? How could you kill a military man? "

Huang Xiaoshu said: "I didn't know at that time."

"You have to go when you find a chance. Don't hesitate. I don't care about you."

"Since they found me, why didn't they catch me when I was with you in Ganghai for so long? It's not that simple. I want to find out. "Huang Ziping didn't really think about this problem. After thinking about it, it seems strange: "if something is wrong, you still have to go, he will threaten you and will not do anything to me."

In the parking lot, six people got into the same business car, which drove for half an hour to the hillside of a mountain in the suburb. To Huang Ziping's despair, there were 20 people in a large area of lawn in the middle of the mountain. They were all strong men with short hair in casual clothes. They seemed to know that they were from the military. They lined up in two neat teams. As soon as the fifth got off the bus, they yelled "hello" at the same time.

On the fifth, he said hello to the comrades, and then said, "Captain, come out."

The first man on the left of the first row trotted out and stood in front of No. 5: "chief, please direct."

No. 5 said in a loud voice: "let him come out and bring me this fight. If he can win, I will send him. If he can't win, you all shut up and train well from today on. Don't talk nonsense any more."

"Yes, chief." The captain turned and waved to the front team, "Wu Zihua, step out."

A man trotted out of the back row.

No. 5 turned to Huang Ziping and said, "my special team, aren't your bodyguards top class? They are also top class. We have a fight. As long as we don't kill them, we can fight them. You win. Let's go. If you lose, your bodyguard can't leave. You go on to see a doctor for me. "

Treatment, the original number five is afraid of this matter, afraid and his own stiff, since this is why not let himself cure him and then turn over? Huang Ziping pondered and hesitated whether to take it. It's not that he has no confidence in Huang Xiaoshu, but that Huang Xiaoshu has not fully recovered from the injury: "I'll discuss with my bodyguard first."

Number five waved his hand in agreement.

Huang Ziping took Huang Xiaoshu for a few steps: "Huang Xiaoshu, this is an opportunity. Can you fight now

Huang Xiaoshu said: "barely 70% to 80%

"Then you can use skills, such as the needling I taught you." Huang Ziping looked back at No. 5, groped in his bag, took out the acupuncture bag, took out the shortest needle and handed it to Huang Xiaoshu. "Just now, No. 5 said that if you don't kill him, you can hit him any way. It's equivalent to saying that you can use weapons and concealed weapons, and you can acupuncture your opponent's paralyzed acupoints."

Huang Xiaoshu is startled: "too insidious?"

"Don't they design us insidiously? And you are a killer, you see the result, don't see insidious or insidious

"The other side is the commander. I will affect you if I do this."

"It's better to influence me than to lose your life? It was so decided. Do you remember what acupoints you stabbed when you found the right opportunity? "

"Remember, there are five acupoints you can do, two at the chest, one at the back of the brain, and two at the neck."

"Yes, if he is stabbed, he will be paralyzed for a short time. About three seconds. Three seconds is enough for you to defeat him."

"It's not easy to stab."

"Don't let you go on the court immediately, try to avoid confrontation and find opportunities slowly."

Huang Xiaoshu thought for a while before he agreed to come down. Huang Ziping went back to tell No. 5 the result of their discussion and responded. Then he took the key to open the handcuffs and went back to open the handcuffs for Huang Xiaoshu. Huang Xiaoshu unloaded the backpack to Huang Ziping, and the needle Huang Ziping gave was inserted into his horse's tail. When it was tight, he said to Huang Ziping, "if I'm killed, you don't do anything. It's not worth it."

Huang Ziping didn't like to hear this: "you have saved me so many times, I can't save you. When you are killed, I will be ok?"

"The other side is the commander, you can't do it, you will only catch up with yourself, do you understand?" Huang Xiaoshu's voice was very low, and there was some anger in her voice. "You don't know how much you just said, how idiotic and ignorant you are. Who are you? Can you kill him? Can't he kill you? You don't have to kill me if you really want to. Promise me, if I'm killed, don't do anything. "

"No way."

"If you want this, I can't fight."

"You win, nothing."

"What if? Light on the road, do you understand? " Huang Xiaoshu took a look at the man who was about to fight with him. "This guy is definitely better than Bai Jiu. I can see it from her eyes. They are all experts, and he is the best one among them. Usually, this kind of person is not only trained by the army, but also has a good foundation in martial arts and can be a member of a martial arts family. I didn't ask you, can I just do it this time? "

Huang Xiaoshu's words cooled Huang Ziping's heart and said angrily, "just got off the plane, I thought I had successfully escaped from the dead. What happened again? Is it over?"

Huang Xiaoshu wry smile: "I have been used to it, you are also used to it, otherwise you really think you are a pure life-saving doctor?"

"All right, I promise you."

"Don't go back. It's respect for me." At the end of the speech, Huang Xiaoshu took a deep breath and walked forward. Her steps and expression had the taste of dying bravely.