Chapter 190

He patted his head and thought all around. Suddenly, Huang Ziping got inspiration: "Huang Xiaoshu, do you think we can throw alcohol bottles into the cracks? The ignition heats up the elevator doors? "

Huang Xiaoshu eyes a bright: "Oh, my boss, this idea is good, you go into the glass room to take, the more the better, to crack inside smash, pharmaceutical machine top also can."

Huang Xiaoshu thinks it's reliable, and Huang Ziping's strength also comes. He goes around to the back of the glass room and asks Duan Mengying, Liang Jingxiang and Wang nuono to help him take out most of the bottles containing alcohol. He stands at the door of the glass room and smashes them one by one to the elevator entrance.

The rattling of the glass lasted for more than a minute, and Huang Ziping had already thrown out nearly 30 bottles. The pungent smell spread throughout the warehouse in an instant, making people breathless. Huang Ziping can't stand it any more. Fortunately Duan Mengying has experience in this kind of thing. She takes a piece of cloth from the laboratory and moistens the water to cover his nose. Look at Huang Xiaoshu and Tyrannosaurus Rex, she went in and took two pieces of wet water.

Huang Ziping took the wet cloth and gave it to Huang Xiaoshu and Tyrannosaurus Rex. Then Huang Xiaoshu asked him for a cigarette to light and flicked it to the elevator.

Poof, the blue flame ran up, and the whole elevator door and two large pharmaceutical machines were burning. The scene was spectacular, because it was rare to see such a fire. The enemy probably also felt that this fire was not conducive to their attack, so they launched a fierce attack when the fire started, and several grenades were thrown out. And it took two seconds to throw it out, and it exploded as soon as it landed, one by one.

There was a roaring sound in the warehouse, the glass room was broken, and the glass fell down, so that the people inside screamed. Huang Ziping didn't know if they were injured. He was so confused that he couldn't tell the southeast from the northwest. Huang Xiaoshu is the only one who still has combat power. He doesn't stop shooting in the direction of the elevator entrance.

Later, Tyrannosaurus Rex also regained consciousness, but also to the inside, finally suppressed, did not let the other party to rush in.

So he held on for two minutes, and the other side also shot back, sometimes throwing a grenade.

Huang Xiaoshu still has a grenade, but she never throws it. She doesn't know what to do with it. Huang Ziping called her several times. She shook her head and turned Huang Ziping around. He had to think of his own way. After withdrawing from the position, I took a detour to the glass room and had a look. Basically, everyone was injured, but they were all small wounds scratched by the glass.

Huang Ziping pulled Duan Mengying aside and said, "is there any poisonous gas in it?"

Duan Mengying said: "of course, but can it be used? We're going to suffer, too. "

"Would it be better to throw it in front of the elevator? After all, the enemy is closer to the gas than we are. Otherwise, in this case, if they throw ten or eight grenades in, we will lose our guard. They are all crazy... "

"It's a little bit effective for us to cover our noses."

"You give it to me. Come on."

Duan Mengying quickly picked two bottles of blue liquid to Huang Ziping, and then yelled to everyone, quickly find a towel cloth wet water to cover his nose. Huang Ziping walked outside when they were all finished. He slowly approached the elevator door from the side and threw two bottles of blue liquid on the fire. I can only hear a bang. It's more exciting than alcohol. It's really uncomfortable to inhale the smell without covering your nose.

Huang Ziping, they have wet towels, but the mercenaries in the elevator don't. when they smell them, their solution is to close the elevator door. At this time, Huang Xiaoshu jumped down, ran quickly, put the grenade on the right side of the elevator door, and quickly ran back into the previous position. There was a sinister smile at the corner of her mouth. Her tone was sinister and her speech was particularly dirty: "grandma, it's time for them to be bombed after being bombed for so long..."

Huang Ziping thought about it and said, "that's a grenade, not a remote control bomb? How do you detonate it? "

Huang Xiaoshu said: "boss, you are an idiot. Just shoot."

"As soon as they open the door, they throw smoke bombs, then grenades and guns. Can you aim?"

"My position is OK. I'm aiming now. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand."

Tyrannosaurus Rex said: "sniper masters can shoot by feeling. As long as they have aimed, their muscles have memory and know the approximate position. The deviation is less than the volume of a grenade, so they can hit."

It turned out that this was the case. Huang Ziping understood and was excited. Yes, they have thrown so many grenades. The warehouse has been blown up by them. It's time for them to be blown up. Now they have stopped attacking again. Maybe when the poison gas dissipates, they are really strong. They can stick to the heat of the fire. Fortunately, they don't have gas bombs, otherwise it would be a cemetery.

Wiping a cold sweat, Huang Ziping said: "God, they won't get gas bombs, will they?"

Huang Xiaoshu said: "do you think this thing is so easy to do? They don't have time. They may retreat at dawn. "

"They are mercenaries, so many people die, will they?"

"If the employer gives the order, it will, because then they can still receive the full payment, not just the deposit, otherwise their idea is not. As for the death of so many people, what does it matter? Their 30 people are definitely not a team. There are too many people in such a team. They are definitely hybrid teams, and such teams like the dead, because the more the dead, the more money they get. Do you understand? "Huang Ziping was very uncomfortable: "human life is so worthless? Mercenaries are so cold-blooded? "

"Their faith is money, don't you think?"

"You used to be a killer..."

"Killers are different. Killers act alone. They only engage in single assassination task, not war. Now this is called war. Learn to go back and think about what happened to you in the past two days. Make a comparison with your previous understanding. The world will always be more cruel than what you see. Even now, these scenes are just the tip of the iceberg. When you go to Africa, you know that human life is just an ant.... "

Huang Ziping was silent at the moment. It was too hard to accept. He really didn't have enough insight.

Just then there was a movement on the other side of the elevator. The mercenaries had probably solved the problem of breathing. They were prying the elevator door. Huang Xiaoshu and so on is this moment, immediately aims at the grenade, takes a deep breath, holds the breath to wait.

Creak, lift was pried open a crack about 10 cm, a gun barrel out.

Also in this flash, Huang Xiaoshu fired a gun.

Whoosh, a bullet hit the grenade, the explosion sounded, and the air waves poured in from the cracks of the elevator. Only the scream came down, and everything was calm again.

People in the elevator are likely to have been killed, otherwise the elevator will be shut down.

But to be on the safe side, Huang Xiaoshu still put the wet towel aside and kept shooting inside the elevator.

Whooshing bullets, Tyrannosaurus Rex also fired.

The steel plate in the elevator hall will rebound when the bullet goes in. Even if someone is not dead, he must be killed by the rebound bullet.

It took them 30 seconds to stop shooting. They quickly covered their noses with wet towels and breathed heavily.

Huang Ziping was staring at the elevator hall without blinking. He wanted to see whether there was a corpse in it through the blue flame. Unfortunately, he couldn't see it clearly.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there was a few bangs, something fell from the air outlet to the elevator, and then the explosion sounded.

It was a hand grenade, and there were several at the same time, so it was very powerful. When it exploded, it directly blew the elevator door askew. The two large pharmaceutical mechanisms in front of the elevator door were pushed out half a meter away by the powerful air wave. The elevator can't be used any more, but in his eyes, Huang Ziping doesn't feel congested, because the mercenary bombing the elevator means they don't intend to attack any more. They want to retreat, and bombing the elevator means they won't be allowed to come out.

Huang Ziping said to Huang Xiaoshu: "it seems that we have won..."

Huang Xiaoshu said: "theoretically, they will certainly explode smallpox. I don't know if they have enough explosives. If they have enough, our exit will be sealed."

Huang Ziping didn't seem very worried, because he thought that Huang Xiaoshu, who was as smart as Huang Xiaoshu, would have a way out: "do you have any other way out?"

Huang Xiaoshu shook her head and said, "No

"No?" Well, it seems to overestimate Huang Xiaoshu, "didn't you think about designing defense areas like this at that time?"

"Big brother, it's good to be alive. As long as they retreat, they'll try again. I'll discuss with my elder martial brothers and sisters. Maybe they will think of a way out. "

Huang Ziping is a little speechless. What if he can't think of it?

But anyway, it's safe and comfortable now. He was also tired and sat on the ground to light a cigarette for himself. However, as soon as a cigarette was lit, there was a bang. The whole warehouse vibrated, and then the sound came from the elevator. Sure enough, the mercenaries blew up the ceiling and seemed to throw debris under the elevator to thicken the cover.

Huang Ziping sighed!

Huang Xiaoshu is very calm, took out a look at the mobile phone, said: "if I were them, I would do a signal shielding, really idiotic, unexpectedly unexpected."

Tyrannosaurus Rex said: "maybe they think we don't have reinforcements, and they think they can handle us. It doesn't need to be so complicated, so the plan is rough. I always think we are lucky. If we do it again, we may die. "

Huang Xiaoshu did not respond, but from her expression can be seen clues, she agrees with the idea of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The people in the glass room saw Huang Ziping and they were very leisurely. They knew that the fierce battle was over. Duan Mengying, Wang Nuo and Liang Jingxiang come out and come to them. Duan Mengying spoke first and asked if the mercenaries had retreated? Huang Ziping said: "there is no time. They have to clean up. They may blow up the whole house and bury us."

Huang Xiaoshu said: "in fact, if you can make a phone call, there will be a way to go out. Wait a minute!"

Wang nuono said: "your wound is so ugly. The cloth has been stained with blood. Let me help you to dress it again."

Huang Xiaoshu agreed. At that time, the pungent smell had become very light, so there was no need to cover the towel. Everyone could breathe freely, but it was still a little dizzy to breathe in.

But the fire, most of which have not been put out, is always burning like this. Liang Jingxiang orders his workers to take water from the laboratory to put out the fire, and everyone becomes very busy.