Chapter 174

Hearing Huang Ziping's words, Duan Mengying was obviously startled and asked Wang Nuo what happened. Wang Nuo hesitated for a while and then said, "go ahead, I'll tell you on the way."

Duan Mengying then asked Huang Ziping, "what about you? You're not going? Why are you here? "

"Others use you to lead me here. I don't know what their purpose is. You go first, or I can't go."

"Liang Jingxiang?"

"Yes, I'll go out for a minute before you leave. Remember to go through the back door." Huang Ziping turned and walked outside. When he opened the door, he saw Liang Jingxiang sitting in a row chair, next to the doctor and nurse who had just gone out. However, they stood, their faces still not very good, as if they were afraid of Liang Jingxiang. Huang Ziping walked over, stopped in front of the row chair and said to Liang Jingxiang, "Miss Liang, let's go!"

Liang Jingxiang stood up with a smile: "Dr. Huang is really gracious and courageous."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Do we need to wait for your bodyguard?"

"And you know I have bodyguards."

"Of course, I know a lot about you."

"Let's wait outside the gate. She's coming."

"Not bad."

He had already gone downstairs and walked for almost a minute to the gate of the hospital.

At that time, it was more than ten o'clock in the morning. The sun was very strong, but because it was autumn, the wind was also very strong, and I didn't feel very muggy.

Huang Ziping observes Liang Jingxiang and finds that the woman is quiet and lovely when she doesn't speak. However, Huang Ziping was really disgusted at the thought of her playing with insects, and he didn't know what she was doing with herself? If you ask too much, you can't agree. And can't be too close to her, otherwise when she let the worm do not know.

After waiting for about five minutes, a taxi suddenly stopped by.

A few seconds later, Huang Xiaoshu came down from the taxi and walked to Huang Ziping. But before she got close, Liang Jingxiang welcomed her and held out her hand: "Hello, Miss Huang."

Huang Xiaoshu was very alert. Instead of shaking hands, she stepped back and said, "who are you?"

"Liang Jingxiang."

"I don't know you."

"Not now?"

Huang Ziping walked over and stopped them from shaking hands. She was really afraid that Liang Jingxiang would let Huang Xiaoshu release insects: "Miss Liang, let's not spend all this time. Do you want me to help you? If so, let's go. "

Liang Jingxiang still had that lovely smile: "Mr. Huang is so cheerful. My car is in the parking lot. I'll go in and drive. Just a moment. I'll come out right away."

"Aren't you afraid we'll run away?"

"Before you two friends got on the plane, I don't think you would? Excuse me for a while Liang Jingxiang goes inside.

Seeing that Liang Jingxiang is far away, Huang Ziping makes a long story short and tells Huang Xiaoshu what he has just seen and what he thinks. After hearing this, Huang Xiaoshu was shocked and worried, and her voice was a little nervous: "releasing insects caused Duan Mengying to get out of control, and she didn't remember anything afterwards. If I'm not wrong, this kind of thing should be a unique head lowering technique in Southeast Asia."

"Head lowering?" Huang Ziping almost exclaimed, "does this thing really exist?"

"You ghost door thirteen needles so magical acupuncture can exist, why not drop the head? Otherwise, why can't the hospital find out the cause? But listen to you say so, they should really have no malice, just have something to ask you, and this matter is more urgent, use other ways to contact you, afraid you refuse, no time and so on, so it's a bad strategy. "

Is such a truth, but for the sake of safety, Duan Mengying and Wang Nuo Nuo still have to leave first: "don't say, go to see what situation, you remember to do some preparation."

"I can't do it. I can't deal with it."

"Have you ever been in school?"

"Yes, you can't guard against them. As long as there is contact, they can drop you at any time." Huang Xiaoshu said here with two wry smiles, "so pray well, pray that their demands are not too much."

Even Huang Xiaoshu said that, Huang Ziping had no sense of security at all, and the silence and worry occupied his heart instantly.

Liang Jingxiang drove out very quickly. It was a Land Rover. It was a gentle woman. The Land Rover was very awkward, but it was a nice car. I felt very comfortable sitting on it.

While driving, Liang Jingxiang talked to Huang Ziping: "is Dr. Huang in Singapore for the first time?"

Huang Ziping said, "and I don't know what I'm here for."

"Ha ha, Dr. Huang doesn't need to be in a hurry. I can assure you that it won't be a bad thing."

"Everyone understands bad things differently, right?"

"Yes, but I still don't think it's a bad thing."

"Even so, we just met."

"I understand. I can't trust you just now. Let me talk a little bit first. Someone wants to see you, he has not much time, if the normal process to contact you, too late. He got on the plane and flew to ganghaicheng to find you, but he couldn't work hard, so he finally used this bad method. Maybe it's God's will. When I went to the temple to ask for autographs, I heard the conversation between your two friends. I knew they knew you and you were good friends. " Speaking of this, Liang Jingxiang showed her lovely smile, and her tone changed a little bit ambiguous, "and one of them seems to be your favorite. I think you should come here for her. Then, I hope Dr. Huang doesn't mind."It's Huang Xiaoshu. Do you mind? I don't mind, but Huang Ziping is embarrassed to say so, so he avoided this topic. He is more interested to know what Duan Mengying said to Wang Nuo in the temple? How can Liang Jingxiang know that Duan Mengying is her lover? "Miss Liang, I think it's very uninteresting. You have to hear how much they have said and what they have said before you know, or judge that one of them is my favorite?"

"Want to know?"

"Do you mind?"

"I don't mind, but I don't want to say it now. Does Dr. Huang mind waiting?"

Huang Ziping wants to curse the street. NIMA, this woman is so young, but she is so mature. If she is dumb, you have to smile at her and say something against her will: "of course I don't mind."

Slowly away from the busy and congested urban area, through the suburbs to a mountain by the sea, private mountain, Guiwang mountain. On the way up the mountain, Huang Ziping found that the roads on both sides were strange. The trees were full of messy things, most of which were animal skeletons, ragged clothes, lanterns, some colored flags made up of many colored cloth pieces, and oil paper with charms.

At the top of the mountain, you can see a typical one story spire building in Southeast Asia, with three gates and an area of about 4000 square meters. After getting off the bus, Liang Jingxiang takes Huang Xiaoshu and Huang Ziping to enter through the middle gate.

The design of the house is very special, like a hotel, with a long corridor and rooms on both sides. Of course, the hotel is not so terrible, most of the corridor of the hotel is art painting, or do some warm decoration. The corridor here is the same as the way up the mountain, with all kinds of uncomfortable things hanging. Huang Xiaoshu saw what feeling, Huang Ziping do not know, his heart bursts of hair, want to retreat.

After walking about 100 meters along the long corridor, Liang Jingxiang finally stopped and said to Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu that he had arrived. He sorted out his clothes and knocked on the door.

Huang Ziping observed that this door was different from other doors in the corridor. This door was made of iron and looked heavy. Don't think about it. The people and things inside are absolutely not ordinary. Who would that be? Just as Huang Ziping thought, the door opened. The one who opened the door was a little girl. She was definitely under 15 years old, but she was as beautiful as a flower. In time, she was definitely a beauty.

Seeing Liang Jingxiang coming back, the beauty said with a surprise: "sister, you've come back at last. Go and see your grandfather. It's going to be too late..."

Liang Jingxiang seems to have known this situation for a long time. Without a sound of sadness, she pushes the door completely open, and at the same time, she makes a gesture of invitation to Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu. Huang Ziping went in first. He felt that the house was very cold. As soon as he stepped in, he rubbed his arms unconsciously. Looking around, the room is very big, about 100 square meters. The style of the four walls is the same as that of the outside, full of messy things.

There are no wall windows in the room, the lighting is completed on the roof, two big round holes, barely enough brightness.

It's strange that this room is not a room for people. It's more like a incense hall. There is a big round bed in the middle with thin white cloth hanging on the outside. It's clear that there is no window and there is no wind, but the white cloth can float. It's the feeling of being blown by the wind. And through the cracks that have been blown up, you can vaguely see an old man with white hair inside. He is not lying, but meditating.

Approaching the outside of the white cloth, Liang Jingxiang called inside: "grandfather, I'm back, and the guests are also invited. Do you want to go in?"

Silence, after a full half a minute, a very weak, very erratic voice floated out of the white cloth, which made people feel very cold: "come in."

Liang Jingxiang said yes. Two steps ahead, she lifted a corner of the white cloth and turned to Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu. Huang Zi looked inside and just saw the front of the old man. He just took a look and felt like he was retreating. Because the old man doesn't have two palms, it seems that he was cut off, but it should have been many years. His eyes were open, but he had no eyes. His eyes were deep.

Nima, who is this?

His feet were shaking, but Huang Xiaoshu pushed them in.

As he approached, Huang Ziping felt even more uneasy. The old man clearly had no eyes, but his eyes seemed to be visible. There was a feeling of being watched by him all the time. His heart was cold, and so was the air inside.

At last, Huang Ziping came up to him. He was at a loss. Suddenly, his mouth opened and he said in a weak tone. Huang Ziping is sitting on the floor beside the bed, while Huang Xiaoshu is sitting next to him. She looks around, alert and worried.