Chapter 171

Huang Boxiong hesitated. Is this reliable? Is there such a good person? He didn't believe in Huang Ziping, but he was afraid that Huang Ziping would be cheated: "Ziping, I have no problem, as long as you can trust me. But can the person who gives the money be trusted? Ten million is not a small amount, the other side has no conditions? Just simply because I appreciate you? "

"Yes, that's OK."

"Then why don't you let your father do it?"

"My father doesn't have that ability, otherwise he will be the village head, not you. Besides, he won't believe such a large sum of money. You know he's a man who doesn't want to take any risks and doesn't dare to take on that kind of person. " Huang Ziping's father is so typical that he can't be more typical. He is a typical honest farmer. He works at sunrise and stops at sunrise. He can live and doesn't mind anything. He hasn't even been to the city. Anyway, he'll be scared to death.

Huang Po Hsiung hesitated again, but this time it was only four or five seconds. Then he said, "what's going on?"

"Sixty eight households, each with a two-and-a-half-story small western style building, can the full package price be about 120000? So the total price is about eight million, and the remaining two million will be used to build roads and public areas. Anyway, the money will be spent

"What if some people don't like it?"

"Would you like to build a new house for them?" After saying that, Huang Ziping understood Huang Boxiong's meaning clearly and immediately said, "do you mean they want to take cash? This is not good. There should be no nail households to affect the beauty of the village. "

"If we want to talk about it, it's no problem."

"You start to operate as soon as possible. I will find a company to donate anonymously. As long as you have a plan, the money will arrive at the account immediately."

"We should talk about it for at least a month and make preparations. Otherwise, where do people live after the construction? Only by demolishing the old can we build a new one. "

"Go to the engineering team and see their professional opinions."

"OK, I'll look for it."

Huang Ziping was afraid that he would not agree. If he could agree, he would not go back. On the contrary, he would try his best to do it well anyway. After all, this is a matter of public welfare. Huang Ziping took out a business card and handed it to him, saying, "this is my contact information. You can do it by yourself. You can ask me about something too big, but try your best to decide for yourself."

Huang Xiaoshu interjected: "village head, you can set up a construction team and select four or five people from the village to be jointly responsible. In this way, you can relax, work faster and more scientifically, and get more at one stroke."

Huang Boxiong said with a smile: "that's a good idea. I'll do it well. It's a good thing!"

Huang Xiaoshu didn't speak any more, while Huang Ziping continued: "village head, let's say it like this. You keep it a secret for me. I'm leaving..."

"No, you stay for lunch. I'll kill a chicken."

"No, I have something else to do."

"Well, come here in the evening, and we'll eat in the evening."

Huang Ziping refused and took Huang Xiaoshu home. Then he went to the town, bought a lot of food and cooked hot pot in the evening.

For the next two days, Huang Ziping didn't go out and walk around much, so his life was quite comfortable. Hungry to eat, sleepy to sleep, do not have to do a little work, it is not that he does not want to do, but parents do not allow. In the past two days, Huang Ziping has lived a happy life like a pig. It's good to be at home. No one will hurt you, no one will force you, and there are not so many troubles.

On the morning of the third day, Huang Ziping said goodbye to his parents, walked to the town with Huang Xiaoshu and Huang Xiaoshu, and then took the shuttle bus to the city.

On the bus, Huang Xiaoshu and Huang Ziping sat together. Before, there was no room for three people to speak. Now that there was room, Huang Xiaoshu said to Huang Ziping, "there are two things I want to tell you. First, the decoration company and the orchard have been completed, and Bai Jiu has started to train them. Second, private detectives have found out something about Wu Jiawei. This woman has a good relationship with a drug lord in the golden triangle. If we kill Wu Jiawei, we will cut off the market of that drug lord in Taixi province. "

Huang Ziping was surprised: "I went, Wu Jiawei is still in the drug business?"

"Yes, a batch of goods just arrived, and we made a fuss, and the umbrella was checked when it was gone. Today, it was also on the news."

"What's the news about the shipyard being destroyed? Is it the same as the last two days? "

"Yes, there will be no problem in this respect. Wu Jiawei and they are not good people. It's just a matter of interest for someone to act as an umbrella for them. In addition to being threatened, they can't go ashore with wet shoes. When Wu Jiawei was eliminated, the authorities of Taixi province could not help but secretly appreciated us. So we won't really investigate, but form a tacit understanding with us. But this time, we can't go to Taixi province any more. "

"Nonsense, let me go, and I won't go either."

"Here's the drug lord. We'll take some time to find out what he thinks."

"Listen to this, is it difficult to put the account on us?"

Huang Xiaoshu asked in the same tone: "do you think they will reason with you? Whether they can find us is one thing, but I think Wu Jiawei told us that before she died, she would find us. "Huang Ziping's heart is very bad. How can he become a doctor when things get worse? At the beginning, I met a gangster like Zhang Dashan, and then a killer organization. Now even the drug lords are running out. Can you make a bigger joke? How lucky is it to survive every time? And where's old Kim? Who made the fat man has yet to find out.

Seeing that Huang Ziping's face was not very good, Huang Xiaoshu said, "are you afraid?"

Huang Ziping did not pretend, nodded and said, "it's really a bit."

"No problem. Aren't we building strength, too?"

"What can eight do?"

"I have let Bai Jiuwu know. It's better to find the veterans he knows. It doesn't need to be too many. Two are enough."

"Do you have one on your side?"

"Killers come and go alone, do you think so?"

Two hours later, they came to Nanshan city.

After getting off the bus, the three people took a taxi directly to the University of foreign trade. Because it was just the end of class, when they looked into the campus, they could see the students chatting and fighting in groups.

Before entering the school gate, Huang Xiaoshu said, "Huang Ziping, are you sure you can handle it?"

Huang Ziping said: "yes, no nonsense. Go in and let her see it, and then come out."

Huang Xiaoshu turned and walked inside. In fact, she could see that she was very afraid. She was just as stubborn as Huang Ziping.

After Huang Xiaoshu's back disappeared, Huang Ziping took out his bank card and took 20000 yuan out of the teller machine at the school gate and put it in his pocket. After waiting with Huang Xiaoshu at the school gate for about five minutes, Huang Xiaoshu came out. She walked very fast because there were more than ten people following her. Two of them were boys and the others were girls. They dress up in a mess. It looks like they're flying girls who go out to play in bars and mess with men.

Strange, this kind of woman should be in the immature middle school, how now the university has? Don't you know when you are more than 20 years old?

When passing by, Huang Ziping said to Huang Xiaoshu, "remember what I said and go to a remote place."

Huang Xiaoshu said impatiently, "I know. You don't have to say it again and again."

"In short, don't run, don't be afraid, everything has me."

"I'm sick of you."

Huang Xiaoshu walked away, and more than a dozen students quickly came out. One of them had red wavy hair, and the one who could look at it was the eldest. It was the rich woman Huang Xiaoshu said. She said in a very arrogant tone: "you dare to come back. You'll beat me hard later. It's done. I'll treat you twice a day It's not until Friday. "

It's very attractive to go out every day, so the more than ten people are all in high spirits and go after it quickly.

Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu follow these ten men and women to cross the street and enter a uncompleted real estate. These more than ten people dare not act rashly outside the street. It's not the same when they go into remote places. They are so brave that they rush forward and surround Huang Xiaoshu. Seeing that they were about to start, Huang Ziping yelled: "a dozen people bully a girl. What are you? Garbage? "

More than a dozen young men and women turned around and saw that Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu were just two people. They were all furious.

Red wave said, "what are you? You have to have the strength to meddle. Go where you come from, or don't blame Miss Ben for being rude to you. "

"You garbage are not polite to us?" Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu have come close to each other. Huang Xiaoshu takes advantage of their inattention to break away from the encirclement and go around to the safe area behind Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu. "Just you garbage, let you all lie on the ground and cry in ten seconds. Believe it or not?"

Red wave laughs: "are you blind or blind? Or is your math taught by a PE teacher? Don't you see more than ten of us? A person needs more than ten seconds a second. "

Huang Xiaoshu said coldly: "it doesn't take a second to deal with the garbage."

After listening to Huang Xiaoshu's left sentence of "rice bucket" and right sentence of "garbage", the two boys couldn't help it at first. They rushed out and said, "what are you talking about? Do you know who our elder sister is?"

"Yes, it's rubbish."

"You want to die."

Two boys angrily start to Huang Xiaoshu, but in the blink of an eye, they lie on the ground and cry bitterly. When the girls saw that the men's hands were also surging forward, they planned to knock Huang Xiaoshu over and trample on her feet. Naturally, Huang Xiaoshu was not polite to them. They punched and kicked for a few seconds, and they fell to the ground humming. Huang Xiaoshu is still light on them, just hurt them, if fight to death, they are dead.

The remaining red wave, Huang Xiaoshu did not hit her, grabbed her neck and said: "look at the time? Did you count it in your heart? Do you want ten seconds? "