Yelled several times, saw no response, Huang Ziping continued to shout, this time the voice is bigger, spread farther.

A few seconds later, a response sounded: "what's the noise? If you don't sleep, others will

The voice came from a small fishing boat. It was a male voice. It was forty or fifty years old.

Huang Ziping said sorry, and then said, "brother, I want to ask if there was an old man here who was beaten into the water by some men in suits half an hour ago?"

"I didn't see it. Let's go. Don't shout any more. I'm going to fish tomorrow."

"I don't shout, you tell me, you should have heard so close..."

"No, let's go!"

Duan Mengying interposed: "this elder brother, give you 5000 yuan, how do you tell us?"

Money can make the devil push the mill, the iron general law! The small fishing boat lights up instantly, and then a man in a white vest comes out of the bow. He is the boatman. He swung the fishing boat to the shore. Duan Mengying came forward and took out all the cash, but only four or five thousand. She handed it to him and said, "I owe you five hundred. You tell us first."

The boatman pointed to the river center: "the old man went ashore by himself, stole a small oar, and went there. I don't know where he went, but I think he was hurt a lot by his rowing."

Duan Mengying continued to ask: "how many suit men?"

"I got on the bus and left. It was they who brought the old man over. After a long time of pain, I kicked him into the water."

"What's down and across the river? Where do you think the old man might go? "

"I know where he went." Huang Ziping interposed, and then asked the boatman, "brother, can you give us a ride? We'll give you the money. "

"It's not safe on the water at this time."

"Ten thousand." Duan Mengying said, rich people are willful, a hand is irresistible price.

The boatman immediately said, "OK, get on board."

Huang Ziping took Duan Mengying on the boat and sat down. He described the isolated island in his memory. Fortunately, the boatman knew that the place was quite far away, which was more than ten kilometers.

After sailing, Duan Mengying asked Huang Ziping, "who is that old man?"

Huang Ziping thought for a few seconds before he said, "I don't know who he is, my benefactor or family member. I don't know if we meet by chance, but I really want to know how he is."

"Don't worry, we can find him, but..." Duan Mengying dragged a long tone, which seems to be her habit of speaking. When it comes to bad things, she always dragged a long tone, "more than ten kilometers, he walked less than an hour, he certainly didn't arrive, and he was injured. It's unscientific to row such a long distance. I doubt if he went to the island?"

Huang Ziping didn't think about this. It makes sense to hear Duan Mengying say that, but now the situation can only be found slowly. He went to the bow of the boat and said, "brother, don't drive too fast. Pay attention to the water and see if you can see the old man's boat."

The boatman nodded and said, "no problem. There's a flashlight in it. Come out of the bow and take a picture on both sides. You can see a wider range."

It's a good idea. Huang Ziping immediately went into the cabin and took two flashlights. He took Duan Mengying out, one for each. They stood on the bow side of the boat. The boat drove slowly forward, and they looked after both sides.

With the roar of the engine, the boat walked three or four kilometers. Suddenly Duan Mengying called: "boatman, stop, I see the boat..."

The boatman stopped the boat immediately. Almost at the same time, Huang Ziping went to Duan Mengying and saw a boat floating on the river more than ten meters away.

Huang Ziping said to the boatman, "get close."

The boatman operated the rudder and slowly leaned over. When he reached a distance of four or five meters, he could see people, and then he shrank in the middle of the boat. When the boat came near, Huang Ziping jumped down and turned the man over. It turned out that it was Lao Jin. He had a black handled dagger in his upper abdomen. The wound was wrinkled by blisters and was deeply mixed with the solidified blood. Fortunately, after probing his nose, he still hasn't lost his breath, but he is extremely weak. He should be sent to the hospital immediately without delay.

Huang Ziping said to the boatman, "I'll throw people up. You catch them. Can you do it?"

The boatman nodded and said, "no problem."

Huang Ziping picked up Lao Jin and threw him up. The boatman caught him firmly and put him on the deck. He immediately set sail and turned back along the road.

All the way back to the dock, Huang Ziping took Lao Jin ashore and picked up Duan Mengying's car.

Although he didn't want to see Meng Tiansheng, he was a little afraid that Meng Tiansheng still asked him to write the operation record that he didn't finish last time. However, Lao Jin's situation has made Huang Ziping unable to care so much, so he called Meng Tiansheng on the way. When he got to the hospital, Meng Tiansheng had already asked the emergency personnel on duty to be ready by phone. As soon as Huang Ziping took Lao Jin out of the car, he could put him directly on the bed car and push him to the emergency room.

Half an hour later, Meng Tiansheng came to the emergency department. Huang Ziping quickly said, "President Meng, we'll talk about it later. You can go to see the current rescue situation for me."

Meng Tiansheng wanted to say something. Seeing Huang Ziping like this, he knew that Huang Ziping was worried, so he nodded and went into the emergency room.A minute later, Meng Tiansheng came out of the emergency room. His face was not very good, and his tone was full of regret: "the wound was in the upper abdomen, the wound was very deep, the lung was punctured, and there was infection. Now he is trying his best to rescue it. It depends on the patient's will."

"What kind of patient's will, which is to do rescue operation, depends on technology, what kind of doctor does the operation inside?"


"You tell them, let me in, I do this operation, he once saved my life, I have to save him."

"It's not in line with the rules. You're not in the right mood. And it's the one you sent. Is it your relative? "


"Still not." Meng Tiansheng shakes his head violently, and Huang Ziping comes for the operation. It's ok if he invites him back, but it can't be him alone, at least two. And he alone, now in this state, it's good to save people. In the end, it's a big problem. Who will bear the consequences? The health bureau is going to investigate. This is illegal operation.

"What's wrong? Human life matters. Do you still think about so many rules? Where is the patient's life and death? And you don't have to say, "who knows what I did?"

"This..." Meng Tiansheng hesitated and did not dare.

Duan Mengying, who hasn't opened her mouth all the time, said: "Dean, right? I think it's OK. If you're afraid of any trouble, or any trouble in the future, I can help deal with the people from the Health Bureau. "

Meng Tiansheng saw Duan Mengying and was surprised at her beauty. When Duan Mengying spoke, he found that she had a lot of talent. He said, "if something goes wrong, are you sure you can handle it?"

"Yes, I'm from Bihai Pharmaceutical Group. My mother is the chairman of the board of directors."

"That's no problem." Meng Tiansheng rushed into the emergency room again.

It would be very troublesome without Duan Mengying tonight. Huang Ziping said to her from the bottom of his heart: "Miss Duan, thank you. If it wasn't for you, I couldn't solve these things tonight. I'm useless..."

"Don't say that about yourself. You're just not useful here."

"Maybe." Huang Ziping felt that besides his medical knowledge, he was weak in other aspects, including just communicating with the boatman. Of course, he also understood that many of his experiences were insufficient when he first came out of society. Although he had experienced many things recently, he only had people to help him, so he didn't lose his life. Later, he wanted to help himself and make progress so that he could deal with all kinds of bad things happening around him.

This time, it took about five minutes for Meng Tiansheng to come out of the emergency department. He said that he had arranged for Huang Ziping to go in with him. After Huang Ziping went in, he used the fastest speed to eliminate the poison, put on the operating suit and went to the operating table.

After three hours of operation, Lao Jin was rescued and sent to the intensive care unit. Huang Ziping came out of the operating room and sat in a chair exhausted. Duan Mengying had been waiting. Seeing Huang Ziping's appearance after he came out, she thought the operation had failed. She sighed: "doctors are human beings, not gods, maybe fate!"

Huang Ziping heard that Duan Mengying misunderstood: "Lao Jin was rescued and sent to the intensive care unit, but he still needs to go through the dangerous period, twenty-four hours. It's ok if he can survive, otherwise the result is hard to predict."

"Let's wait. It's more than four o'clock. Let's find a place to rest first."

"What about Meng Tiansheng?"

"Yes, he said he would be back tomorrow morning."

Two people together out of the hospital, in the vicinity of a hotel, each into the bath.

At 11 o'clock the next day, Huang Ziping was woken up by the telephone ring. Naturally, it was Duan Mengying's call: "is Dr. Huang awake?"

Huang Ziping said, "I just woke up by you."

"I'm sorry. I want to tell you that I have something to do. I'll go back to Ganghai and meet you after I finish my work. Don't you blame me?"

"Why, you've helped me a lot."

"Get up, it's almost lunchtime."

When the phone hangs up, Huang Ziping lights a cigarette for himself, smokes and thinks about Duan Mengying. After one night's getting along, she doesn't find any shortcomings in her. She is different from other people with normal background. Her eyes are all on the forehead, so she doesn't look at people easily. On the contrary, it has many advantages, such as politeness, gentleness, understanding, sense of responsibility, strong adaptability and generosity, which makes people unconsciously have a sense of trust in her.

After smoking a cigarette and getting out of bed to wash, I called Meng Tiansheng to ask about Lao Jin. Knowing that nothing special happened to Lao Jin, Huang Ziping didn't go back to the hospital for the first time. Instead, he went to a restaurant for dinner.

Guarding outside the intensive care unit, because it was too quiet and he didn't sleep well last night, Huang Ziping was in a daze and was finally awakened by a telephone ring.

It's Zhao Jingyi's call. When she got through the first line, she said, "my God, I just saw the news about Feilai temple. Are you ok?"

Huang Ziping patted his dizzy head and replied, "it's OK. Thank you for your concern."

"What happened to Feilai temple?"

"I don't know. Strange, my bodyguard is missing...""Where are you now? Is it the public security bureau? "

"I'm in liumen county. I'm a little busy. I'll talk to you when I get back." Huang Ziping doesn't want to say too much to Zhao Jingyi, "see you later."