Entering the basement, Li Lin read for a long time and didn't understand anything.

The computer screen is full of English. Even if you can translate the English above, you can't understand what this base is for?

Li Lin doesn't know how much information there is in a computer.

"Certainly not a good thing!"

Li Lin thought for a moment and decided to move out of here. As for what the other party is studying, go back to China and find Qiu. Just ask.

While talking, Li Lin disappeared.

At the same time, a large number of experimental equipment, bottles and cans, including computers, also disappeared.

Back and forth a few times, moved most of the whole base.

"OK, anyway, it will destroy their experiment!"

After Li Lin flew out of the base, several researchers staring at the test tube looked up and found that everything around them was missing. Rubbed his eyes. The researchers looked at each other and thought they were dazzled.

The researchers squatting in front of the microscope staring at the computer screen suddenly found that there was a problem with the network.

After the reaction, I found that everything else was missing except the instrument in front of me.

These events swept through the western half of the United States in one day.

At that time, the telephone between the US military intelligence agency and the CIA was exploded.

Li Lin glanced back at his harvest. The whole valley has been filled with all kinds of experimental equipment and materials, which are not the harvest funds.

"Let's go first ~"

Turning around, Li Lin flew to the South China Sea.

Leaving a small amount of money and weapons, most of them are piled on an island.

"Grass, where's the mobile phone?"

Reaching up and down, I found that my mobile phone was missing. To be exact, the cell phone was broken when he was injured.

"I have to go home ~"

Li Lin sighed deeply.

Qiu Shao's phone number has been forgotten. It can't be said that he has forgotten. However, the phone number is special and often changes automatically. Qiu Shao specially encrypted Li Lin's mobile phone and phone number. Two people dial each other, the caller ID is each other, but the number broadcast each time is different.

The mobile phone is gone and the phone card is gone. We have to go home and find Qiu Shao's original phone number.

Having remembered the coordinates of the island, Li Lin quickly went home.

I searched the landline for a long time before I found Qiu Shao's phone.

"Fortunately, landlines are not commonly used!"

There is no one at home, the landline is not commonly used, and more than 100 telephone numbers stored are there.

Broadcast the phone number. It wasn't long before the other party answered.

"Zhang Wei? I'm Li Lin, find Qiu Shao! "

At Qiu residence, Zhang Wei was surprised when she received the call.

Li Lin's plane to Qiu residence?

"Oh ~"

After a while, Zhang Wei answered and dialed Qiu Shao.

After the two connected, Qiu Shao asked about Li Lin's phone. Li Lin prevaricated casually, and then gave Qiu Shao roughly what he got.

"I'll send helicopters and fleets to receive it immediately! Those things you sent are really important? "

"I don't know what it is! It should be important! " Li Lin Dao.

When Li Lin talked to Qiu Shao, the CIA and the military intelligence bureau fully entered the investigation. Almost all the members were sent out.

"Since there are more and more lost items, hit the tracking system and tracker with all the items about to be lost in the back!"

The head of the Military Intelligence Bureau suggested that the disappearance of continuous items really drove them crazy.

If you lose ordinary things, what you lose continuously is an important weapon of the country.

"It's not impossible to install a positioning system, but in this way, most of our secret things may be exposed!"

At the meeting, some consultants objected.

"If we don't pretend, we can't really find the missing things!"

The CIA boss pondered for a long time and agreed with the arrangement of the military intelligence agency.

"That's not the case. You can install the tracker and start it after it disappears!"

"Start after missing? If the other party finds our tracker at the first time, what's the difference between installing it and not? "

"Come on! Even if there is a chance of one in ten thousand, you should pretend! "

A long time later, the head of the Ministry of Defense said.

After Qiu Shao got Li Lin's specific position, he immediately mobilized his staff.

In a few minutes, the island was found through the satellite. More than ten minutes later, several destroyers moved towards the target.

Li Lin returned to the county, bought a new mobile phone, got a new card number and sent the phone to Qiu Shao.

After Qiu Shao encrypted, the two talked about useful signals for a while.

Qiu shaosi doesn't ask what Li Lin is doing now.

After hanging up, Li Lin flew to the United States again.

Starting from the last place searched, Li Lin flew to the East little by little.

Soon, Li Lin found another base.

Like red bears, American military bases are everywhere.

After the fall of the red bear, various bases were exposed and a large number of military bases were abandoned.

In the United States, which is stronger than the hairy bear, military bases are naturally everywhere. All kinds of abandoned military bases, planes and tanks can be piled into mountains.

In addition, many laboratories have also been exposed.

A country with such strong productivity will swallow up half the world's assets every decade. With so much money, I don't know if there are few things to burn money, the whole country can't eat it at all. If you eat it, you will die.

As a result, the appetite of the United States is growing every year and various trade associations are formed.

Where did all that money go?

All kinds of conspirators in the world are suspicious. Unfortunately, they can't find evidence.

Many people suspect that the United States has conducted space experiments, but not fools will find that the United States has not spent money on space experiments for half a century except for the normal launch of satellites.

If we didn't do space experiments, we would spend the money elsewhere.

Or for them, these experiments are more valuable than space experiments.

"Take it back!"

Li Lin found an experimental base and took it away without saying a word.

Not long after flying, Li Lin found two more hydrogen bombs.

"I don't believe it. The United States has only these hydrogen bombs!"

Li Lin flew slowly and threw his divine consciousness into the ground for hundreds of meters to find clues.

In the cold war, the United States and the red hairy bear made many such big killers. In today's society, the hydrogen bomb is not the only major weapon that threatens the opponent.

There must be other killers in the United States. As for what? Li Lin doesn't know that anything hidden underground is definitely not a good thing.

"Something is missing again?"

Less than half an hour after Li Lin left, the CIA Defense Department received the news.

"Start tracker!"

The CIA boss ordered.

"Can't contact the tracker!"

Two minutes later, the CIA technicians were sweating.

No matter how you contact the tracker, you can't reach it.

Their CIA trackers are the most advanced in the world, even if they are buried hundreds of meters underground.

Not only the CIA can't get in touch, but the military intelligence can't find its own tracker.

"Strange, picked up the tracker and fell into the sea?"

"No way. It takes two hours to fly to the nearby ocean. The time for all missing items is only half an hour! "


"Why can't I contact the tracker? What the hell! "

"So many trackers, are they all bad?"