Outside a small mountain village in Siam, a dozen young people carrying huge tourist bags, like tourists, walked and looked around.

This group of people is no other than Wang Laoliu who came out of the primeval forest.

Out of the mountain, several people buried their camouflage clothes in the periphery of the forest and changed into tourists' clothes.

The best way to bring Huang Lei back safely is to go abroad like most.

Fortunately, all the disguised passports are in their hands. It's also an easy thing to want to return home.

It is not easy to be watched by the national security department when entering security from the national gate.

If you go to the primeval forest, you will encounter boa constrictors and poisonous snakes. Even if you enter the country, it is easy to be watched by the border people and report to Guoan.

To go abroad, at best, is to check the customs. As long as you have no problem with your certificate and identity, everything will be much easier. No one will pay attention to their origins.

I don't know how many tourists enter China from Siam every year.

"Siam is full of spies. Throw away ammunition and weapons before entering the city, and then mix with the crowd and find a way to go home!"

Wang Laoliu explained.

"What about our safety?"

"Without guns, we still have knives and can hide! In big cities and densely populated places, even the Siamese military and police dare not shoot at will! "

"Well, after entering the city, I'll prepare ceramic knives and ceramic guns!"

Wang Daliang said.

"Other weapons are still hidden in a place before going through the customs. Don't worry now." Wang Laoliu thought for a moment.

As long as he got to the big city, he would try to contact Li Lin and give these things to Li Lin to put into the jade pendant world.

In addition, there are bone knives in the jade pendant world, especially the blades ground from monster bones, which are sharper and harder than the ceramic knives outside.

These things are easy to pass the security check. Even if they are found out, they can be said that they are souvenirs bought when they are traveling. The general customs will not say much.

The destruction of the black widow directly deterred the Siamese army who planned to besiege the red maple mercenaries.

The black widows with advanced equipment and rich combat experience were tortured and killed by red maple mercenaries. How dare they?

If you can't kill the red maple mercenaries, I'm afraid they'll be in trouble in the future.

After some weighing, the Siamese army did not take action. Even if you do, you can't find red maple mercenaries in the vast forest! It's useless to go less, but what about national defense when you go more?

The special forces team brought by Michelle also lost the trace of red maple mercenaries after the collapse of the black widow.

"Did the red maple mercenary change the commander?"

After receiving the special team, Michelle frowned and thought for a long time. She found that the combat style of Hongfeng mercenaries suddenly changed.

From the consistent style of red maple mercenaries he mastered, even if there is support, he will not turn back to destroy the black widow, but try to escape the encirclement and wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

However, the mercenary's style suddenly changed. After killing the black widow, it disappeared.

There is no trace of them in the primeval forest, so they have to enter the town.

How dare mercenaries enter the town?

"Is it the support..."

Michelle suddenly patted her forehead, turned to Harris and said, "find the information of red maple mercenaries three years ago. The more detailed, the better!"

People who can take over the command of Hongfeng mercenaries so quickly and have such strong fighting power definitely have an extraordinary relationship with Hongfeng mercenaries.

Moreover, the weapons they used were also the weapons of Lorraine base, and the identity of the thief was ready to be revealed.

"Yes ~"

Harris turned and left.

Michelle's fingers kept shaking, and the identity of the thief was about to come out.

Whoever he is?

If you find his root, it will be much easier to catch him.

The information file management of the military intelligence bureau is placed in a supercomputer. This calculation reserves all kinds of information obtained by the military intelligence bureau from all over the world, including military politics, history, humanities and economy, and the most important is the evidence of corrupt officials in various countries.

Of course, there are details of mercenaries everywhere. The combat effectiveness of various mercenaries, as well as the information of mercenaries with excellent shooting skills. If these mercenaries enter the United States, they will be monitored by their military intelligence bureau.

Soon, Michelle got all the information about the red maple mercenary. These data are collected by various intelligence agents, and then entered by the personnel of the military intelligence bureau, managed according to classification, and inserted these information into the column of red maple.

The red maple information gathered by Harris is very messy, but also very detailed.

"Who is Wang Laoliu?"

"According to the information, he is the former commander of Hongfeng mercenary. He is a very powerful sniper and proficient in all kinds of guns."

Harris looked through the information and saw the skills marked by the intelligence agent.

"Where is this Wang Laoliu from?"

"I don't know. I only know that he is a retired soldier of a mercenary in China!"

"Then find out where his hometown is?"

Michelle frowned. There is not much information about Wang Laoliu in the data. It is all after joining the mercenary. There is no information before joining the mercenary or after leaving the mercenary.

"Yes ~"

Harris solemnly saluted and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute, look for some intelligence personnel for me when checking the data. It's best to go deep into the mainland of China!"

Michelle suddenly stopped Harris.

Since the Internet, their intelligence departments do not need to send people directly to China. They can buy all the information they need from the Chinese people for some money.

Even if their own side can't act directly, they will also have the help of Wan Wan and Japanese intelligence personnel.

However, I'm afraid it won't work this time. They need to shoot the intelligence agent. First investigate the Chengou village. In addition, they have to investigate the hometown of the former Red Maple commander to understand everything about the commander from the side.

"Sir, do you need these intelligence agents to investigate for a long time?"

Harris asked.

For short-term intelligence agents, they will arrange the identity of tourists. If they stay in China for a long time, they will arrange the identity of employees or businessmen.

"Just check the situation of Chengou village and Wang Laoliu's hometown. It looks like it will take about half a year!"

"I see. I'll prepare two foreign language teachers to enter the local middle school!"

Harris saluted and left the room.

There are many ways for American intelligence agents to enter China. If they want to inquire about a specific target, they have to go deep into the local area. It is the best way to travel part-time while doing diplomacy and explore the situation of Chengou village and Wang Laoliu's family.

In this way, you can hear what they want to hear from the people around you.

However, Michelle has found a lot of information about Chengou village on the Internet, but it is not clear which talents here are his goals.

Just send someone to inquire who has access to the radio and has the ability to send a report.

In Chengou village, when several young people from the second department brought Li Lin's original words to the director, the director was silent for a long time.

"It seems that the other party still doesn't want to intersect with us!"

"Director, three shots are enough for us to solve many problems! Now what we have to do is how to use these three opportunities to maximize the completion of our tasks! "

Said the middle-aged man behind the director.

"This really needs to be studied! But my original intention... "Speaking of this, the director sighed deeply, unwilling“ Three times, three times! As long as the relationship between Qiu Shaoming and him is still there, if you really encounter something beyond your reach in the future, find him through Qiu Shaoming! "