In the cave of Yulong mountain.

Next to the ice pool, Bruce Lee had a mouthful of fish in his mouth and chewed one mouthful at a time.

The original dark yellow body has been scorched by lightning. At the moment, there is no intact place on the body.

There are still two places burning on the tail and back.

The whole cave was filled with the smell of barbecue

After the thunder robbery, the two flames have been burning on Bruce Lee for more than three hours.

And for the past three hours, Bruce Lee was soaking at the bottom of the river, and the flame still couldn't be extinguished. The fierce burning of the flame makes Bruce Lee's life worse than death.

The reason why he struggled to climb back was that he just wanted to die in a place he was familiar with.

When he saw the fish placed by Li Lin in the ice pool, Bruce Lee couldn't help but climb over and bite.

The fresh meat in the pool is obviously different from the big fish placed by Li Lin before.

The vitality in the fish has turned into a liquid, and the blood of the whole fish is golden.

It was the silver fish that Li Lin and Wang Laoliu made up for.

Several people were injured in order to kill the fish.

With the help of firearms, it barely gained the upper hand.

Just fight alone. A fish that has been dehydrated can directly kill one of Li Lin's three people.

If you were in the sea, ten Li Lin would not be enough.

Finally, when the fish was exhausted by grenades and guns, Li Lin solved the silverfish with a jade cutting knife.

Several people left some breast meat, and the rest of the abdomen and most of the fish body were directly given to Bruce Lee.

The golden blood immediately made Li Lin and others feel not easy.

Several people were still holding a meeting in Yupei space. They didn't expect the disaster Bruce Lee experienced.

The fish soon melted into his mouth, and the dying Bruce Lee seemed to regain a little strength. He opened his mouth again and took a big bite at the big fish.

Bruce Lee's strength and body also quickly recovered with a large number of fish.

As Bruce Lee slowly recovered, the two flames still burning on him stopped expanding.

Feeling that the fish was useful, Bruce Lee was in a good mood. He took a big bite at the silver fish, which was much more careful than eating fish in the past.


Biting and biting, Bruce Lee felt as if he had bitten something on the fish's stomach.

Bruce Lee paused. His sick face showed a slight doubt. Then he poked away the fish with his mouth and found a round bead in the belly of the fish.

Instinctively feeling that something was useful to him, Bruce Lee swallowed it.

Then a huge energy burst in his body, and the flame on Bruce Lee went out quickly.

If Li Lin were here and saw the bead, he would definitely call back a inner pill. At the same time, you will understand why the silverfish is so powerful.

When Bruce Lee woke up again, it was two days later.

Drag your weak body, find ambergris and eat it in one bite, then eat up the remaining fish in the ice pool, drink up the water with golden blood in the pool, and go to sleep again.

Jade pendant space.

Li Lin discussed with several people, and finally sat around and silent.

"Shit! Practice first! I dare not even get close to that fish. I can't kill it with a firearm! This is just a small fish. If I meet a big fish, I'll be finished! "

Wang Daliang's face vented.

Among the three, he is the last to contact internal skills, and his talent is also the worst of the three. The key is that the fish you eat is not as good as Wang Laoliu and Li Lindo. You're a few people away from the boss.

"Liang is right. I'd better improve my ability first!"

Wang Laoliu paused.

Now it is certain that there are refined fish in it. If they rush into the sea and encounter a more powerful school of fish, they will have no way at all.

Can destroyers protect them for a while and for a lifetime?

Maybe their destroyers are OK within 50 kilometers of the coastline. What if they are farther away?

The fish are so powerful. What about the seabirds in the sky?

The original purpose of buying destroyers was not to get stuck in this sea area, but to travel far and see what the world was like?

If you can't get out, why spend a lot of energy on the destroyer?

"Now the destroyer can only swim within 40 nautical miles. If you want to hunt outside 40 nautical miles, you must need the joint efforts of the three of us!"

Li Lin nodded.

"For the time being, we should catch those vigorous fish within 40 nautical miles to repair our bodies. If we want to go further, we must be fully prepared!"

So it was settled.

Top priority, cultivation has become the most important thing for several people.

Li Lin took out some medicine bath secret prescriptions found in the cellar of Yulong temple and gave them to Wang Laoliu and Wang Daliang, hoping that these things would be useless to him.

According to the situation of Xiao Ning, the effect of medicine bath is very powerful.

"What is this thing for?"

Wang Laoliu looked at the prescription and didn't understand it.

"This is the secret recipe of medicine bath. It's very useful to prepare medicine bath soup and practice in it after eating fish!"

"Give it to me! I'll ask the old man Chen Wenqing! "

Wang Daliang asked for a prescription directly. If it's really useful for cultivation, it's a treasure for him!

In the Yulong cave, Bruce Lee's body is still so long that it doesn't seem to have changed.

However, the strong breath, if any, was exposed from time to time. Animals hundreds of miles away were also shocked by the breath.

Bursts of golden light flow continuously from Bruce Lee's body and finally gather in Bruce Lee's abdomen, depicting mysterious pictures and texts.

If a physicist is here and takes a closer look at these pictures and texts, he will find that there are many pattern mappings in four-dimensional and five-dimensional space in the pictures and texts on the demon pill.

If you look closely, it is similar to some Taoist talisman paintings in China.

Its abstruse degree is far beyond human understanding.

At the same time, the dark demon pill in Bruce Lee's abdomen turned into gold step by step.

Jindan friar is one of the three systems of Chinese immortal cultivation.

Golden elixir is divided into inner elixir and outer elixir.

The external pill is the medicine stone. The talisman is concise. It artificially depicts the rules of Taoism. Take it and soar.

Compared with internal alchemy cultivation, external alchemy is much simpler.

It requires alchemists to prepare materials, fast for 100 days, hide in the mountains, refine with precious medicinal materials, strong spiritual strength and people with sufficient understanding of the road, so as to have a chance of success.

In today's world, not to mention precious medicinal materials, there are few people who have a little understanding of the avenue.

Even many people can't imagine what is going on in the four-dimensional world, let alone the more profound road.

Inner alchemy friar is to obtain the essence of heaven and earth, build a foundation, refine the essence and turn the Qi, open up the acupoints and orifices around the body, connect the meridians, connect the elixir field, and store the essence and Qi in the elixir field. Take the elixir field as the center, form a large circulation in the body, open up more acupoints and orifices, absorb more heaven and earth essence and Qi, and develop internal elixir on the elixir field.

Refining refined Qi alone is not what ordinary people can do.

The inner alchemy is not enough. At the same time, the spiritual orifices and wisdom are born, the nature is clear and the dust is destroyed, the refining spirit is still empty, and the spirit and soul are in line with the great road. Then, the inner alchemy depicts the rules of the great road to form a golden pill.

The difficulty of cultivation is far beyond the imagination of those school bullies.

Compared with Jindan friars, talisman friars are simpler.

Spiritual power, or those who have an understanding of the avenue, can use the talisman to modify the surrounding things at any time.

Unfortunately, the talisman can't change the way of heaven, and still can't escape life, old age, illness and death.

The simplest thing is that God granted friars.

Look for Jindan friars and talisman friars whose bodies have died and whose souls are still alive in heaven and earth, and use their wisdom to complete the modification of surrounding things.

The jumping God in the northeast and the God in the southwest are basically the same.

This method is the best for those immortals.

For those who have a deep understanding of the avenue, such a group of people seem to stand in the high dimension and look at life in the low dimension. Everything is an ant to them.

They reduce the dimension at any time to attack low latitude life.

It's as incredible as Wang Mang, with hundreds of thousands of troops, was killed by meteorites falling from the sky when he was about to win in the face of Liu Xiu's thousands of defeated soldiers and horses.

Killing the life of the three-dimensional world with the power and rules beyond the three-dimensional world does not appear twice in human civilization.