
"How can you be so shameless? At the beginning, you said that you would give me an antidote when it was finished. Don't you want to watch this child drink my blood all his life? "

Li Yining was furious. In fact, as early as the beginning, she had thought about whether golden egg would turn over and refuse to recognize people.

In this way, both of them will become his puppets.

Now that things have come to this stage, this idea has come true. At the moment, Li Yining is very regretful. Even if she can't get the child, she doesn't want Yiluo Xi to live like this all her life.

Golden egg egg doesn't think so at all, pick eyebrow to see to the small Luo Xi in deep sleep coldly smile: "this child's life and death have nothing to do with me originally."

"I can give her a chance to live is the utmost. Don't forget, at the beginning, you were thinking about how to destroy this child."

"At the end of the day, you're so maternal that it sounds ironic to worry about whether the child can live like a normal person."

"I don't remember when I promised you that I would give you an antidote when it's done, but it's not totally out of the question."

Up to now, Li Yining has no way. It's useless to regret at the beginning: "what's the way?"

Jin Dan Dan took a deep breath: "I also got this insect from other places. Although there is no antidote, I'm already developing it."

"As long as you do as I say, when the time comes, you'll get the antidote. If not, then I'm no wonder."

"Say, you also want to thank me for making you a new mother of this child. It's too impolite to say shameless to your benefactor, isn't it?"

Li Yining's chest fluctuated violently. Until now, she finally realized that she had been played with applause from beginning to end.

Golden egg didn't plan to give itself the antidote in the first place.

"Golden egg, you are so stubborn. Do you think that will make me obey you? You think it's too simple. "

Golden egg disapproves: "no matter, I didn't make you have to listen to me. How to let this child live is your choice, and I have no right to interfere."

"When I use you, I'll naturally inform you that I'm too busy and tired today, but I can't stay with you any longer. If someone finds out that I'm with you, I don't want to get involved with you for no reason."

Left such a sentence, golden egg got up and left, the colored flag glared at him fiercely, but did not dare to have the slightest action.

Looking at his back, Li Yining felt sad and angry.

If she is not afraid of scaring Xiaoluo, she has to smash everything she can see to vent her anger.

Some of the flags came forward helplessly: "princess, what should we do now?"

"What else can we do? What can I do but endure? " Li Yining's eyes narrowed slightly, and her amber pupils were full of regret.

"He's so mean that one day he'll regret it."

The next morning, Jin Xiaoxiao went to see her grandmother. Although she had not woken up, her face had completely recovered.

His aunt took care of him all day, and saw that Jin Xiaoxiao came to wipe away the tears in the corner of his eyes: "Xiaoxiao, you're here."

Jin Xiaoxiao nodded: "does grandma still have no sign of waking up?"

Aoxue sighed, some helpless said: "it's reasonable that I should have woken up, but I don't know why I haven't woken up all the time."

"I've tried all the ways I can. Now it depends on Grandma's fortune whether I can wake up or not."

My aunt immediately began to sob: "if I can't wake up any more, I really don't know how to explain to your uncle after I go back."

Jin Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, took his aunt's hand and comforted him in a soft voice: "don't worry. I think you and your grandmother have been in Beijing for such a long time. I'm afraid my uncle is also waiting in Cangzhou Prefecture."

"How about writing a letter to my uncle today?"

Aunt nodded: "yes, it's time to tell your uncle. It's not a good way to keep it from him all the time."

Jin Xiaoxiao closed his eyes thoughtfully: "aunt, you can't tell Uncle about it. You know uncle's temperament. Once you tell him that his skin is in a coma, he will come at the first time."

"We've been waiting for so many days. It's not too bad. What do you think? Grandma is so kind, I believe she will be able to get through this


My aunt sighed and didn't say anything, which was regarded as acquiescence to the words of Jin Xiaoxiao's novel.

She also hopes that grandma can wake up as soon as possible, so that she can go back to Cangzhou government. But if she doesn't wake up, she will inevitably collapse.

Now Jin Xiaoxiao doesn't know what to say to comfort her aunt. She can't even comfort herself. How can she comfort others.

"Aoxue, please take more care of me. I'm trying other ways. I'm willing to do anything as long as I can wake my grandmother up."

Aoxue Daimei frowns slightly. She knows that Jin Xiaoxiao is still running about for Xiaoluo Xi's business. She was almost assassinated yesterday.

Now, I'm already in a mess, and I have to worry about my grandmother's comfort. I'm really lack of skills.

"Little Miss, you can rest assured that my aunt and I will massage my grandmother's arms and legs every day these days, so that even if she wakes up, she won't feel any discomfort."

"As for the way to wake up grandma, I will keep trying on the premise of not affecting grandma's health. Just take care of the things in front of you, and leave the rest to me."

Jin Xiaoxiao closed her eyes. She slowly stood up and looked at her grandmother. She didn't know what to say.

Finally, without saying anything, he got up and left.

As soon as she came out, Fengxue came to her face: "little miss."

Looking at her lively appearance, Jin Xiaoxiao was slightly stunned: "are you ready so soon? Is the wound no longer painful? "

Blizzard some disdain of the pie mouth: "this injury and calculate what, you don't need to pay attention to, but, in the face of danger, I'm still a little weak."

"Why don't you let qianyingsha's sisters go with you instead of your sisters? That's a little more protection. "

Jin Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment: "there's no need to do that. Since they didn't succeed this time, they will never do it again in a short time."

"I think you'll stay at home if you're not well. I'll go to the palace alone."

"It's no good. I won't let you go to the palace alone. Either take me or take the sisters of qianyingsha. You can choose between them." Feng Xue looks unhappy, as if Jin Xiaoxiao is going to leave her behind.

"Well, well, well, can't I take you? Let's go. "