Jin Xiaoxiao took Showa to the imperial garden to relax. She said: "Princess Showa, you can't be so self-confident."

"Since the second prince likes you, he doesn't care what others say. As long as you don't care, these rumors will pass soon."

"When you get married to the western regions, who else will remember such things? Relax and everything will pass."

Showa nodded, but there was still some inferiority in his eyes: "although I said that, as a woman and Princess of Dali Kingdom, it's not nice to be dressed like this."

"It's good to have you with me these days. If not, I really don't know what to do."

Jin Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, slightly raised the corner of his mouth and pulled up a smile of self mockery: "what are you? Everything I have experienced is more serious than this."

"Now you see that Xiao Nanxian and I are very happy. Do you know that when I first came to the capital, I was threatened, either to leave the capital or to die here?"

"At that time, I was penniless, and I would never dream of today. At the beginning, I had only one wish, that is to marry into Xiao's house."

"As long as Xiao Nanxian loves me, it's more important than anything."

Hearing the speech, Showa couldn't help thinking that Jin Xiaoxiao cast envious eyes: "I really envy you and Mr. Xiao that you can get married and have such a huge family."

"However, my mother and concubine are not very popular. I have never felt loved since I was born. It's the only warm time for me to get along with the second prince these days."

Jin Xiaoxiao nodded: "I understand what you said. Sometimes it's not as free as outside in this deep palace courtyard."

"You should be careful what you say and what you do. You can't make any mistakes, but at least you have a good family background. What about me? The people who come out of the backer village have no backer or dependence, and everything has to be done by themselves. "

"The more this kind of time, the stronger you need to be. Sometimes, what others can help you is limited. It's still up to you."

Listening to Jin Xiaoxiao's words, Princess Showa seemed to understand something in an instant, and also felt that Jin Xiaoxiao had not come so easily.

As they were saying this, two maids came to see Zhaohe and Jin Xiaoxiao. They said, "I've seen Princess Zhaohe and Princess Yunxi."

Jin Xiaoxiao smile: "no need to be polite."

The two maids leaned back slightly without raising their heads and left in a hurry.

Zhao he looked at the maid who had left and closed his eyes suspiciously: "they are the maids of sun Guifei. They don't even know how to look at me on weekdays because sun Guifei is so arrogant."

"Why are you so polite today?"

Jin Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment. In fact, it's not hard to guess. It's just that she's with Showa.

After all, Jin Xiaoxiao's reputation is outside, and almost everyone in the palace knows it. These maids can not give Showa face, but her face still needs to be given.

Although the heart knows, but Jin Xiaoxiao is unwilling to say so, lest hurt Showa's self-esteem again.

"What else can I do? I don't think you're going to marry to the western regions. In the future, you will be the queen of the western regions. Naturally, you should be polite."

"These palace maids, who look down upon others with a dog's eye, won't be promising in their life. Let's go."

With that, she pulls Zhaohe forward, but at this moment, she suddenly hears two maids behind her chewing their tongue in a low voice.

"She has no face and no skin. She has been defiled and dare to walk around. Isn't she afraid of being drowned by people's saliva?"

"You know what, people can even do things with outsiders stone, how can they care about these things, I see, she may be proud of it, ha ha..."

The two maids thought that at this distance, Jin Xiaoxiao and Princess Showa could not hear their words. If they were put in other places, they might not hear anything.

This is the imperial garden. There are only four people here. What they said is clear to Jin Xiaoxiao and Zhaohe.

Showa was shocked, and her eyes were filled with resentment and timidity. Even if she was a maid in waiting, she didn't have the courage to resist.

Jin Xiaoxiao is Dai Mei frowning. Without thinking about it, she turns around and shouts angrily, "you two stop for me."

Two maids smell speech tiny a Zheng, busy stop body shape, looking back to see to the gold small toward oneself to walk to not from of secret way a: "not good."

Jin Xiaoxiao pulls Showa to the two and looks at them playfully and asks, "what are you talking about just now? Say it again in front of me. If you don't tell me the truth, even if you have Princess sun to support you, I can assure you that you will not survive tonight. "

The two maids trembled and looked at Jin Xiaoxiao timidly: "Princess Yunxi, maidservant... Maidservant was just talking about Princess Showa and..."


Because of Jin Xiaoxiao's pressure, the maid of honor didn't dare to tell the truth, but before she finished, Jin Xiaoxiao had slapped her face.

"I want you to say that your child really dares to say that, don't you? How dare you talk about Princess Showa openly? Are you tired of living? "

Jin Xiaoxiao's angry eyes were round, and her Obsidian like pupils were full of murderous spirit. They had no doubt about what she said.

And from beginning to end, she did what she said and never broke her promise.

The beaten maid in waiting covered her cheek and didn't dare to speak. She didn't even have the courage to look up at Jin Xiaoxiao.

Another maid in waiting said in a timid voice: "Princess Yunxi, we... We know it's wrong..."


Jin Xiaoxiao slapped him again: "did I let you talk? I'll tell you, today I can treat you as if I haven't heard anything. It's a chance for you. "

"If I hear that you two dare to spread false information so openly, it's not just a slap in the face. Do you understand?"

The two palace maids were hit with some fire. Usually, they were supported by sun Guifei. No one dared to fight them except the emperor.

Although Jin Xiaoxiao's reputation is very famous, and he is deeply loved by the emperor, in their eyes, he is still just a little lady of the Xiao family.

"The title of Princess Yunxi is just a free reward from the emperor. As the young lady of Xiaofu, why do you fight us?"

"Even if we make mistakes first, it's natural for Princess sun to deal with the matter. It's not your turn to be an outsider. What's more, are we wrong? She's obviously with the outsider stone. "