Li Yining's words immediately made Jiang fall into meditation. She gave a wry smile: "love is just something unique to your younger generation."

"Not everyone has the courage and ability to resist the orders of his parents and the words of the matchmaker. Your father is not very kind to me, but for so many years, I am still a princess."

Li Yining puzzling frown: "mother, I still don't understand, this is for what, do you say, from the beginning, you and father don't like each other just come together?"

Jiang shook his head helplessly: "when you are steady, you will understand. Now even if I explain to you, you can't listen to me at all."

"But don't worry, my mother will never see you follow my footsteps. I will make you more important than anyone else in the Xiao family. Go back today and I will explain everything to your father tomorrow, OK?"

Seeing this, Li Yining didn't ask much. She got up to say goodbye to Jiang and took Xiuzhu back to Xiao's house.

Along the way, she was thinking about what Jiang's words meant. Maybe she didn't really understand, or love itself was obscure.

The next day, the second son of Prime Minister Sun came to Dali temple. In front of the Minister of Dali temple, he explained that he was the one who poisoned Mr. Su.

As soon as he said this, even the Minister of Dali temple was quite surprised. You should know that such a thing happened between the powerful and the powerful, it is basically certain that the two families will be completely entangled from now on.

Clearly all the clues point to Li Yining, the Minister of Dali Temple doesn't understand why the sun family suddenly surrendered.

When Mr. Sun was asked about the course of the case, he was calm and clear. He told all the details of the whole case.

He claimed to have some personal feuds with Mr. Su. When he learned that he often went to yeweiyang, he bribed several girls and poisoned his wine.

After framing this matter in Enron's body, can be said to be very perfect.

Just as the Minister of Dali Temple thought, at the beginning, he didn't intend to let the girls survive. He just wanted to block their mouths for the time being.

But who ever thought that by chance, these girls were killed by the maid of the palace, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Sun Gongzi said that the reason is very clear. The Dali temple can only investigate secretly, proving that sun Gong Zi and Su Gong son have had a friction, and have repeatedly asked some people have been confirmed.

At this point, the Dali Temple closed the case and completely cleared Enron's charge. Sun Gongzi was arrested and put into prison. No one knew what was waiting for him.

The Minister of Dali temple also thinks that there must be something strange about it. But since someone is willing to be the ghost of death, he doesn't want to be more serious. If he gets credit, he will be happy.

In fact, it was the fifth prince who personally found the sun family. Under coercion and inducement, the sun family had to sacrifice their second son to save the whole Sun family.

As for why the sun family was chosen, of course, it was because the fifth prince had too many tricks on the sun family's acceptance of bribes.

There are four sons in the sun family. When the family is under threat, no one has the courage to stand up to blame. Only the second son is willing to sacrifice himself.

The fifth prince was very satisfied with the result, but the sun family not only sacrificed one person, but also watched out for the Su family's revenge.

In this regard, the fifth prince also assured them that he would absolutely calm down the incident. After all, everything was just to keep Li Yining's position as a flat wife.

When the fifth Prince just learned about it, he immediately wanted to find the Xiao family and ask them to give an explanation.

As the daughter of the Lord, how can she be treated like this.

But they were stopped by Li Yining and Princess Jiang. After much persuasion, the prince began to arrange all this.

Because of this, the fifth prince was also very disappointed with Jiang and Li Yining.

After Enron got out of prison, he rushed back to yeweiyang for the first time, and everyone was very happy.

Jin Xiaoxiao and Xiao Nanxian even went to yeweiyang to celebrate in person and made a big table of good dishes. They all sat around and had a good time.

Enron at this moment finally breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Jin Xiaoxiao and asked, "Xiaoxiao, how did you do it?"

"Are you going to catch the sun family, too?"

Jin Xiaoxiao was slightly stunned, and then the corner of his mouth rose slightly, holding up a playful smile: "this is not my arm, so we have to thank my husband. Without him, Li Yining would not trouble the fifth prince to find such a ghost."

Xiao Nanxian waved his hand: "there's nothing to thank me for this. Li Yining should have been sent to prison. Since it's harmful to Xiao's reputation, she should be responsible for the aftermath of this mess."

Enron looked suspicious: "so, you don't know why that grandson would admit everything? It's strange. Even if the fifth Prince dotes on Li Yining, he can't do this for the sake of the so-called flat wife, can he? "

Referring to this, Jin Xiaoxiao couldn't help thinking deeply: "I don't understand why the Lord didn't come to Xiao's house as he did every time. Instead, he chose to compromise."

Enron frowned with some worry: "there won't be a bigger conspiracy hidden in it? Instead, I'm worried about you. With Li Yining's temperament, is she willing to be hit like this and do nothing? "

Xiao Nan Xian raised his wine cup and said with a smile: "you don't need to think so much. If the soldiers come to block the water and cover the land, what's to worry about?"

"Now the most important thing is that my little child and I can be born smoothly, everything else is not important, and I will never allow the fifth Prince and Li Yining to be so arrogant and domineering. Come on, let's have a drink to celebrate the peaceful release of injustice."

At this point, although Enron was uneasy, she could only take one step at a time. She was not afraid of being wronged, but was afraid of involving Jin Xiaoxiao.

It was because of her carelessness that this situation would be like this. If it involved the people who cared about her most from beginning to end, they would feel extremely guilty.

Jin Xiaoxiao seems to see Enron's mind. She is pregnant and can't drink, so she uses tea instead of wine. She holds up her tea cup and says to Enron, "you don't need to think so much. No one is perfect. When everyone is negligent, it's definitely not your fault."

"After all, it's not Li Yining's hatred for me that leads to her attack on you. It's a burden to you. I'm always uncomfortable. Today, I'm Jinxiao, who has tea instead of wine, and I'll punish myself for three cups."

Enron is very happy. What else can I ask for?

"Well, then we don't have to bear any burden. We must celebrate today. We won't be drunk. Of course, our expectant mother won't be blessed."