After she left the palace, old lady Meng fell ill and couldn't leave her bed. She had to be taken care of by a special person every day.

Although today's Meng family has become a common people, there are still good doctors coming to visit her.

It's impossible to completely break contact with the Meng family because of their lack of affection or their pity.

One after another two doctors came to see old lady Meng, but they didn't see why.

In fact, there's no need for Taiyi to come and see. People also know why she can't get sick. It's not because of a series of things that happened recently in the Meng family.

Lying on the bed, old lady Meng was still thinking about the news from the queen.

But after waiting for three days, there was still no news. She also fully understood that Meng heting could not be saved by the queen.

That night, Mrs. Meng forced herself out of bed and ordered the maid to call all the members of the Meng family together.

No one knows what Mrs. Meng said to them. Only Miss Meng came out crying.

Miss Meng did not notice that there was a pair of eyes staring at her in the dark.

Xiao Fu, the wind and snow back, the first time to find a small gold.

"How's it going? What did you find out? " Jin Xiaoxiao sat in front of the table, tasting the good West Lake Longjing in his hand, and asked without raising his head.

Feng Xue shook her head: "no special action was found, but old lady Meng called everyone to her bedroom. What she said was unknown, but Miss Meng was the first one to come out crying."

Jin Xiaoxiao's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the words, and the fundus of his eyes was full of suspicion: "did you come out crying? Can't it be that old lady Meng's body has run out of oil and the lamp is running out of time? "

Feng Xue frowned slightly: "I don't look like it."

Jin Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and said with a smile, "no matter what Mrs. Meng said to them, everything has developed as we expected."

"I'm very curious. Under such circumstances, how does the Meng family operate in order to get rid of the immediate disaster and continue to stare at the movement of the Meng family? You don't need to do it yourself. Just let the people killed by Qianying do it. I'm afraid we have to be more busy these days."

"Yes, I understand."

Jin Xiaoxiao can't always slow down the pace of opening a shop because of the Meng family's business. Now that the silver is enough, it's time to call in the staff and choose the location.

In addition to helping yeweiyang get rid of the bad luck in the eyes of the public, Enron often goes out to choose a location, buy land and decorate. It can be said that Enron is very busy.

Seeing her like this, Jin Xiaoxiao was a little sorry and could only help her.

And the Meng family is not idle. On this day, old lady Meng took her maid to the residence of Lord Zhang in Beijing Zhaoyi alone.

Even Mr. Zhang didn't think of her coming.

"Old lady Meng?" Zhang adult stares big a pair of eyes son, quite don't understand of saw to her.

As a lady of Gaoming, it is not necessary to salute her when she meets Mr. Zhang, but she is very polite.

"Mr. Zhang, I have come here today to discuss important matters. I have no malice."

Mr. Zhang pondered for a moment, but still looked up and down at old lady Meng with some worry. His first thought was whether the Meng family wanted to let the now weak old lady Meng die in her own house, so as to offset the sins committed by Meng heting.

"If you have anything to say, I will listen."

Old lady Meng shook her head helplessly and seemed to see his concern: "Mr. Zhang doesn't need to be so nervous. I won't blackmail you."

"I came here today to make a marriage with you. I don't know if you would like to."

"Marriage? Why did Mrs. Meng say that? You didn't come to ridicule me, did you Mr. Zhang couldn't help frowning.

It's no secret that the reason of his body can't give birth to children between the powerful in Beijing. In his opinion, old lady Meng's remarks are ironic.

Old lady Meng pondered for a moment, but her eyes were full of helplessness. She looked around and said, "don't get me wrong. What I'm talking about is not with you, but with your eldest son."

"My parents and daughters have reached the age suitable for marriage. I wonder if you would like to?"

Although there are not many such things as ghost marriage, there are still so few people in today's era.

But generally, the husband of a child's daughter-in-law died suddenly, and he was not allowed to marry a dead man.

As a once powerful person in Beijing, the Meng family would do such a thing. It's almost inconceivable.

"Are you really willing to let Meng's parents and daughters marry us? You can't make such a joke. "

Mrs. Meng didn't reply to her at the first time. Instead, she found a chair and said, "I'm not feeling well recently. I hope Mr. Zhang doesn't mind. But I've been thinking about this for a long time. It's the decision of the Xiao family."

"Whether it can be done or not depends on what Mr. Zhang means."

Mr. Zhang locked his eyebrows tightly and didn't know what to do for a moment.

"What can we do if we marry Shiqing? He is dead and can't mention the continuation of our Xiao family's incense. Please go back, old lady Meng."

Old lady Meng was not surprised to hear that he refused. She had thought of the result before she came.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Zhang. If you agree, you can find someone in the family of Zhang Jia to have children with Meng's parents and daughters. This will not damage the blood of Zhang Jia, who is also the offspring of Zhang Jia in name. What do you think?"

"If you promise, the dowry of the Meng family will not be less. Although the Meng family is declining now, you should also know that you have heard about the wealth of our Meng family over the years?"

Mr. Zhang frowned deeper and couldn't help falling into meditation.

The conditions given by the Meng family are really powerful. They can not only get a large sum of money, but also be the descendants of the Zhang family.

On that day, old lady Meng left Zhang's house, and a piece of news spread all over the capital.

In the end, Mr. Zhang agrees to Mrs. Meng's request, and lets her daughter marry Zhang Shiqing, who has already died.

He also claimed that before Zhang Shiqing died, they had already been in secret contact with each other, waiting for the announcement.

But during this period, I didn't expect that Zhang Shiqing would die in the hands of Meng heting. Now they are so affectionate that she is willing to marry a dead man.

Others may think it's a wonderful love story, but Jin Xiaoxiao doesn't think so at all.

She didn't know what kind of means the Meng family used to threaten Mr. Zhang, or whether they had Mr. Zhang's handle in their hands, it would never be that both sides were willing to reach such a consensus.