The long princess is sitting in the bath bucket without any trace. Every time she comes, she will bring the petals to her sister-in-law for bathing.

She took a bamboo ladle in her hand and poured it on her white skin, as if her whole soul had been baptized.

As the elder sister of the emperor, the eldest princess is used to the prosperity, but she is not comfortable in it. When she comes to this secluded and serious nunnery, she will really relax.

All of a sudden, she felt a cold stroke under her body. Suddenly, she was slightly stunned. Subconsciously, she reached out to touch it, but she didn't touch anything.

At this time, a whole body scales black and shiny, which mixed with a silver snake floating on the surface of the water.


No matter how highly cultivated the princess was, she would scream at this situation.

Flustered, she felt more and more that her legs didn't listen to her. She struggled to throw down the bamboo ladle in her hand and desperately wanted to escape from the bath bucket.

Finally jumped out, leg position but came a burst of pain, snake bite up.

As she retreated, the princess cried out for help: "come on, come on..."

The first thing she felt was abbess Jingru. She saw that the snake was biting the long princess's leg. Ignoring the others, she picked up the bamboo ladle next to her and smashed it on the snake's head.

The snake ate the pain and quickly went into the corner and disappeared.

"How is your royal highness, sir?" Abbess Jingru is worried, grabs the nunnery robe around her and puts it on her.

The eldest princess was pale. She grabbed her leg and looked at the bleeding wound. She was a little shaken and said, "my leg has lost consciousness. What's the matter? How can there be snakes in the bathhouse? "

Before nun Jingru could answer, many aunts who heard the exclamation of the princess came one after another.

Bai and Li Yining were in the last place.

Li Yining's mouth was smiling. When she saw the long Princess lying on the ground in an nunnery robe, she was instantly petrified.

What's going on, aunt? What about Jin Xiaoxiao?

Nianci looks frightened. The scene she is most worried about has happened. She has already reminded Li Yining, but she just doesn't listen.

But Jin Xiaoming went in, why would suddenly walk away, but I don't know.

When Jin Xiaoxiao came with an robe in his arms, he couldn't help but stand on the spot.

What did I miss? How did you get a nunnery robe like this?

"The only sister-in-law who knows medical skills has gone down the mountain and will come back tomorrow. What should I do?" Abbess Jingru is very flustered. If Princess Chang dies here, all the people in Jiuhua nunnery will be buried with her.

No, not only Jiuhua nunnery, but also Bai's and Li Yining's, even though they are the five princes.

Other aunts are quite puzzled: "this bathhouse has been sprinkled with realgar around, how can there be snakes and insects drilling in?"

At the moment, the princess was very pale, her lips were blue purple, and her body was shaking.

Jin xiaodai's eyebrows frowned. She knew that the princess was bitten by a snake. She thought she just fell down.

She put aside her robe and pushed the crowd to the princess, squatting down to her voice and asking, "Princess long, do you remember what the shape of your snake's skull is?"

The long Princess trembled her lips and said: "at that time, how could our palace remember the shape of the snake?"

"I remember it was a silver ring."

Jin Xiaoxiao's eyebrows are deeper when she hears the words. The poison of this snake is very strong. Obviously, it's too late to send Princess Chang down the mountain for medical treatment. She can only stand up.

She slowly took off the hairpin from her head and looked up at the princess. "Do you believe me, Princess Royal?"

The long princess looked around, looking at the helpless and anxious eyes of all the people, in sharp contrast to Jin Xiaoxiao's calmness.

Knowing this moment, she really observed Jin Xiaoxiao carefully. Instead of giving an answer directly, she asked, "do you think there are any other choices in this palace?"

Jin Xiaoxiao nodded: "please also long Princess point, bear it, it may be very painful."

Then she stabbed the hairpin in her hand to the place where the snake had bitten.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

When the hairpin was about to be stabbed, the maid of the princess stopped her.

"If you don't want the eldest princess to die of poisoning, you'd better step back and shut your mouth."

Ink painting slightly a Zheng, immediately dare not speak.

Jin Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and stabbed the hairpin into the long princess's wound.

Blood, although very painful, the long princess still clenched her teeth and said nothing.

"Abbess, can you prepare some warm water for me? I'll use it later. " Jin Xiaoxiao looks at the Abbess and asks softly.

"Well, you wait. I'll get ready."

After the Abbess left, Jin Xiaoxiao carefully put the hairpin aside and carried the long princess's leg. In the eyes of others, it was a kiss.

She sucked hard until she felt the smell in her mouth was so sweet that she stopped and vomited a mouthful of black blood.

So repeatedly down, the long princess's face finally better, she looked at in front of her for their own lives at the sacrifice of the small gold, a pair of Phoenix eyes full of appreciation.

At first, Princess Chang thought that Jin Xiaoxiao was just a wild girl who didn't know the rules, but she didn't expect that she could deal with everything so clearly in such a critical situation.

The Abbess also returned with warm water at this time.

It was not until the absorbed blood turned bright red instead of black that Xiaoxiao stopped.

She took the warm water from the nun's hand and poured it into her mouth to gargle.

"Abbess, please take some clean cloth for me and suck out the snake venom from the princess. I have to deal with the wound."

The nun looked at her sister-in-law and said in a soft voice: "read the article, you go to prepare the cloth, dare to ask the benefactor what else you need?"

Jin Xiaoxiao closed his eyes, picked up the hairpin on the ground and rinsed it with warm water: "now it's absolutely impossible to go down the mountain to find a doctor. We can only find a way to get some herbs nearby."

"Abbess, do you know what herbs there are in the back mountain? Is there Houttuynia cordata? "

Abbess Jingru pondered for a moment: "I don't know. Benefactor also knows that the only aunt who knows medical skills has gone down the mountain. Even if we see it with our own eyes, we may not know what Houttuynia is."

At this time, the princess stood up with the help of ink painting, but her face was still pale, and her lips were still blue and purple.

"You saved the life of our palace, but we don't even remember your name. It's a shame. But no one knows the Houttuynia now. I'd like to ask this girl to go in person."

Hearing the words, Jin Xiaoxiao hooked his lips: "little girl, Jin Xiaoxiao, the eldest princess doesn't have to worry about it. If it wasn't you who were bitten by the snake today, I would also help you."

At this point, Jin Xiaoxiao suddenly blushed: "I hope someone can take the torch with me and go to the back mountain to have a look, because I dare not."