It seems that the whole Cangzhou Prefecture was filled with sorrow that night. When the four returned to Zhao's house in a carriage, the fire in the south of the city filled the sky, reflecting the whole night into the day.

Jin Xiaoxiao was the first one to get out of the carriage. She widened her eyes and stared at the orange red night sky. When Xiao Nanxian, Xue Mingqing and Zhao Heng got out of the carriage, she still looked at them for a moment.

Xiao Nanxian and Xue Mingqing followed Jin Xiaoxiao's eyes and frowned.

Zhao Heng looked surprised and pointed to the night sky in the south of the city. His lips trembled slightly: "that... That... That's the direction of the Peony Pavilion."

Zhao's coachman had just unloaded the carriage, but Xiao Nanxian and Xue Mingqing grabbed a horse. They turned over and got on the carriage and went straight to the south of the city.

Jin Xiaoxiao also wants to go with him, but suddenly he hears Xiao Nanxian shouting: "brother Zhao, please take care of Xiao Xiaoxiao."

Zhao Heng should be a "yes", stopped Jin Xiaoxiao.

The fire in the Peony Pavilion seems to have taken away everything. Jin xiaodai frowns slightly and stares nervously at the disappearing direction of Xiao Nanxian and Xue Mingqing. After a long time, she sighs a long time.

In the guest room of the Zhao family, Jin Xiaoxiao changes his dusty clothes and sits in the guest room, waiting for the return of Xiao Nanxian and Xue Mingqing.

But after an hour, they still didn't return, but Zhao Heng found them.

Jin Xiaoxiao poured a cup of tea for him: "brother Zhao, why are you here at this time?"

Zhao Heng sat down, picked up the tea cup and took a sip of it. With a sound of "Bata", he put down the tea cup and looked up at Jin Xiaoxiao: "it seems that we have come back in vain this time."

Jin Xiaoxiao poured and drank a cup of tea from himself, and there was a trace of helplessness on his lips: "maybe."

It's true that they came to Cangzhou this time for the sake of the little master of Peony Pavilion, but he

Jin Xiaoxiao has to doubt that someone doesn't want her to continue to pursue. Isn't the death of Zhang Yichu as simple as what she saw on the surface?

However, he is just a cook, and his identity is simple and tight. What's the reason why he can't live in the world?!

At first, Jin Xiaoxiao suspected that someone had stolen the recipe from Zhang Yichu, but now she can still be sure that Zhang Yichu's death is not as simple as what she saw on the surface.

Now that he is in Cangzhou Prefecture, Jin Xiaoxiao has promised to take care of Mrs. Zhao's body, that is, he will settle down as soon as he comes.

After a while, Xiao Nanxian and Xue Mingqing came back.

Jin Xiaoxiao quickly gets up and greets Xiao Nanxian: "what's the matter?"

Xiao Nanxian frowned and shook his head slightly towards her. In a low voice, he said, "this fire has burned the Peony Pavilion clean."

"Burn it clean?" By the way, Jin Xiaoxiao's face turned pale like paper, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help smoking: "what does that mean?"

Xue Mingqing explained: "in addition to us, including many people who went to Zhangjia to mourn, they were all buried in the fire."

This sentence suddenly penetrated into Jin Xiaoxiao's heart, and her body suddenly trembled.

Zhangjia has a large population. If there is a fire suddenly, many people will escape. Why can't they survive?!

Her heart beat so fast that it seemed to come out of her throat.

She slowly bent down and sat on the stool. She slowly picked up the cup of tea and took a sip of it. Then she slowly breathed out the turbid air in her chest.

Jin Xiaoben is a very smart person. She can still see the key to this idea.

Where is this accidental fire? This is killing people!


Peony Pavilion is just a restaurant in Cangzhou Prefecture. What is it, it will be destroyed.

Jin Xiaoxiao can't figure out the key, but Xiao Nanxian is more and more inventive. Perhaps, from the beginning, his pursuit direction is right. If it wasn't for King Jingkang, so many people would not have died in the Peony Pavilion.

The night is getting dark. In her sleep, Jin Xiaoxiao has a big fire in her mind. She wants to get up and pour some water, but she finds that her side is empty. Without Xiao Nanxian, she slowly gets up with a slight frown.

She went to the door and suddenly saw the man standing outside.

Jin Xiaoxiao stepped forward and put his hand on Xiao Nanxian's shoulder: "why don't you go to bed so late?"

Xiao Nanxian looked at her with tenderness in his eyes. He took Jin Xiaoxiao's hand and said with a smile: "just thinking about what I should do next."

"But is it about the Peony Pavilion?" The gold small congmou, slightly pondered for a while, just open mouth to ask again.

Xiao Nan Xian nodded and sighed: "you are pregnant. You have been working so hard these days. You'd better have a rest earlier."

"I can't sleep either." Jin Xiaoxiao's eyes are as tender as water. She clenched Xiao Nanxian's hand and put her head on his powerful arm: "I'm afraid when I think of so many people dead."

"During this time, you will stay in Zhao's house. If you have nothing else to do, don't leave. I will let Mingqing stay to protect you."

"Why do you say that?"

Suddenly heard Xiao Nanxian say so, Jin Xiaoxiao suddenly frowned, full of puzzled to look at him.

Xiao Nanxian said, "it's nothing. I'm just worried that you're always rushing like this. I'm afraid you'll hurt my son."

Jin Xiaoxiao smell speech, white Xiao Nanxian one eye, hand in his waist pinch a.

Xiao Nanxian pretended to be in pain: "ouch, madam, it's wrong for her husband. If you don't remember the villain's life, you can bypass her husband."

Looking at him, Jin Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing and gently pushed Xiao Nanxian.

Xiao Nanxian stopped her shoulder and held her tightly in his arms. He looked up at the pale moon in the night sky and felt the warmth and faint fragrance of the woman in his arms.

So they sat in the moonlight for a long time, until Kim's little eyelids kept fighting, and gradually felt sleepy.

Xiao Nanxian picked her up and went to the guest room of Zhao's house.

He sat on the edge of the Kang, picked up a wisp of green silk scattered on her cheek, pinned it behind her ear, and gently dropped a kiss on her forehead.

From childhood to adulthood, he has never felt such tenderness and warmth. His father is strict, his mother dotes on his younger brother and ignores him.

All he had to do was work hard and have both culture and martial arts. These four words on his shoulders were like a burden that could never be relieved.

It seems that only by Jin Xiaoxiao's side can he relax.

For a long time, he whispered in Jin Xiaoer's ear: "don't worry, I will always protect you. Don't let anyone hurt you. "